Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5808 Faith in the Universe

The host and others were a little hairy when Chu Yan stared at them, and they couldn't help complaining: "Emperor Chu...what's wrong with you? If you have anything to say, please tell me...we all promise you, please." , don’t look at us like that...it’s too scary.”

Hearing this, the corners of Chu Yan's lips raised: "Do you really agree to anything?"

"Ah?" The host was stunned by Chu Yan's sudden reversal, and then suddenly felt a little regretful.

Did you say something wrong?

At this time, Chu Yan said calmly: "Go and call everyone together. I want to hold a meeting in the King's Palace."

The owner was startled, but soon became serious.

Because he knows Chu Yan's character too well.

Who is Chu Yan?

If you can throw it away, you will definitely not take any more care.

Over the years, Chu Yan has made his way from the creation of the world to the universe, ruling more and more territories, but when have you ever seen Chu Yan worry about management?

He has always been a person who only cares about killing and not burying people.

The universe is so big, if there was no human master, it would probably be in chaos by now.

Not to mention anything else, the palace was rebuilt several times. How many times did Chu Yan go back?

There are only a handful of them.

Now, Chu Yan suddenly said that he wanted to have a meeting, so there must be something very important.

The owner nodded slightly: "Okay, I will make arrangements now."

Immediately, he paused and said, "Who are you calling?"

"Come all, Blood Ancestor and the others, take them all with you. Wait for a while. A group of people from the Ancient Saint Family will come back soon."

People from Tianyuan!

Chu Yan received the news that the universe was being attacked, so in desperation, he speeded up, left Tianyuan's people where they were, and let them return to the universe on their own.

Counting the time, it's time to arrive.

The current personnel structure of the universe is very complex. In addition to the universe itself, there are many outsiders.

Originally, with Chu Yan's character, he would break it down with the group.

But after experiencing these disasters, he understood that it was not enough for him to deal with the disasters of an era.

Unless he just wants to survive.

Otherwise, many people will need to unite.

The host nodded slightly: "Okay, I'll go gather them here!"


The human palace.

Chu Yan came here rarely and sat on the throne above.

At this moment, he actually felt a bit like an emperor.

Below, the master summoned everyone.

Many people, including those from the Nine Realms, those from the founding period, and some from the non-universe, are now all gathered together.

Logically speaking, those people in Tianyuan are not from this era, but now that they have changed paths and entered Chu Yan's universe, they are also closely related to this era.

Wait until everyone has arrived.

Chu Yan took a deep breath: "We're all here."

The host responded: "Back to Emperor Chu, it's all here."

Chu Yan nodded and said: "I believe that many people will be confused when we call everyone here this time."

"Including everyone present, many of them may not know each other and have never met each other!"

"But what I want to say is that everyone here today will be one family in the future."

Everyone looked at each other, still a little confused.

Are you now a family?

Chu Yan continued: "This meeting mainly involves two things."

"First, let me explain to everyone on this side of the universe everything I have experienced and seen during this trip."

After saying that, Chu Yan explained everything that happened to him when he went to the Liu family, and to Tianyuan in the later period, including the divine court.

He didn't hide anything, nor did he report good news or bad news. He told everything, including some of the dangers and dangers.

The reason Chu Yan said this was to let the people in the universe understand that there are still many enemies outside.

The universe is still very weak.

The host and others were frightened when they heard this, especially when they were fighting level 10. Although they didn't know how strong level 10 was, they could still feel the danger involved.

A narrow escape from death.

Chu Yan continued: "I say this not to make you sympathize, but to hope that you understand one thing! The current universe is still very weak, and we still have many enemies."

The host said in a low voice: "Emperor Chu, please tell us what we need to do, and we will definitely work hard."

Chu Yan waved his hand: "There's no rush. After finishing the first thing, let's talk about the second thing."

After saying this, his expression became serious and he said seriously: "That is a huge disaster!"

"Even though we now know that this disaster is not a real disaster, but was caused artificially by the purgers, even so, this disaster has destroyed countless eras except ours!"

"Of course, some people will survive in every era, but this is not what I want!"

"In my opinion, even if your own continent is destroyed and all your relatives and friends die, this is not considered a success in overcoming the tribulation. It is no different from death."

"They didn't succeed in overcoming the tribulation, they were just a group of deserters."

After saying this, Chu Yan said seriously: "Everyone, if it were you, and now the disaster is coming, do you want to abandon the universe and become a deserter?"

The faces of the owner and others changed slightly.

"we will not!"

The emperor said solemnly: "The universe is here, we are here, the human race is here, we are here!"

The Lord rolled his eyes: "Do I need to say more? My Dao is the Dao of the human heart. My Dao is related to the human race. If one day the human race is gone, I can't live even if I want to. My Dao will collapse!"

The Lord had connected himself with the human race a long time ago.

It can even be understood that his Dao is the human race!

If the Haotian calamity really comes, once the human race is destroyed, the Lord will not survive.

This is also the oath that the Lord made in his heart when he proved his Dao.

On the side, the people of Tianyuan looked strange, some puzzled and inexplicable.

Including the Phoenix Girl, she wondered at this time: "Emperor Chu, when the calamity comes, we can obviously survive, why should we die for a group of weak people?"

She didn't understand.

In the ancient era, the strong were respected and the weak were slaves.

The weak... aren't they slaves?

Why should we sympathize with the weak?

Chu Yan looked at the Phoenix Girl, he didn't blame her, because the two sides lived in different worlds, and the education and beliefs they received were different.

This is the situation in the ancient times where the Phoenix Girl lives.

But the universe is not like this.

Chu Yan said calmly: "I know that many people present do not understand because you are not from the universe! But in the universe, the rules are like this. The strong are not the capital for arrogance and domineering. Instead, the strong have the responsibility to protect the weak!"

"The strong protect the weak and create a good growth environment for the weak. This is the universe!"

"Today, I will be your pioneer. One day, you will die for me!"

Chu Yan said seriously: "Don't abandon, don't give up anyone. This is our universe!"


Those who came out of Tianyuan all showed a touch of shock in their eyes.

Is this the universe?

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