Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 582 Battle with Ji Longyu

"You didn't die in such a dead end. You are really lucky." Ji Longyu said coldly. In the galaxy, he returned from Tianbei Mountain and looked at Chu Yan on the high throne. At that time, Chu Yan was only in the Venerable Realm, and he was a disciple of Tianbei Mountain. He was full of disdain in his eyes. He never even thought that one day Chu Yan would become his opponent because he was not worthy.

But when he saw Chu Yan in the Tianjun Ruins, he became the master of the Tiandi Sect, dominated the Emperor Road, killed enemies across three realms, and had the support of Shenzhu Mountain. He finally realized the danger.

So he exposed Chu Yan and forced Chu Yan into the blood light barrier, but even so, he still didn't die.

"Brother, this boy is so arrogant that he killed my Tianbei Mountain disciples. I will kill him personally today. I hope you don't stop me." A sword cultivator from Tianbei Mountain just now said.

Ji Longyu glanced at the sword cultivator: "You want to kill him?"

"Yes!" the sword cultivator said firmly, Ji Longyu snorted coldly: "Do you know who he is?"

The sword cultivator frowned and shook his head: "I don't know."

"Let alone a disciple of Tianbei Mountain, under his hands, there are so many princes of three dynasties and descendants of emperors who have died, and so many monarchs have died because of him. Since you want to kill him, fine, I won't stop you, go ahead." Ji Longyu mocked. Although he wanted Chu Yan to die, the words of the sword cultivator in front of him made him even more angry.

Even if he now has the strength to break the emperor and the monarch diagram is perfect, he is not sure that he can definitely beat Chu Yan.

But the sword cultivator in front of him is so ignorant of life and death that he wants to kill Chu Yan.

"This..." Everyone trembled wildly when they heard Ji Longyu's words.

I don't know how many princes of three dynasties and descendants of emperors have been killed.

What kind of existence is this person?

Shangcangxian'er was not shocked, but full of worry. If Ji Longyu appeared at this time, Chu Yan's identity would be exposed. At that time, I'm afraid that several major clans would not let it go.

But the next moment, a trace of determination flashed in her autumn eyes, just like when she went to the underworld for Chu Yan.

Several disciples of Tianbei Mountain woke up from the shock, and then a name that had been sealed for more than a year rose in their minds.

"Could it be that he is..." They didn't even say the next two words, because there was no need to say it. In Xinghai, there was only one person who could have such a record.

"Yes, he is Chu Yan." Ji Longyu nodded calmly.

"Boom!" The people of the Holy City were stunned at this time. There were still people in the Yun family who had not been exterminated. They were still expecting Chu Yan to be killed and his Yun family to survive.

However, hearing Ji Longyu's words at this moment, they all showed despair, full of regret and hatred for Qingyang.

At this moment, they looked up at Chu Yan and discovered the arrogant arrogance behind the calm young man. He stood there, calm and indifferent, but gave people an inviolable feeling.

Zhou Tingqiu was stunned. When Chu Yan saved Zhou Yu, she had thought that Chu Yan wanted to take the opportunity to marry into their Zhou family, but now it seems that Zhou family, is it worthy?

Chu Yan, the legendary existence, the remains of the Heavenly Monarch, made a sensation, and everyone thought he was dead, but now, he appeared in the City of Saints.

The funny thing is that he was once a guest in her Zhou family, but her Zhou family wanted to hand him over for self-protection.

Her Zhou family was blind.

Some people even wondered, since he was not dead, would there be another so-called son of destiny?

Chu Yan was extremely calm after his identity was exposed. This day would come sooner or later, just sooner or later. He must also avenge some grudges.

"You didn't die in the ruins of the Heavenly Monarch, but broke through to the top Heavenly Emperor. It seems that there is an opportunity." Ji Longyu said coldly. What he cares more about is the inheritance of the Heavenly Monarch. If he can get his inheritance at the upcoming Heaven-stealing Banquet, he will surely shine among the eleven people.

"Tell me, who will win if you and I fight now?" Ji Longyu laughed again.

"Do you want to try?" Chu Yan said confidently. Ji Longyu's combat power is very strong. In the ruins of the Heavenly Monarch, he was not even sure that he could win, but now, he will not.

In the ruins of the Heavenly Monarch, he did not dare to claim that his lord was invincible, just because the world was too big and there were many extraordinary monsters, but now that he has reached the top Heavenly Emperor and comprehended the true meaning of blood, he has this confidence.

Even if he is Ji Longyu, he is still confident.

Ji Longyu pondered for a moment and finally took a step forward. As a Tianjiao, he also has his own pride. He also wants to know who is stronger between him and Chu Yan.

"Boom!" In an instant, Ji Longyu was surrounded by a terrible holy light. If Bei Ming Sha Tian was the emperor of men, Ji Longyu was more like the emperor of heaven. The scepter Juntu behind him was so dazzling that many people could not help but close their eyes and could not look directly at it.

"After I reached the level of breaking the emperor, I made a total of 99 moves and fought against 99 extraordinary Tianjiao under the emperor without losing a single battle. Today, you will be my 100th victory. It can be regarded as a gift to myself before I become the emperor." Ji Longyu said arrogantly. At this moment, he was invincible.

"You will be destroyed." Chu Yan said calmly, and the power in his body also burned up. He switched to his original body. Although he did not have the Juntu, the holy sword on the sky was invincible.

The two people only collided with their thoughts, and a terrible power was generated. The space was distorted, as if to destroy everything. Many emperors present did not dare to approach.

"What a strong two people." Someone whispered.

Ji Longyu took the first step. As strong as he was, holding a scepter, it seemed as if his will was the will of heaven. When the scepter fell, mountains and rivers collapsed, and the vague shadow of a saint seemed to appear.

Chu Yan, like Mount Tai, came out with a sword, his sword intent was stronger, the long sword came out, it was like a dragon roar, the space was broken, and a terrible gully appeared in the center of the Holy City. Countless people turned pale and retreated quickly.

"Is this a strike?" More people were shocked.

Chu Yan's eyes were calm, there was a howling wind behind him, the wings of thunder spread out, soaring into the sky, like a thunderbird, Ji Longyu shouted in a low voice, his hair flying, the Emperor Juntu behind him crushed madly, just a breath, there was a flash of lightning in the air, the stone broke the sky, the two fought nearly a hundred times.

"You are really terrifying." Ji Longyu's fighting spirit was stronger, and then, his breath rose here, at this moment Juntu actually merged with him, turning him into an emperor, he thought, the wind and clouds merged, controlling the world.

Various lights burst out from Chu Yan's body, and in a blink of an eye, it reached an extremely terrifying level. Multiple bloodlines merged, and the sword made a strong cry. The seventh-grade divine weapon seemed to be broken at this moment, and it clanged.

"Two people can be even stronger!" Everyone was stunned when they saw the scene in the sky, as if the Heaven-stealing Feast had started early.

"I'm afraid that the Heaven-stealing Feast is just like this, right?"

"Boom!" At this time, the Emperor's Will and Chu Yan's sword suddenly collided. Suddenly, a terrible golden light rose from the Emperor, as if to strangle everything and drown Chu Yan's sword, and Chu Yan's sword kept slashing out, as if to split the sky. The two forces collided crazily, and each blow carried a great terrifying force.

In a blink of an eye, it seemed that only the sword and the will of heaven were left between heaven and earth.

"Boom!" There was another sound, and the sky suddenly exploded. Everyone stared at it, wanting to see the result.

Ji Longyu, the top prodigy of Tianbei Mountain, one of the eleven people with destiny, never made a move in the Tianjun Ruins. Some people even said that if he had fought that day, there would not be so much trouble, and Chu Yan would have been defeated directly.

Today, they have a chance to see it.

"Boom!" The clouds exploded, and two figures stood on the sky. However, in comparison, Chu Yan's face was pale, and the thunder wings behind him seemed to be broken.

"He won!" The people of Tianbei Mountain were overjoyed when they saw this scene; "Chu Yan is just like this, how can he beat my senior brother."

Shangcang Xian'er frowned, but she didn't step forward, because she knew that this battle belonged to him, and he definitely didn't want others to interfere.

"Did Chu Yan lose in the end? The legend of Tianjun Ruins is still not as good as the eleven people with destiny." Someone thought.

However, Chu Yan looked at Ji Longyu in the void and suddenly laughed. He laughed very playfully, and he didn't say anything.

Win or lose, and outsiders can know?

Ji Longyu looked at him with a stronger killing intent, but he did not attack. Instead, he shouted coldly: "Who is here? Come out!"

At this moment, a piece of space suddenly broke in the void, and a pale old man walked out and stood in the middle of the two.

Seeing the old man, everyone frowned slightly. This man was wearing a cloth, with fluffy hair and a hunched back, which was not flattering, but he stood there, supporting a cane, which made people not underestimate him.

Chu Yan also looked at the old man in surprise. Just now, he and Ji Longyu attacked each other, but they did not attack each other, but were twisted in the center by a space force.

It was just that after Ji Longyu's attack was swallowed, it did not cause much movement, and Chu Yan's sword slashed down, and the space seemed to collapse. The residual power of the backlash almost took his own life, which was also the reason why his face was pale.

"Master!" Shangcangxian'er saw the old man, and a touch of joy flashed across his autumn eyes. The old man nodded calmly and then looked at Ji Longyu: "Are you not ready to retreat?"

Ji Longyu's eyes turned cold, and he looked at the old man coldly: "This boy angered many veins of Tianbei Mountain and killed my disciples of Tianbei Mountain. Do the saints want to protect him?"

The old man's eyes turned cold, and suddenly a terrible majesty enveloped Ji Longyu, forming endless killing, as if he thought, Ji Longyu would be killed.

"If you don't get out, you will die!"

Ji Longyu's eyes turned cold: "I am a disciple of the saint Taiyan, you dare to threaten me?"

"Threat? You are not worthy, even if it is Taiyan, you may not dare to talk to this saint like this." The old man snorted indifferently, and then his might was materialized, and the deterrence on the sky changed. At that moment, everyone's eyes rose with a touch of surprise.

That power is the will of the saint?

Ji Longyu was also stunned. The old man in front of him was actually a saint?

As the top disciple of Tianbei Mountain, he naturally knew what a saint meant. Any saint had the power to shake the world. In Tianbei Mountain, they would all be given the word "Tai". But he couldn't figure out why there were saints among all the saint sects.

"Three breaths, if you don't roll, you will die!"

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