Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5807 Great Plan

Chu Yan was startled.

Xiao Jiu sighed: "Era has an upper limit, but everyone also has their own upper limit."

Chu Yan frowned: "Everyone has his own upper limit? What do you mean?"

Xiao Jiu said calmly: "It's normal. In this world, there are some people who are influenced by the outside world and cannot break through, but there are more people who cannot break through because they are not talented enough!"

"You are raising the upper limit of this era infinitely, but your upper limit is too high. For them... it may be a height that they cannot reach in their lifetime."

Xiaojiu continued: "You are different from many of them. Your foundation is too solid, and you have today's combat power. You can't help but cultivate the upward realm. You also cultivate the downward realm! Like the three-dust realm, there are How many people have practiced it, let alone the other realms below the Three Dust Realm?”

"Besides, you still have the universe, and you still have many, many specialities that belong only to you."

After a pause, Xiao Jiu continued: "And since they have not practiced these things, it is destined to mean that they will never reach your height."

Chu Yan fell into silence.

This is a problem...

It is true that not everyone can achieve this by themselves.

But soon, Chu Yan smiled confidently: "What are you afraid of? Level ten... is not my limit! The current upper limit is not my upper limit."

"Xiaojiu, have you forgotten that I can actually break through?"

Xiao Jiu was startled, and then the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.


Chu Yan is only a second-tier giant now...

It has not reached the peak of giants yet.

This means that the current upper limit is still not the limit.

Chu Yan said: "I don't ask them all to reach my level, because I have the universe, the Jiutian Xuan Pagoda, and the Blood Pool, but if they want to reach the tenth level, I think they still have a chance!"

"As for those lower realms, even though they have not practiced before, they can just make up for it! As long as they work hard, they can catch up."

There are some things in Chu Yan that cannot be cracked even with talent and hard work.

But some... are possible.

For example, the foundation, the hidden realm beneath the three dusts.

These can all be solved through hard work.

Xiaojiu thought for a moment and nodded slightly: "I won't refute what you said, but boy... have you ever thought about a question."

Chu Yan was confused: "What?"


Xiao Jiu sneered: "If you want them all to reach level ten, have you ever thought about how many resources are needed? Boy, you have killed level ten. The moment level ten falls, the energy spilled out is so terrifying. You are better than anyone else. We all know... Do you think you have so many resources to cultivate cosmic people?"

Chu Yan's eyelids twitched slightly.

"This is indeed a difficult problem..."

Chu Yan made preliminary calculations and found out that if he wanted to create a level 10 person without considering talent, he would at least need...

One hundred billion source stones!

The point is trillions!

Not 10 billion!

This is a huge wealth for any force...

Chu Yan is actually not poor now, especially after experiencing this trip to the Ancient Sage and the Divine Court, he actually robbed a lot of resources.

The Chen family, the Lu family, and the Huo family alone allowed him to obtain many source stones. If he was asked to give out one hundred billion, he could actually take it out.

But the problem is...

One hundred billion source stones can only create a level 10 person!

What Chu Yan just thought was that all the people in the universe would become stronger, even to the level of ten in the entire universe. If not the entire universe... then at least dozens or hundreds.

This...is an exaggeration.

With Chu Yan's current wealth, he can create one or two tenth-level ones, but any more will be gone.

Chu Yan suddenly had a headache: "Yeah... it's all nonsense if I don't have resources. Looking at it this way, I'm still so poor!"

Xiaojiu said calmly: "So, I advise you not to daydream. Now that the upper limit of the era can be raised, this is already a good thing. Although not all members will be at level ten, they at least have the ability to fight against Weiwo."

"As for the rest, I advise you not to think about it."

Chu Yan was silent for a while, but suddenly sneered: "Why? If you don't let me think about it, I won't want to? No! I still want to think about it! Isn't it just resources? I don't have them now, but that doesn't mean I won't have them in the future. !”

"I have strengthened this universe! There is more than one person, I want to make the entire universe stronger."

When Chu Yan was very early, he didn't actually have much sense of belonging. He was the kind of person who could feed one person and the whole family would not be hungry.

But with time and experience, his feelings for the universe have deepened.

Now he doesn't want just one person to be strong, he wants to make the entire universe strong.

Of course, there was actually another reason why he was like this, but he didn't say it.

A huge catastrophe!

Chu Yan has never forgotten this!

The disaster has not come yet!

Although Chu Yan is now very confident that even if a huge disaster comes, he can survive it with his current strength, but this is not what he wants.

After experiencing catastrophes in the two major eras of ancient times and gods and demons, some people survived, but that was only a small part, and most people died.

Chu Yan didn't want this. The universe was now his people, and he didn't want to leave anyone behind.

He didn't want anyone to be left behind.

So... what he wants to do is for the entire universe to survive!

Then relying on him alone is not enough!

Because once the Haotian calamity comes, it will not target a single person, but the entire era!

The Haotian calamity is not a calamity for a single person, but a calamity for the whole world.

We all have to fight together!

Thinking of this, Chu Yan's eyes became hot.

"No one can destroy the universe from my hands! Not even this God."

Xiao Jiu suddenly fell silent!

Logically, Xiao Jiu has a deeper feeling for the universe.

But even she is ready to abandon some people.

Because it has no way.

As a result, now Chu Yan is saying that he will not give up anyone!

"Don't abandon, don't give up?" Xiao Jiu suddenly murmured to himself: "But... can we really do it?"

Chu Yan said firmly: "Yes! Definitely! Because we have never been alone."

Xiao Jiu was silent for a while, and his eyes suddenly became firm.

"Yes, we have never been alone."

Chu Yan took a deep breath, then he turned and looked at the Lord and others, his eyes full of a sense of spurring.

The Lord, the Emperor and the others were all stunned, looking confused.

What happened to the Emperor Chu?

Why did he suddenly feel like he was seeing his old father?

The Lord coughed and said with a wry smile: "Emperor Chu...what's wrong with you? You are like this...we are a little scared."

Chu Yan laughed and didn't say anything.

In his heart, he began to plan a complete set of devilish training for the Lord and the others.

The Lord and the others didn't know that their good days were coming to an end.

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