Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5917 Rogue

The voice fell...

With a bang.

The God Punishment disappeared from the spot.

At this moment, he rushed out like a cannonball.

Chu Yan's eyes shrank slightly, and his face became solemn.

Two gods!

If it was before, Chu Yan might not feel anything, but now he has the power of gods, and he knows what a god means.

A god means the blessing of a great way.

Especially what the corpse soul said, the second god of the God Punishment is still a man-created great way!

The way of the gods!

Chu Yan walked out of the universe, and he understood the essence of the great way better than anyone else.

So he can be sure that there is absolutely no way of the gods among the three thousand great ways!

The way of the gods...itself does not conform to the meaning of the existence of the great way.

But Chu Yan checked the great way above the head of the God Punishment and saw some clues.

This so-called way of the gods...is actually the way of the God Court.

The God Ancestor used the God Court as the foundation, gathered the power of countless people, and transformed it into a blessing force to give to the God Punishment.

But it is precisely because of this that this way is terrible.

The blessing of countless people in the Divine Court.


The Divine Punishment punched out.

Chu Yan immediately blocked it with his arms.


The next second, a figure flew up, and this person was Chu Yan.

This flight was a full ten thousand meters away, and as soon as he stopped, his face suddenly changed.

Because the Divine Punishment did not stop after the punch, but chased at a very fast speed, and actually took the lead to reach Chu Yan's landing point and waited.

Chu Yan was about to land, and the Divine Punishment kicked out again.

Chu Yan's eyes shrank, and at the critical moment, he shouted angrily, and formed seals with his hands, and countless golden patterns were born on his skin, and the Five Elements Tyrant Body was opened.


The next second, Chu Yan was kicked into the air again. Fortunately, he was protected by the Five Elements Tyrant Body, so although he was kicked far away, he did not suffer any substantial damage.

Seeing this, the Divine Punishment narrowed his eyes slightly: "Boy, your physical body is so strong?"

Chu Yan stood firm and did not pay attention, but quickly thought about what he should do.

Do you have any more cards?

Chu Yan actually has some.


But he always has a hunch that the divine punishment has not been used to its full strength, but the rules and laws are already his last trump card.

Chu Yan doesn't want to play it now.

Otherwise, this battle will be really passive.

But now, the divine punishment has activated the two gods, and the entire divine court is behind it. If Chu Yan doesn't use the trump card, he will obviously not be able to win.


At this moment, Chu Yan was considering whether to use the rules and skills.

Suddenly, the Heavenly Sword in his hand made a buzzing sound.

Immediately, the Heavenly Sword flew out and spun in front of Chu Yan, making a buzzing sound while spinning, which made Chu Yan confused.

Chu Yan couldn't help but say: "What is this sword doing?"

Xiao Jiu pondered for a while, and suddenly said: "It seems to be saying... just two gods, simple, leave it to it."

Chu Yan was stunned.

At this time, the Heavenly Sword stopped spinning, and the blade suddenly raised up, rushing straight into the sky outside the nine heavens.


The next second, a flash of sword energy swept out.

Everyone was slightly startled when they saw this.

"What is the Heavenly Sword doing?"

"What's the point of slashing towards the sky if the sword energy doesn't cut the enemy?"

However, just when the world was puzzled, as the sword energy sank into the sky, the clouds suddenly became boiling.


In an instant, the originally white mist turned into a golden cloud under the influence of the sword energy.

Immediately, a vortex slowly appeared in the center of the golden cloud, as if a pair of big hands had pushed the mist away, and then a flash of golden light burst out from outside the clouds.

Everyone was shocked when they saw the golden light.

"What is that?"

"What a terrible sword intent!"

When the golden light appeared, the entire Shura Field began to tremble violently.

A powerful sword intent swept out.

At this time, all the sword cultivators in the Shura Field who used swords, all the swords on their waists vibrated, and then they saw swords flying out of their sheaths involuntarily.

"My sword!"

The God of Death and the others were all shocked: "What's going on?"

Then, an even more shocking scene appeared.

The unsheathed sword blades were suspended in the air, and they all made a crawling motion.

At this moment, all the swords surrendered!

It seemed to be welcoming their master.

Yinshan's eyes suddenly shrank: "This is... the sword way! The sword way of the era of gods and demons!"

"The Heavenly Sword...actually brought out the sword way, what does he want to do?"

At this time, the gods and demons were all stunned.

Chu Yan looked up at the golden sword energy that was slashing towards him and his eyelids twitched.


Why do I feel so dangerous?

Chu Yan subconsciously became alert.


But at this moment, the sword way fell vertically, but did not pierce Chu Yan, but stopped at Chu Yan's eyebrows, and then slowly changed into a sword-shaped totem!

Everyone was stunned when they saw this: "Is this... the God of Sword?"

Xiao Jiu was also surprised and said: "Boy, I know, this sword was asking for credit before, it attracted the God of Sword Dao for you."

Chu Yan was also stunned when he saw the God of Sword Dao in front of him, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Scare me, I thought this sword was going to chop me.

At this time, Shen Fa's face also sank, and he said to Tian Shen Jian fiercely: "Evil beast, if I had known this day, I would have melted you together when the God of Sword fell that day!"

The Tian Shen Jian turned the sword tip and looked at Shen Fa again: "Buzz buzz buzz!"

Shen Fa frowned slightly and suddenly looked at Chu Yan: "What is this sword saying?"

Chu Yan waited for a while, and after Xiao Jiu translated for him, he sneered: "This sword will say it again, it already knows all the truth. The God Court violated the original intention of the year, and will be punished sooner or later!"

Shen Fa sneered: "Just a bunch of idiots, they will die if they die."

After that, Shen Fa looked at the sword god again and sarcastically said: "Also, do you think it's useful to get the sword god for Chu Yan? Since ancient times, a person can only accept one god. I can merge two because the god is created by humans and will not exclude other gods!"

"Now, this kid has merged the god of King Yama, and the sword god will not recognize him at all..."

However, before Shen Fa finished speaking, the corner of his mouth twitched.

Because he clearly saw that after the sword god appeared, he circled around Chu Yan, as if he felt something, and became excited, but whooshed into Chu Yan's body.

As soon as the Sword God entered Chu Yan's body, the King of Hell seemed a little unhappy and burst out some death aura, trying to expel the Sword God.

However, the Sword God admitted his weakness and rubbed against the King of Hell, begging for mercy, which confused the King of Hell. Finally, he compromised and moved to the side to make room for the Sword God.

Immediately, the Sword God and Chu Yan merged perfectly.

Shen Fa watched the whole process, his eyelids twitched, and he couldn't help but say: "Boy, you are a bit rogue now, aren't you?"

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