Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5872 Life is like a play, it all depends on acting

Xiao Jiu discovered that no matter how dangerous the situation was, Chu Yan could always think of various ways to make trouble.

Otherwise, who would think of a human bomb?

Chu Yan shrugged.

He didn't think it was anything.

This was one of his methods, wasn't it?

In addition, Chu Yan realized one more thing.

That was how powerful Qin Ruoming was!

This Shura Field had a protection mechanism. Chu Yan just learned from Yin Shan that the gods and demons had tried to force their way in over the years.

In addition to forcing their way in, some people tried to sneak in, or hide their grades, or use some special methods to try to enter the Shura Field.

But in the end, all of them failed.

No matter what method, it would eventually be recognized by the Shura Field.


Poseidon didn't.

Chu Yan had always sealed Poseidon in the Storm God Mark and carried it with him, but until now, Poseidon had not been discovered.

This means that the level of the Storm God Mark must be higher than that of the Shura Field.

This is a bit exaggerated.

Of course, Chu Yan has always known that Qin Ruoming is very strong. After all, this is his lifelong goal and his obsession for entering the world of cultivation.

So he never doubted that Qin Ruoming was an ancient saint.

But at present, Qin Ruoming may be even higher than the ancient saint.

Chu Yan shook his head and did not consider these for the time being.

Anyway, it has nothing to do with him.

At least he has found a way to deal with the divine punishment.

At this time, Xiao Jiu was silent for a while and suddenly said: "Boy, your idea is good. Using the sea god as a human bomb may really kill the divine punishment... But you seem to have overlooked one thing."

Chu Yan said: "What?"

Xiao Jiu said: "You want to use the sea god as a human bomb. The idea is good, but the premise is... You have to make sure that the sea god will run to the divine punishment... Otherwise, once the sea god comes out and flees randomly, the self-protection mechanism of the Shura field will not recognize the divine punishment."

Chu Yan thought for a while and nodded slightly: "Indeed, this is a problem! What if the sea god comes out and does not go to find the divine punishment?"

If this is the case, the self-mechanism of the Shura field will not attack the divine punishment.

Of course, Chu Yan was not worried that the mechanism of the Shura Field would attack him.

After all, the Sea God was not a fool. He had finally escaped from his hands. How could he return to fall into the trap?


"In this case, what I have to think about now is how to get the Sea God to come out and seek divine punishment."

Chu Yan touched his chin, his eyes lit up: "Looking at this, it's time to test my acting skills again!"

How to get the Sea God to come out and seek divine punishment?

Of course, it takes a big show.

Chu Yan sighed: "Sure enough, life is like a play, it all depends on acting!"

The next second, he looked up at the divine punishment.

The divine punishment has the blessing of the gods and is getting stronger and stronger.

But Chu Yan did not take the initiative to provoke.

Suddenly, he turned to look at Yinshan and the others: "Use the method I just taught you to delay the time for one stick of incense for me."

Yinshan and the others were slightly startled: "One stick of incense?"

Chu Yan nodded: "Yes, one stick of incense, I will handle the rest, if you can't do it... then you can only pray for good luck."

Yinshan and the others clenched their fists.

One stick of incense...

If the Divine Punishment did not use gods, they would still have this confidence.

But now, the Divine Punishment has used gods.

Chu Yan sneered: "I don't care whether you are explosive or use any means, one stick of incense must be done. You have many sons of gods and sons of demons here. I don't believe that you don't have any means at home when you go out!"

After speaking, Chu Yan continued: "Everyone is mutual. If you are playing a fake game, then sorry! You can play with him by yourselves. I, Chu Yan, have no other skills, but if I want to run, the Divine Punishment really can't kill me."

As soon as these words came out, the gods and demons were immediately moved.

Because they knew what Chu Yan said was right.

Chu Yan might not be able to beat the God Punishment now, but if he had to run, it would be difficult for the God Punishment to keep Chu Yan.

However, once Chu Yan left, they would be different.

At that time, the God Punishment would definitely be a crushing force for them.

"Can you do it?"

Chu Yan said again.

The God and Demon hesitated, and finally nodded: "We will try our best."

Chu Yan smiled contemptuously. One by one, they were all playing fake games here. They were reluctant to use some treasures. Do they really think I am so easy to fool?

After explaining everything, Chu Yan no longer paid attention to the outside world. He spread his palms and a storm divine pattern jade plate appeared.

At this time, the sound of the rolling waves inside could be felt through the jade plate.


The next second, Chu Yan flashed and instantly entered the storm.


At this time, the storm divine pattern completely changed.

This is no longer a simple storm, but a roaring wave, a crashing wave!

The Sea God manipulated the trident in his hand, summoned countless waves, and frantically attacked the storm divine pattern.

However, this was the divine pattern cast by Qin Ruoming, and no matter how the Sea God attacked, it was useless.

This made the Sea God more and more angry.


Suddenly, a figure appeared and sneered: "Sea God, stop struggling, it's useless!"

The Sea God looked down at Chu Yan, and suddenly showed a ferocious look: "Boy, it's you!"

Immediately, he raised the Sea God trident in anger: "I will kill you!"


Instantly, endless waves hit, and those waves turned into terrifying dragons, opening their bloody mouths one by one, ready to swallow Chu Yan.

However, Chu Yan stood still in front of countless waves, with his hands behind his back, and did not even dodge.

He came in this time to play the role of the Sea God, so he naturally had to act more realistically.

Bang bang bang!

The next second, all the waves hit, and almost instantly swallowed Chu Yan.

The Sea God was happy at first.

It worked?

So simple?

But then, when the waves dispersed, the Sea God's eyes shrank sharply.

Because he clearly saw that Chu Yan stood still.

His sea dragon fell, but it didn't even break Chu Yan's defense.

"How is this possible?"

The Sea God opened his mouth wide, full of disbelief.

If the two people met for the first time, the Sea God might not be so shocked.

But the problem is... the two people just met not long ago.

In the God's Court!

At that time, although Chu Yan was not weak and had reached the level of level 10, he was barely at the second level of level 10, and was no match for him at all.

Otherwise, Chu Yan would not have used the Storm Divine Mark to trap him, but would have killed him directly.

Suddenly, the Sea God had a trace of self-doubt. He stared at Chu Yan for a while: "How long have I been trapped here? Ten thousand years? Or a hundred thousand years? Impossible! I didn't feel that much time had passed... Boy, the speed of time in your Divine Mark is different from that in the outside world?"

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