Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5847 Identity Replacement

The true punishment was that I almost cursed my mother!

Fake Nima!

Fortunately, when the God of Death fell, Corpse Soul and others did not act impulsively like the God of Death.

Because the God of Death walked birds when he was a child... now everyone knows about it.

But then, they were in trouble again.

what to do.

True God Punishment's face was also gloomy.

He didn't expect Chu Yan to be so shameless.

He had obviously found a way to prove himself, but this guy came up with another big shift.

I had a fight with myself, and now my identity is confusing again.

At this time, Chu Yan suddenly snorted coldly: "Forget it, since you don't believe it, then let's start looking back in time and space!"

As soon as this statement came out, countless people's eyes lit up.

Yes, you can go back in time.

Chu Yan lowered his head to look at True God Punishment and sneered: "Chu Yan, what do you think? Do you dare?"

The true god twitched the corner of his mouth, "Master Chu!"

But he soon smiled: "Going back in time? Okay, let's go back in time."

Of course, he actually had some worries.

Looking back in time and space, once Micah was attacked, he would be in a disadvantageous state.

But God Punishment still agreed.

It’s simple, it’s hard to go back in time!

The power of time and space has always been the most mysterious and difficult power in the world of cultivation. Even a strong man of his level can hardly trace it back.

Especially since both sides are very powerful, this kind of forcible interference with time and space is easy to suffer backlash.

Therefore, if you don’t believe it in True God Punishment, Chu Yan has the ability to go back in time and space to when Micah was attacked.

At most, it was when I told those gossips just now.

And once we get there, everything will be revealed.

Divine Punishment thinks so.

The corners of Chu Yan's mouth raised, and he suddenly said: "Release the essence and blood."

Tsk - Divine Punishment said nothing, and a drop of blood flew out.

Chu Yan also flicked his finger, and a drop of essence and blood broke through the air.

Immediately, Chu Yan put his hands together and began to control the power of time and space himself.

Of course he knew what God Punishment was thinking.

However, Divine Punishment ignored one thing!

That is... others may not be able to go back in time and space to before Mika was attacked, but he, Chu Yan, can!

Don't forget, Chu Yan has a universe!

And what is the foundation of the universe?

Time and space!

The sky is round and the place is Yu.

The past and present are the universe.

Space is the universe.

Time is the universe!

The core of the universe has always been time and space!

Chu Yan's eyes lit up and he suddenly heard a message: "God's Punishment, you...were fooled."

God Punishment was startled for a moment, and then he was about to regret it, but it was already too late.


Suddenly, the surrounding space and time began to distort rapidly, even began to collapse, and then reorganized again and again.

This time actually went back to when Micah was alone in the hall.

The God of Death and others had been following around, and their expressions changed drastically when they saw this scene.

"What a powerful force of time and space!"

"God's Punishment actually has such means?"

At this moment, everyone actually had some doubts.

Because this time and space method is too terrible.

But when they thought that even the clones of God's Punishment were so strong just now, they didn't say anything more.

Everything will wait a moment.

Anyway, looking back in time and space, we only need to wait until the moment Micah is attacked, and the truth will naturally be revealed.

True God's Punishment's expression changed, and he said in a low voice: "Boy...you have such a thorough understanding of the power of time and space? Have you actually gone back so long?"

Chu Yan sneered: "Idiot, you know nothing about me."

Divine Punishment's face became darker and darker because he knew something might happen if he continued.


The next second, God Punishment put his palm behind his back and tried to exert force.

I want to crush this space.

However, as soon as he moved, Chu Yan suddenly sneered: "Chu Yan, what do you want to do? There are so many of us, and if you dare to do something, we will beat you directly."

In an instant, the God of Death and others all looked at God Punishment.

The corner of Shenpu's mouth twitched slightly, feeling a little weak for a moment.

"Put your hands in front of you." Corpse Soul said in a low voice.

God Punishment's eyes froze. How dare a mere son of God dare to talk to him like this?

But he knew that now was not the time to be impulsive, otherwise there would be no need to explain, these people would immediately take action against him.

In the end, God Punishment could only sigh and obey.

He knew that if he continued, his identity would be exposed. At that time, his true God's Punishment might become a fake God's Punishment.

But suddenly, he seemed to think of something and relaxed slightly.

What about exposure?

Wasn't Chu Yan exposed just now?

As long as he is exposed and fights Chu Yan again, this group of people will be confused again and they will not be able to tell the truth from the lies.

Thinking of this, I no longer have to worry about the punishment of the true god.

Just wait in silence.


At this time, the time came when Micah was sneak attacked.


With one strike of his palm, Micah vomited blood and flew out. At this moment, the drop of blood essence from True God's Punishment flickered slightly.

The faces of the God of Death and others changed greatly: "Damn it, Chu Yan, are you really Chu Yan?"

God Punishment's face was gloomy.

at this time.


Divine Punishment immediately moved and tried to rush to Chu Yan, preparing to fight him for a hundred rounds again to confuse everyone again.

However, Chu Yan seemed to have been prepared. Before the True God Punishment came back, a long red rope suddenly appeared in his hand, and then he quickly tied it to his hand.

He said to the God of Death and others: "Now the real and fake are separated. From now on, seeing the rope is like seeing the person. The person with this rope is me, and the one without this rope is fake."

The God of Death and others were stunned and nodded immediately: "Yes!"


The next second, the attack of the True God Punishment arrived. Chu Yan didn't even fight back. He just crossed his arms in front of his chest and was knocked out with a bang.

But after he stopped, he raised his hand and shook it at the God Punishment, and the red rope fluttered in the wind.

Chu Yan grinned: "Chu Yan, do you think I will be fooled twice? This time, even if you fight me for a hundred or a thousand moves, don't think you can get away with it."

God Punishment: "..."


Twice is bullshit!

You used it last time!

But now, it's too late for the True God Punishment to say anything.


Because at this time, the God of Death, Lieyang, and the Corpse Soul all looked at him.

Their eyes were as cold as ice.

"Chu Yan, what else do you have to say!"

"Chu Yan, even if you have great means this time, don't think about escaping from the Divine Mountain!"

"Chu Yan, quickly pay for Yunxi's death!"

"Everyone, come with me!"


In an instant, the God of Death and others all exploded, and waves of terrifying air came together.

Shen Fa was surrounded in the middle, and his face suddenly sank.

He never thought... that this scene would appear in the end, he was the Divine Punishment... and was attacked by the people of the Divine Court.

Chu Yan looked at Shen Fa with a smug look on his face, grinning: "Thank you very much, I will keep the identity of Shen Fa for you for the time being."

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