Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 581 I don’t know how many I’ve killed

"What is this guy going to do?"

Seeing Chu Yan's actions, everyone else looked puzzled. In the battle just now, Chu Yan was too strong. Although the Yun family was not everyone, it was also the leader of the holy city, but now he was defeated by him alone. The former prodigy Yun Yufeng didn't even make a move in his hands.

But even so, people around him still couldn't believe that Chu Yan could defeat Qingyang.

Qingyang became famous very early, and his talent was not inferior to that of the saints, saints, and saints of the saints. He also had the status of a disciple of Tianbei Mountain and broke the emperor's realm.

Zhou Tingqiu looked at Chu Yan, with a strange look in her eyes. She had never thought that one day her Zhou family would be destroyed, and she would need someone she gave up to save her.

"Brother Mo once said that the Zhou family will regret it." Zhou Yu murmured quietly to the side, but something seemed to come true.

God Xian'er frowned and said through a message: "Chu Yan, there's no need. It's fine as long as you know me."

Chu Yan shook his head and did not respond. In the past few days, nothing had happened between him and the Heavenly Fairy'er in the Holy Maiden's Palace. He was worthy of heaven and earth, but people's words were terrible. On the day of worship, he was angry and wanted to clarify , but I was afraid that doing so would harm the God of Heaven, so I didn’t.

But what Qingyang told him had touched his bottom line, and there were some things he couldn't bear.

"I advise you not to be impulsive. I told you that what he said is not true. Even if it is, what can you do? A beauty in anger?" Qingyang shook his head with a sneer. Even though Chu Yan performed extraordinary, he still did not let go. After seeing it in his eyes, he said calmly: "Although you are extraordinary, Yunshi is like ants in my eyes. If I wanted to destroy them, they would have been destroyed long ago."

Chu Yan's eyes were calm and he did not speak, but continued to stroll towards Qingyang.

"Haha, Qingyang, it seems you have been underestimated." The Tianbei Mountain disciple who came with Qingyang smiled calmly, and looked at Chu Yan with cold and arrogant eyes.

Qingyang frowned, and immediately stopped looking at Chu Yan, but turned to look at Cang Xian'er: "Xian'er, you'd better advise your boyfriend from the humble galaxy. He doesn't seem to know enough about Xinghai, and he doesn't know the world. What does Monument Mountain mean?”

Goddess Xian'er glanced at Qingyang indifferently and remained silent. She didn't want Chu Yan to take action, but she just didn't want Chu Yan to be exposed. But when it came to combat power, she didn't believe Qingyang could win at all.

In the Tianjun ruins, Chu Yan was able to sweep across the realm. At that time, he was a seventh-level emperor, but now he is a top-level emperor.

"No need to talk nonsense, I will take your life." Chu Yan's plain voice sounded at this time. At this time, he was less than ten steps away from Qingyang. The two of them looked at each other, as if they were colliding in the air. A spark.

"Since you are looking for death, you might as well." Qingyang's eyes flashed with a stern look. Today, he, a disciple of Tianbei, was threatened by a despicable person from Xinghe. In an instant, a terrifying murderous intention surged out of his body, turning into a green mania. Dragon, I saw a terrifying blue dragon claw protruding out, tearing the space, and crushing out.

"One blow should be enough." Qingyang sneered.

With just this one blow, everyone was stunned.

"Such a terrifying power." The people in the Holy City frowned slightly. Behind Qingyang, there was a vague image of the blue holy dragon lying there.

"Is that the King's Map? Qingyang has understood the King's Map, and he is infinitely close to the King." Someone whispered.

Several disciples from Tianbei Mountain stood smiling at the side. There was a swordsman with his hands around the sword. He looked at Chu Yan with contempt and shook his head: "Qingyang's King's Picture is the Holy Dragon's Picture, and it contains the holy meaning." , Even an ordinary Po Di can't block a blow, this kid is looking for death."

"Haha, it's nothing strange. The sea of ​​​​stars is vast. Some people with good talents think that they are invincible and call themselves geniuses. But the funny thing is, where do so many geniuses come from in the world?"

"Even if the guy named Chu Yan in the ruins of Tianjun not long ago was known as the invincible king, it was just because we were not involved. What does it have to do with him?" Another person sneered.

Everyone was shocked as they listened to the small talk of a few people. Is this the pride of the Tianbei Mountain disciples?

But no one refutes that they do have such capital. If they can stand out from the Sixteen Meridians and enter Tianbei Mountain, how can they be mediocre?

Looking at the power of Qingyang's claw, the space collapsed, and the infinite storm roared, as if it was about to engulf Chu Yan alive.

Zhou Tingqiu was stunned on the spot. She was once the pride of the Zhou family and was full of pride, but today, with Qingyang's thoughts, she no longer had any intention to fight.

"Perhaps, this is the real genius." Zhou Tingqiu laughed at herself, looked at Chu Yan again, and shook her head indifferently: "Who does he think he is if he doesn't overestimate his abilities?"

"Sister." Zhou Yu looked at Zhou Tingqiu in disbelief: "No matter what, Brother Mo is my Zhou family's benefactor, how can you say that?"

Zhou Tingqiu frowned, but immediately said calmly: "If it weren't for him, how could Qingyang support the Yun family to attack us? In the final analysis, he is just reaping the consequences."

Zhou Yu shook her head in disappointment and looked at Chu Yan, but she was also a little worried. Although Chu Yan was strong in combat, the disciples of Tianbei Mountain were the ones she, Zhou, needed to look up to.

Raising his head, Chu Yan looked at the roaring dragon claws, but his behavior was extremely calm. He didn't even dodge, he just stood there. Everyone's eyes froze when they saw this.

"Does this guy really want to die?"

Qingyang's smile grew stronger, and he suddenly sent out a message: "Yes, I was the one who spread the rumor, but what can you do? Don't worry, after you die, I will definitely pamper the saint, haha!"

Chu Yan shook his head indifferently, and the dragon claw fell with a bang. Zhou Yu couldn't bear to turn his head sideways, and some people stared at it unblinkingly.

But at the next moment, many people's pupils shrank. They expected the scene of Chu Yan being torn apart by the dragon's claws. Instead of Chu Yan, the dragon's claws fell and strangled him crazily, but Chu Yan was intact, like Mount Tai.

"This..." Everyone's hearts trembled wildly. Such a terrible blow was actually blocked? No, to be precise, Chu Yan did not block him at all, but allowed him to be strangled without even breaking through his defense.

"How is that possible?" Qingyang's face also turned gloomy. At this moment, his pride seemed to be shaken a bit.

"You are right. If I want to kill you, one blow is indeed enough." Chu Yan said calmly, taking ten steps. He walked very slowly, but with every step, the sword in his hand emitted light. , with a special power, integrating strength, speed, swallowing...

In the ruins of Tianjun, Chu Yan understood the true meaning of bloodline, and the power of bloodline can be perfectly integrated with each other. Now this sword combines all his bloodline.

Feeling the terrifying sword intent, Qingyang's face suddenly changed, and the Holy Dragon Picture behind him roared and blasted out wildly. However, Chu Yan still did not hide, walking slowly, letting you kill thousands of people, I remained calm. Do not move.

"You deserve to die." Chu Yan said lightly. At this time, he had arrived in front of Qingyang. Endless power turned into brilliance and flowed out. The wind and clouds converged. All the holy cities seemed to be dim. Everything in the sky disappeared, leaving only A giant sword, the blade of which cuts down as if it can destroy everything.

The terrible explosion made a tsk-tsk sound. Qingyang clenched his fists. At this moment, he really felt death. He let out a roar and the Holy Dragon Picture came out of the sky. However, the giant sword seemed to be able to slay the dragon. He only heard a miserable cry. The dragon roars, the holy dragon is beheaded, the giant sword is still falling, the world is split, who can stop it?

Qingyang let out an angry roar and turned his hands into dragon claws to block it, but he was in the center of the sword violence, with his skin bursting and blood flowing out, still unable to block the terrifying sword intent.

The eyes of the disciples at Tianbei Mountain in the distance changed with shock. The sword cultivator who had previously held the hilt of his sword took a step forward and released his sword intention, intending to block the sword.

But the next moment, there was a clang, and his sword broke directly. It was strangled by the holy sword without even taking it out of its sheath.

"You can't kill me, I am a disciple of Tianbei Mountain." Qingyang was really frightened and let out a scream. Now Tianbei Mountain's identity has become his only life-saving straw.

"Disciples of Tianbei Mountain? I don't know how many have been killed." Chu Yan shook his head indifferently, Qingyang's heart trembled, and then he stared at Chu Yan. No matter how stupid he was, at this moment, he still didn't know. ?

The top Heavenly Emperor has endless power, multiple life souls, bloodlines, and comes from the galaxy in the lower world...

"You are Chu Yan!" Qingyang's voice trembled, and the next moment, his figure was buried by the sword and swallowed without a trace.

Everyone was stunned. Qingyang was so arrogant and arrogant not long ago, but now, his body is gone and he was killed by a sword.

Zhou Tingqiu's delicate body stayed there, as if everything before her eyes was unreal. Qingyang, the disciple of Tianbei Mountain, was defeated?

Losing to a person from the galaxy whom she despised?

But just now, Qingyang seemed to be extremely excited when he was about to die and said something.

It's just that the sword blast was too strong and no one heard it.

The expressions of the remaining disciples of Tianbei Mountain became sharp. One of them looked at Chu Yan with a flash of murderous intent. They were not from the lineage of the Saints. They didn't care whether Qingyang lived or died, but they were both disciples of Tianbei Mountain. , were killed, but they felt very shameless.

"Do you know who you killed?" The sword cultivator said coldly, with a huge sword figure rising into the air behind him.

"If you keep talking nonsense, you will die." Chu Yan said coldly without even looking at the sword cultivator.

The sword cultivator's eyes were cold, and his sword intention moved. But the next moment, a young man came from a distance with a very strong aura. He raised his hand and struck to stop the sword cultivator.

The sudden scene made many people frown, and then everyone in Tianbei Mountain showed respect and bowed their heads slightly: "Senior Brother!"

The young man ignored them, but stared at Chu Yan and let out a cold snort: "You're not dead!"

Chu Yan looked at the young man and frowned. The young man was none other than Ji Longyu, one of the eleven people with the title of Chosen Son.

Although Chu Yan never thought of being exposed so early, now that he was exposed, he felt calmer.

"I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you!"

The two people looked at each other like old enemies. Ji Longyu was one of the people Chu Yan must kill. Of course, he also knew that he was also the person the other party was trying to kill.

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