Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5848: One Person Suppresses

In the Temple of Micah, the atmosphere suddenly became solemn.

As Chu Yan went back in time, everyone believed that the True God Punishment was Chu Yan's impersonation. Their eyes were as cold as ice, and they surrounded the True God Punishment.

The True God Punishment fell into the center, staring at Chu Yan, speechless for a while.

The identities of the two people have been completely changed so far.

At this time, Chu Yan suddenly sent a voice transmission and sneered: "You actually still have a chance now. You can continue to talk about some gossip about the sons of God. In this way, they may choose to believe you."

The True God Punishment narrowed his eyes.

But the next second, Chu Yan said again: "But I don't recommend you to do this. After all, if you do this, even if your identity is proved, your intention to kill Micah will be exposed."

"On the contrary, if you don't say anything, you can continue to pretend to be me and let the God Punishment be a benevolent son of the God Ancestor. At least the character setting will not collapse."

The corner of the True God Punishment's mouth twitched slightly.


Now he still has a chance to expose Chu Yan, but once he does so, some of his things will also be exposed.

Because he just attacked Micah.

And the reason why he didn't touch Chu Yan was to use Chu Yan's identity to do something.

Now it's all over!

The real God Fa stared at Chu Yan: "Do you think you can survive if you replace me? In this world, the truth will come out."

Chu Yan shrugged and smiled: "Whatever, I'm afraid of nothing. Anyway, if I'm really exposed, I'm still Chu Yan, but your God Fa's personality will collapse."

After that, Chu Yan continued: "On the contrary, if I were you now, I would take the initiative to admit that I am Chu Yan for my own personality, and help me to confirm the identity of God Fa."

God Fa almost cursed.

Help Chu Yan disguise?

But he knew that Chu Yan was right.

Now the one who is most worried about Chu Yan's identity being exposed is not Chu Yan himself, but God Fa.

Shenfa took a deep breath and said in a low voice: "Chu Yan, even if you replace me, as long as you are in the Shura Field, I will definitely have a chance to kill you."

"That's a matter for the future, why bother so much." Chu Yan chuckled.

At this time, Wangshen and others spoke up and said in a low voice: "Chu Yan, do you have anything else to say now?"

Shenfa took a deep breath and suddenly laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Lieyang frowned.

Shenfa smiled and said, "Have you been discovered? It doesn't matter. I am Chu Yan. What can you do to me?"

The eyes of Wangshen and others turned cold: "It's you!"

"Did you kill Ba Tuo and Yun Xi?"

Shenfa nodded slightly: "Yes, it was me, Chu Yan, who killed them. Do you have any opinions?"

Chu Yan's mouth twitched slightly, and he couldn't help but cursed: "You are sick, you are just you, and you add a Chu Yan to every sentence? Are you a narcissist?"

Shenfa smiled: "Why do I do this, don't you know?"

Chu Yan: "..."

He sighed and simply didn't bother to pay attention to Shenfa.

Lieyang snorted coldly: "It doesn't matter. Since you admit it, today is your death date. Don't think about leaving Shenshan. This will become your burial place."

Shenfa nodded slightly and said sarcastically: "Just you? Are you worthy?"

At this moment, Shenfa directly revealed a super strong breath, that strong sense of oppression, as if the real king had come.

Chu Yan watched silently, and was also a little speechless.

Don't mention it, this guy is pretty handsome.

Okay, it's for me anyway.

The dead god and others looked at each other and said coldly: "Everyone, don't waste time talking to him, just take him down, and our mission will be accomplished!"

"Take Chu Yan down, once we get the mystery of the universe, we will all have done a great deed, and we can even find a way to break through the ancient saints."

Lieyang, Shihun and others nodded slightly: "Then do it."

"God Punishment, give the order." Micah looked at Chu Yan at this time.

Chu Yan nodded slightly, raised his arm and waved: "Go, kill him for me!"


In an instant, several sons of God did not say a word and attacked at the same time.

At this time, no one would talk to you about a duel, and that Chunchun was a fool.

Suddenly, a terrible air pressure descended, and the God Punishment stood in the center, and his body couldn't help sinking.

It is worth mentioning that the God Punishment is really strong. At this moment, he was besieged by several people, and he did not occupy a disadvantage in a short time.

Chu Yan also participated in it, because he is now playing the role of the God Punishment.

Of course, he did not use his full strength, because he did not want to kill the God Punishment. He could pretend to be the God Punishment now, but once the real God Punishment died, he would be exposed.

So he was always dawdling.

Relying on his physical body, he would attack once in a while.

In addition, he was also observing the combat power of the God Punishment.

Bang, bang, bang!

The God Punishment fought against many enemies alone, and he was able to do it with ease. In addition, Chu Yan also saw a very shocking scene.

At this time, the God of Death flew out, and a sharp sickle appeared in his hand, wiping at the throat of the God of Death.

Although this sickle was not the real sickle of the God of Death, it was also very sharp, surrounded by a thick ghost aura.

But just when the sickle was about to touch the God of Death, the palm of the God of Death suddenly raised, and then a force of death surged out.


The next second, the God of Death exploded and retreated a thousand meters.

Chu Yan was slightly surprised: "The power of the god of death?"

In fact, he also has the power of the god of death, because he stole the power of the god of death, and combined with the special ability of the universe, he can do it, but the punishment of the gods should not be able to do it.

Chu Yan learned a little about the Divine Court. The energy of the entire God and Demon Era is very special.

Their cultivation method is somewhat different from the current era.

They cultivate a special divine power.

Of course, it is actually the original power, but it is a kind of divine power formed by different cultivation methods and components.

Each divine power is unique, which is why there are various gods.

Divine Punishment... At this moment, he actually used the power of the God of Death?

The God of Death was repelled by a palm, and he was more certain: "The power of the God of Death... You can still imitate my power, you are indeed Chu Yan."

Chu Yan fell into silence.

After the God of Death repelled the God of Death, he turned around and glanced at Chu Yan, revealing a strange smile.

Immediately, he stopped talking and continued to attack.

Swish-at this time, Lieyang drew out a flaming long sword and chopped it towards the God of Punishment.

But almost in an instant, the palm of the God of Punishment burned with flames, and he grabbed it with his bare hands.

He actually directly grabbed the flaming long sword.

Lieyang was shocked, but when he tried to draw his sword, he found that he couldn't do it.

Shenfa's hands were like pliers.


The next second, Shenfa snapped his fingers.


Lieyang immediately retreated, spurting out a mouthful of blood, his eyes full of disbelief.


At this time, the corpse soul and the city king circled behind and attacked Shenfa again.

But Shenfa seemed to have eyes behind him and easily dodged.

Then he slapped out with a palm.


The two were repelled again.

At this time, except Chu Yan, everyone was suppressed by a Shenfa.

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