Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5916 Divine Punishment, Two Gods

Chu Yan was startled when he saw this: "What... does this mean?"

Xiao Jiu said: "It seems to let you use it!"

Chu Yan was stunned, then he hesitated and slowly stretched out his hand to grab the Divine Sword.

Throughout the whole process, Tianshen Sword did not resist.


The next second, Chu Yan grabbed the Tianshen Sword, and suddenly, the Tianshen Sword made a terrible resonance.

The space around Chu Yan suddenly exploded, and countless sword energy rushed out crazily, directly forming a terrifying sword field.

Chu Yan couldn't help but exclaimed: "What a sword!"

Chu Yan has always used swords since he started practicing, and he can be considered a half-sword cultivator.

As for why it is said to be only half, it is because he is not as pure as other sword cultivators.

Sword cultivator... A true sword cultivator usually pursues the sword throughout his life.

This is why it is said that the sword is the best among soldiers.

But Chu Yan didn't. Although he had always used a sword, because of his life experience and life, he was not allowed to practice swordsmanship.

He must cultivate ten thousand ways to open the world.

However, this does not affect his worship and practice of swordsmanship.

Therefore, Chu Yan still knows some swords. Looking at the many eras in the void, there are actually only five people who know swords better than Chu Yan.

Therefore, the moment Chu Yan grabbed the Heavenly Sword, he knew it was a real sword.

At this time, he finally understood why, after so many years, only this sword could rival the Heavenly Refining Divine Sword.

Because this sword... is really a good sword!

And this ‘sword’ is in quotation marks.

Chu Yan has used the Heaven Refining Divine Sword for many years, so he is relatively familiar with it!

The reason why the Heavenly Refining Divine Sword is strong is because it is stronger than any other!

The Heavenly Refining Divine Sword itself consists of eight peerless divine swords. Each sword represents a kind of power between heaven and earth!

Life, destruction, three major eras, three major spaces!

It can be said that the Heavenly Refining Divine Sword itself is like a small universe, a collection of ten thousand ways.

Chu Yan had also speculated before that the Heavenly Refining Divine Sword itself might not be a sword, but a needle, the needle used by the Heavenly Refining Lord to sew the universe together!

Just because it looks like a sword, it was called a sword by later generations.

But the God Sword is different!

This sword... doesn't know all the ways, there is only one kind of power in this sword!

That is Kendo itself!

This is a true and pure sword!

It is no exaggeration to say that if we only talk about swordsmanship, this is definitely the strongest sword Chu Yan has ever seen since he started practicing.

Of course, with such a pure sword, Chu Yan actually has another one...or rather not one, but a person!

That's Zhu Yu!

Zhu Yu is transformed from the sword of the universe.

Zhu Yu's cultivation method is different from ordinary people. Others practice the Dao, master the Dao, and control the Dao.

Zhu Yu transformed himself into Tao.

Let's put it this way, Zhu Yu is still in the universe, so there are still people in the universe who can practice swords, but if one day, Zhu Yu chooses to leave the universe for some reason...

Then there will be no more swordsmanship in the entire universe!

Zhu Yu will take away everything related to swords in the universe.

This is why Chen Tianzhen has been restricting some people in the universe from practicing, fearing this result.

If one Zhu Yu leaves, he will only take away the swordsmanship, but what if there are thousands of Zhu Yus?

If everyone takes away a piece of the universe, what will be left in the universe in the end?

nothing left.

Only an empty shell will be left.

Zhu Yu's words once transformed into swords and blessed Chu Yan.

At that time, Chu Yan also experienced the extremely pure swordsmanship!

It's the same feeling as holding the Heavenly Sword at this moment.

At this time, Chu Yan looked up at God Punishment and suddenly grinned: "God Punishment, this sword doesn't seem to want to follow you anymore."

God Punishment's face was also gloomy to the extreme.

He never expected this result.

Just forget it if the Zhutian Divine Formation is swallowed up.

Now even the Heavenly Sword has been taken away by Chu Yan.

Suddenly, God Punishment had an illusion that Chu Yan seemed to be born to restrain himself.

All of his trump cards were finally used to make Chu Yan's wedding dress.

But soon, God Punishment calmed down, and he snorted coldly: "It's just a broken sword. Since you don't want to follow me, why not give it up?"

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly after hearing this.

This sentence seems to be the arrogance of divine punishment.

But another piece of news was also revealed.

That is, apart from the God Sword, Divine Punishment must have other trump cards.

Of course, Chu Yan was not surprised. Divine Punishment was never a person. Behind him was the Divine Ancestor and the entire Divine Court.

This kind of person will definitely have no shortage of cards.

Chu Yan never expected to win so easily.

Chu Yan smiled and said: "Let me see what other methods you have."

Divine Punishment had now regained a safe distance from Chu Yan, so he no longer felt nervous as before, but gradually regained his composure.

God Punishment looked at Chu Yan and chuckled: "Chu Yan, I have to say, you really amaze me. Many people have mentioned you to me before, including this time before I entered the Shura field, God Shura repeatedly said Let me not underestimate the enemy...but to be honest, I didn’t take it seriously before today.”

"In my opinion, in today's era, even the path of self-centeredness is broken, and you are just a bigger ant in a declining era!"

"But now, I understand that you are worthy of admiration despite your reputation."

"I finally understand why you can become the new emperor of the universe even though the Lord of Refining Heaven has disappeared for hundreds of millions of years and so many people have coveted his universe, but no one succeeded in the end."

Shenfa kept talking, but his movements did not stop.

On the contrary, his hands quickly formed seals in front of his chest, and with them came his vast and majestic momentum, which continued to rush into the sky.

Chu Yan stared at Shenfa.


In a moment, Shenfa's aura reached a peak, and a road to the sky appeared behind him, and that road roared like a mad dragon.

"Is this... the power of the gods?"

Below, the corpse soul and others were all shocked.

Yin Shan frowned slightly: "What is that?"

The corpse soul took a breath of cold air: "Three thousand avenues... only the divine way! After the founding of the Divine Court, the Divine Ancestor created a single avenue! It is also a road that belongs exclusively to the Divine Court, the divine way!"

Yin Shan's pupils shrank: "A human-created avenue? How is that possible?"

The corpse soul said seriously: "It is possible! It is just rumored that only the Divine Ancestor can control this way, but I didn't expect that the Divine Punishment can also use it."


The next second, the avenue roared in the sky.

Immediately, the world clearly saw that an avenue circled and finally fell into the center of the eyebrows of the Divine Punishment.

The breath of the Divine Punishment burst out again.

"This is... double gods!"

Everyone was shocked: "How is it possible! A person can only have one seal of a god! But the Divine Punishment has two!"

After the Divine Punishment merged with the second god, he looked at Chu Yan and smiled grimly: "Boy, you should get on the road!"

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