Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5770: One Punch and Flying Away


The world of Tianyuan began to tremble crazily.

Earthquakes, tsunamis, and flash floods broke out together!

At this moment, the people in Tianyuan felt as if the end was coming, and the whole world began to be destroyed.

Of course, their guess was not wrong. The moment the Lord of Tianyuan's spiritual thoughts emerged, Tianyuan had already lost its charm. It can be said that after today, even if Tianyuan is not destroyed and disappears, it will not have its original function. Those All opportunities will disappear.

At this time, all the people in Tianyuan walked out of the door. They looked up, with a look of emptiness and confusion in their eyes.

Especially the people of the Tianyuan clan suddenly felt empty in their hearts.

They have lived in Tianyuan since childhood. Although Chu Yan already knew that their ancestors were not from Tianyuan, in their eyes, they were natives of Tianyuan.

This is their hometown.

But now, the world is beginning to collapse.


The next second, the boundary wall of Tianyuan cracked, and all the powerful men from the ancient saint clan descended.

The ancestors of the Lu family were the leaders and were under tremendous pressure.

The people in Tianyuan looked up one after another.

When they saw the ancestor of the Lu family, their bodies only felt a slight tremor.

"What a terrifying pressure..."

"Is this level ten?"

Too much momentum.

At this moment, many weak people even wanted to kneel down in their hearts.

As if that was their venerable person.

The ancestor of the Lu family watched silently, his eyes extremely calm.

He naturally felt the fear and crawling intentions of those people, but he didn't care.

On the contrary, he thinks this is the norm.

The world is like this, these are the rules, this is the strong!

In this world, the strong are respected and the weak are ants.

When the strong come, the weak should kneel down!

It was displayed vividly at this time.

As for Chu Yan, he is an outlier!

Of course, the ancestors of the Lu family had no time to pay attention to this group of people.

After he entered the Tianyuan, his spiritual thoughts swept gently, and with just one thought, he covered the entire world.

It was as if nothing in the abyss could be hidden from his eyes.

Soon, the ancestors of the Lu family looked towards a valley, where Chu Yan was hiding.


At this time, Chu Yan also suddenly opened his eyes.

There was originally an endless aura surrounding him, but at this moment it was all contained within his body.

Chu Yan looked towards the ancestors of the Lu family.

The ancestor of the Lu family chuckled: "Little guy, we meet again."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in Tianyuan was shocked.

Did Chu Yan really meet this level 10 person?

So the previous injuries were also caused by the tenth level?

Phoenix Girl and others all clenched their fists and became worried for Chu Yan.


Chu Yan took one step into the air, stood in the void and looked at the ancestors of the Lu family, and then sneered: "Old man, you are really endless."

The ancestor of the Lu family chuckled: "I told you, you can't run away."

Chu Yan didn't speak.

At this time, Chen Meng, who was also seen by the Chen family, had a cold look in his eyes: "Chen Meng! Are you still alive?"

Immediately, he seemed to understand something and said in a low voice: "Chu Yan went to the Chen family before. Did you tell him the location of the Chen family?"

He had been thinking before that, as an ancient holy family, the Chen family was naturally in a very hidden space. It was the kind of space that transcended ordinary planes. Logically speaking, it would be impossible for Chu Yan to find it.

Chen Meng looked at the Chen family elders and said calmly: "It's me."

He admitted it directly.

The elder Chen's eyes were fierce and he said angrily: "Why? The Chen clan has been very kind to you over the years, right? Why did you betray the Chen clan?"

"Not bad?" Chen Meng suddenly laughed: "The Chen clan has been using me from the beginning to the end. You don't know this, right?"

Elder Chen clenched his fists and was speechless for a moment.

Because it's the truth.

But soon he added: "But the Chen family has indeed given you a lot of resources over the years! Your name, Chen Meng, resounds throughout the ancient holy family, the sky and even the entire void. It is all the credit of the Chen family, otherwise You really think you’re relying on your own talent.”

Chen Meng was silent for a while, unable to deny this.

The Chen family has indeed put a lot of effort into cultivating him over the years.

However, just when Chen Meng had some entanglements.

Chu Yan suddenly sneered at the side: "What a tangle! The Chen clan didn't even think about your life. When I went to the Chen clan, they even selected the young clan leader. You are their pawn! They have invested in you. A lot of resources. But when you die, those resources will be taken back! They trained you just to kill you."

Chen Meng's eyes narrowed, and then he looked at the elder of the Chen clan: "Do you have anything else to say?"

"You..." The elder of the Chen clan opened his mouth, but found that he was speechless.

Because it's the truth.

From the perspective of the Chen clan, Chen Meng was destined to die from the beginning.

Chen Meng will not die...the rules will not be broken.

The Chen clan cannot take action against Chu Yan.

The rules of nothingness and era will protect Chu Yan.

However, the Chen clan did not expect that it was not Chen Meng who died in the end, but the rest of the Chen clan.

When Chen Meng saw this, his somewhat troubled expression disappeared.

Be firm.

He is no longer a member of the Chen clan.

At this time, the ancestor of the Lu family said calmly: "I won't listen to these common things."

The Chen family elder clenched his fists and finally retreated to the back. Now that the Chen clan was destroyed and there was no Level 10, he would not dare to provoke this person.

The ancestor of the Lu family looked at Chu Yan and chuckled: "Boy, the sky has been broken, do you have any tricks now? Or, are you going to keep running?"

Chu Yan looked at the ancestor of the Lu family and suddenly laughed: "Run? Who told you I'm going to run?"

The ancestor of the Lu family was startled and squinted and said: "You're not running?"

Chu Yan moved his shoulders and chuckled: "Of course, I said a long time ago that I want to try level ten. I haven't killed you yet."

The ancestor of the Lu family was stunned, and then laughed: "Kill me? Interesting."

The rest of the ancient saints also sneered.

Outside the sky, Chu Yan was already suppressed by the ancestor of the Lu family. If it weren't for the sky delaying for a while, he would probably have been beaten to death now.

At this time, he dared to say such shameless words?

The ancestor of the Lu family finally lost his patience and said lightly: "Forget it, you should go now. After you die, I should also study how to break through the ancient saint!"

Kill Chu Yan, get the universe, and then go to the Huo family. No one in this void will be his opponent.

The ancestor of the Lu family thought of this and smiled deeply.


The next second, the ancestor of the Lu family slowly raised his hand.


Suddenly, the golden fist gathered the light of the sky, and then hit Chu Yan's forehead.


One punch, the sky and the earth collapsed.

Everyone in Tianyuan became nervous.

However, Chu Yan did not run away or dodge in the face of a punch, but suddenly raised his hand to meet a punch.


Suddenly, the two fists collided in the void, and Tianyuan shook wildly, as if it would collapse at any time.


Then, a figure suddenly retreated.

When the figure stopped, the whole audience was petrified!

Because the person who retreated suddenly... was the ancestor of the Lu family!

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