Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5873 Human bomb launch

Hearing this, Chu Yan sneered: "You think too much. So far, you have only been sealed for less than a month."

Chu Yan was not as good as Poseidon at first, but after entering the Shura Field, he completed his last breakthrough to the giant realm.

He is now several times more powerful than when he entered the Divine Court.


At this time, Poseidon screamed sharply: "No! This is impossible! Boy, are you deliberately lying to me? How could you improve so fast in one month?"

Chu Yan sighed, shook his head and said, "Humans are just like that. They would rather believe that there are ghosts in the world than admit the excellence of others."

Chu Yan said this from the bottom of his heart.

Because he discovered one thing, most people are like this.

Don't look down upon others.

Even if you see it, you will immediately choose to question it.


Rather than recognizing the excellence of others.

Chu Yan shook his head.

He would not explain anything to such a person.

The next second, Chu Yan said calmly: "It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. You should think about whether you have any last words now."

Poseidon's eyes narrowed and he said in a low voice: "Boy, you... want to kill me?"

Chu Yan smiled: "What you said... is so fresh. We are mortal enemies. I sealed you before because I couldn't beat you. Now that I have become stronger, of course I won't keep you."

The corners of Poseidon's mouth twitched slightly.

Of course he understands this.

The problem is...he was never ready to die.

Even though he was imprisoned here by Chu Yan for a month, he was not too nervous.

Because he has always been sure that Chu Yan will definitely lose to Shenting, and when that time comes, he will be free.

But now...Chu Yan wants to kill himself?


Poseidon said in a low voice: "Chu Yan, you can't touch me. I am one of the twelve main gods of Shenting. If you dare to kill me, Shenting will definitely not spare you."

Chu Yan sighed: "I really don't understand, how did you become the main god? Why would you say such childish words? Why, if I don't touch you, the divine court will spare me?"

Poseidon was speechless, of course he knew it wouldn't happen!

But he really has some fears now.


In this world, no one is afraid of death.

The longer one lives, the more afraid one is of death!

How could he be willing to die in the hands of Chu Yan after he managed to escape from the catastrophe of the era?

Even if you die... at least let your death be glorious.

It's too frustrating to die in this storm pattern.

At this time, Chu Yan did not want to waste time, and slowly raised his palm.


Suddenly, a storm broke out among the divine patterns.

Chu Yan had discovered before that as his strength became stronger, he could start to control the formation of a storm pattern little by little.


In almost a second, the stormy waves originally summoned by the Poseidon all dissipated.


The terrifying storm was like a sharp knife, cutting crazily on the Poseidon's skin.

Tsk tsk tsk!

In an instant, Poseidon let out a miserable cry.

Poseidon is actually very strong, but how can this storm exist?

Chu Yan didn't know, but he had a hunch that no one among the ancient saints could block the blow of this storm.

This divine pattern... is really too powerful.

The black dragon in Tianyuan was the spirit of the ancient saint world, and it ended up being suppressed by this divine pattern for hundreds of millions of years.

Not to mention a Poseidon?

"Ahhhh!!! Chu Yan, you have to die..."

Poseidon was still screaming at the beginning, but in the end, it turned into begging for mercy: "No! No! Chu Yan... No, Emperor Chu, spare my life... Spare me, I don't want to die... I can tell you the secret of Shenting." ”

Chu Yan said lightly: "As long as I am strong enough, there will be no secrets for me in this world."

The corner of Poseidon's mouth twitched slightly, his face full of despair.

By the end, tears even flowed from his old eyes.

He doesn't want to die...


At this time, Poseidon's body suddenly shattered into powder under countless storms.

Poseidon was completely desperate.

But just when Poseidon thought he was going to die.


Suddenly, the huge storm pattern trembled violently, as if it had been attacked by something from the outside world.

Chu Yan's expression immediately changed, he raised his head suddenly, and cursed in a low voice: "Damn it, God's Punishment, you still dare to chase after me?"

The next second, a cold and ruthless voice immediately sounded outside the storm formation: "Chu Yan, release the Poseidon, otherwise I will kill you today and destroy your universe!"

As soon as this sound came out, the originally desperate Poseidon was stunned, and suddenly he said excitedly as if he was grasping a life-saving straw: "Is this... the sound of divine punishment?"

Immediately, Poseidon looked at Chu Yan: "Chu Yan, you are being chased by God's Punishment? Right?"

Chu Yan's face was gloomy and he snorted coldly: "Stop talking nonsense! Do you think God's punishment can save you? Don't even think about it!"


After saying this, Chu Yan immediately struck out with another palm.

He didn't leave any room behind with this palm strike.

Otherwise it will be easy to see through.

However, if it had been just now, Poseidon might have been defeated directly. Anyway, he would have died anyway, and his struggle was useless resistance.

But now he hears the voice of divine punishment and sees the hope of life again. It's like a drowning man suddenly seeing straws. He will really try his best.


At this moment, Poseidon even exerted all his energy to suck milk. Even if it was just a ray of soul, it actually exploded with unparalleled power.


After Chu Yan's palm fell, he retreated several steps and was slightly surprised: "Is this the power of hope? It's really powerful."

Of course, he didn't care, because all this was just a big play he wrote and directed.

Seeing the Sea God resisting, Chu Yan immediately said angrily: "You still dare to struggle, do you think this will work?"

After saying that, he immediately wanted to attack.


At this time, the Storm God Mark trembled violently again, as if it was attacked from the outside world, and then a cold voice sounded: "Sea God, I will break this formation from the outside world and open a passage for you, come out quickly!"

Hearing this, the Sea God became more and more excited: "Okay!"

Boom boom boom!

In an instant, the Storm God Mark trembled continuously and turned upside down.


Finally at this time, after the Storm God Mark was attacked for the last time, a crack appeared on the top, and then a faint beam of light shone in.

The Sea God was immediately excited when he saw the beam of light. He laughed excitedly: "Haha, hahaha! Chu Yan, you can't kill me, you can't kill me!"

Immediately, his facial features became ferocious: "Boy, wait, I can't die. The day I go out will be your death."

Chu Yan was speechless below: "This man really died because of talking too much!"

This is just an act, otherwise based on the Sea God's nonsense...

Chu Yan must kill the Sea God.

Just go, why do you have to pretend to be so thirteen?

Chu Yan shook his head and ignored the Sea God.


The next second, the Sea God stepped on the sole of his foot and rushed towards the white light in the sky with all his might!

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