Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5771 Level 10 Meteorite


"How is it possible?"

Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene.

The ancestor...was repelled?

How could it be?

Don't talk about others.

After the ancestor of the Lu family retreated hundreds of meters, he was also stunned!

He...was repelled?

The point is, this time he was the first to attack.

Before, outside Tianyuan, Chu Yan did repel the ancestor of the Lu family when he was crazy with his sword.

But when the ancestor of the Lu family took the initiative to attack, he never lost.

But this time it was obviously himself who attacked first.


The ancestor of the Lu family looked at Chu Yan fiercely.

Chu Yan moved his wrist and grinned: "You bastard, you chased me for so long, do you feel good? Now, is it my turn?"

When these words came out, the ancestor of the Lu family was stunned.


The next second, Chu Yan stepped on the sole of his foot and suddenly moved.

His body was like thunder.


While panting, Chu Yan rushed directly to the front of the Lu family ancestor. His speed was so fast that a crack was created in the void, and terrible air explosions continued.

Immediately, he punched the Lu family ancestor without saying a word.

This time, he didn't even use a sword!

He used a fist.

The face of the Lu family ancestor changed slightly, and he immediately blocked with a horizontal fist. With a click, the void exploded, and the Lu family ancestor exploded back a hundred meters again.

Chu Yan, on the other hand, did not move at all.

And everything had just begun. Chu Yan stepped into the air again and kicked at the Lu family ancestor.

The Lu family ancestor gritted his teeth and also swept out a kick, but then heard a click, the Lu family ancestor groaned, and after exploding back a hundred meters, his leg bones directly cracked.

During the whole process, Chu Yan kept suppressing the Lu family ancestor and fighting again.

The whole audience was stunned.

How could it be?

The ancestor of the Lu family stood firm and then stared at Chu Yan. He could feel the changes in Chu Yan. His aura and strength had improved a lot.

He said in a low voice: "You... have been promoted? You... have broken through to level eight?"

Chu Yan smiled sarcastically: "Guess!"

The ancestor of the Lu family was silent.


Do you still need to guess?

No need to guess!

The world was also shocked when they heard this.

Chu Yan... has broken through?

The ancestor of the Lu family said in a low voice: "So... you didn't want to escape from the beginning? You returned to Tianyuan just to break through?"

Chu Yan nodded slightly: "Run? I told you, there is no such word in my dictionary!"

"Also, do you know why I didn't run until dawn?"

The ancestor of the Lu family stared at Chu Yan: "Why?"

Chu Yan smiled sarcastically: "Because of Tianyuan's forbidden day! If I came in earlier, you might have broken in directly, but it was dawn, and Tianyuan's forbidden day had arrived. You guessed that I would go out, so you would definitely wait! And this time is just enough for me to break through!"

The ancestor of the Lu family narrowed his eyes: "You even calculated Tianyuan's forbidden day?"

Chu Yan sighed: "To be honest, I really want to win you openly, instead of relying on these means and calculations... But there is no way, my realm and strength are not enough. If I were in the same realm as you, I would definitely not use these means!"

Speaking of this matter, it is also a pain point in Chu Yan's heart!

He really wants to win openly!

But there is no way, his realm is too low...

Fortunately... this is enough!

Chu Yan chuckled: "At least now, I am willing to fight you openly!"

The ancestor of the Lu family clenched his fists, his eyes were a little crazy.

Chu Yan broke through!

The thing he feared most still happened.

But soon, the ancestor of the Lu family calmed down.

Although Chu Yan broke through, he had not lost yet!

He was at level ten, and he still had an advantage in realm.

He subconsciously clenched his fists.

But almost in an instant, Chu Yan's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly: "Are you going to use selflessness? Quick, use it!"

That expression was called expectation.

The body of the ancestor of the Lu family trembled, and the clenched fists could not help but loosen!

Yes, he really wanted to enter selflessness just now, but when he recalled that there was blood in the only space, he suddenly didn't dare to use it.

If he continued to use it... If Chu Yan could absorb it, he would really be dead.

Although he didn't believe it... But Chu Yan's expression made him have to believe it.

Forced, the ancestor of the Lu family loosened his fists.


But the next second, Chu Yan punched.


Suddenly, the fist was like thunder.


The ancestor of the Lu family flew backwards again, spitting blood continuously.


However, the ancestor of the Lu family did not give up, and also punched madly. Every time he punched, there was also a terrible air explosion.

"Really strong."

Chu Yan praised while punching.

"This is level 10, really powerful!"

"Unfortunately, you can't beat me."

Chu Yan laughed wildly.

Bang bang bang!

Every time he punched, the ancestor of the Lu family was retreating.

Below, everyone was stunned.

Those people in Tianyuan were also confused.

They just felt the strong man of level 10, but the next second, Chu Yan was suppressing the strong man of level 10?

Suddenly, the eyes of Phoenix Girl and others became hot.

Full of excitement.

In the distance, there were some strong men of the forbidden sect who betrayed and left. Their faces suddenly sank, and they felt indescribable regret.

At this moment, Phoenix Girl came back to her senses for the first time and suddenly shouted angrily: "Everyone, why are you standing there? Take action! These ancient saint families rely on their longevity to bully Emperor Chu one by one. Let's take action together to avenge Emperor Chu."

All the strong men in Tianyuan were startled, and then they burst out without saying a word.

Yes, attack!

It’s okay if they don’t know how powerful Chu Yan is.

Now Chu Yan is so strong, if they don’t show it, he may not take them with him.

It turned out that they still felt it was shameful to follow Chu Yan, and now they are afraid that Chu Yan will not want them after leaving Tianyuan.



Suddenly, a big battle broke out below.

Chen Meng looked at the elder of the Chen family and stretched out his hand to grab.


The sword box behind him opened.

Swish—a sword was slashed out.

The elder of the Chen family also had a gloomy face, and he was helpless.


The three ancient saint families have carefully arranged for a long time, and finally even the tenth level has taken action, but the result is that they are going to lose?

Above, the ancestor of the Lu family saw this scene and his eyes were spitting fire, but there was nothing he could do.


Chu Yan punched again, and with a click, this time, he directly pushed the ancestor of the Lu family back a thousand meters, and when the ancestor of the Lu family just stopped, cracks appeared on his body.


The next second, the ancestor of the Lu family spat out a mouthful of blood. When he spat out a mouthful of blood, the whole person instantly became decadent and old, and all his hair turned white.

It was as if a mouthful of blood had flowed away.

After the ancestor of the Lu family stopped, he stared at Chu Yan, his eyes were a little confused.

He knew... he was defeated!

He was dead!

Hundreds of millions of years, hundreds of millions of years of waiting, is it still in vain in the end?

Suddenly, the ancestor of the Lu family looked up at the sky, feeling indescribably sad: "The world outside... I can't see it after all?"

The next second, he suddenly looked at Chu Yan, his eyes were less ferocious, but more calm, and he chuckled: "Little guy... This world is not as simple as you think... I'll wait for you down there."


Suddenly, the body of the ancestor of the Lu family exploded.

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