Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5759: Full fire

The ancestor of the Lu family looked up, and suddenly a dazzling white light shot out from the dark sky.

This is the charm of the Yutian Sword.

The Dawn Sword!

However, the ancestor of the Lu family still shook his head slightly: "Good idea... Unfortunately, you don't understand the tenth level at all. In the face of absolute strength, any fancy attack is just futile."

After speaking, he stretched out his other hand and gently grasped the void.

And just like this...


The dark sky suddenly shattered like a mirror.


The blood sword that was originally full of killing and destruction also froze for a moment.

Then with a bang, the blood sword flew back ten thousand meters.


When the blood sword stopped for a moment, the sword body was already covered with countless cracks.

Chu Yan was shocked when he saw this.

The blood sword cracked?

You know, he paid a huge price for this blood sword. Although it has never been as good as the Liantian Sword, if you really talk about pouring in your heart and soul, it is several times that of the Liantian Sword.

But now... the blood sword was cracked.

Is this level 10?


The next second, the ancestor of the Lu family slapped out with a palm.


Chu Yan flew out like a cannonball again.


Suddenly, the cracks on his chest became more and more serious, and even in some places, his internal organs could be seen.

But he just looked down and pretended that nothing happened. He flashed and rushed out again.

Since he chose to start a war, he would not give up easily...

Besides, he had no chance to give up this time...

Level 10 was in front of him. If he lost this battle, there would be only one result!


He didn't want to die!

Of course, he had another way...

That was to wait for death!

Yes, to wait for death.

But his waiting for death was different from the waiting for death of others. Others' waiting for death... There was a high probability that they would really die, but his waiting for death was not!

He always knew that there were many people behind him. He didn't know if that group of people would show up if he encountered danger this time?

Qin Ruoming, Chu Hanfeng... or more people?

Chu Yan didn't know. He had always been curious, but he didn't want to try this time!

Because challenging level 10 was his own idea.

What if he really lost and was rescued by others, how embarrassing it would be?

Doesn't Chu Yan have any face?

So he didn't say anything and drew his sword again!


The next second, he was knocked away again.

Knocked away again!

Attacked again.

Knocked away again!

Over and over again.

At first, the ancestor of the Lu family still admired Chu Yan's perseverance, but over time, he began to get a little bored.


At this time, Chu Yan stabbed out with a sword, and the ancestor of the Lu family once again clamped the Liantian Sword with his fingers. He looked at Chu Yan and said, "It's been so long, it seems that you have nothing to surprise me. In this case, all this farce should end."

After the words fell, the ancestor of the Lu family wanted to use force with his fingers.


But at this moment, the face of the ancestor of the Lu family changed slightly. The sword that was originally clamped by him suddenly disappeared. Chu Yan had been looking at him with a strange smile.

This made the ancestor of the Lu family startled.

Swish - the next second, a terrible sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded behind the ancestor of the Lu family, and then a flash of sword energy pierced straight at the ancestor of the Lu family's eyebrows.

The ancestor of the Lu family narrowed his eyes slightly, turned around and punched.


Chu Yan was immediately blown back a thousand meters after this punch.

But then, the ancestor of the Lu family looked down and saw a scratch on his fist!

It was very faint, not even the skin was broken, let alone bleeding.

But even so, the ancestor of the Lu family was still a little shocked.

He... was hit?

You know, he has never been injured since he entered the tenth level.

Not even this faint mark.

After all, the four of them had broken through together in the four ancient saint families, and they were all old acquaintances. They knew that they could not kill each other, so they did not really fight.

But today, he was hit by a junior.

Suddenly, the ancestor of the Lu family smiled even more, and he turned around and glanced at Chu Yan who had just disappeared: "Illusion?"

"No! Ordinary illusions cannot be accepted by me. You used... Divine patterns?"

Suddenly, the ancestor of the Lu family understood, his eyes condensed, and a white light shot out.

Then he found that, unconsciously, countless faint lines appeared around him.

If you don't look carefully, you can't see these lines at all, as if they were fused into the air.

The ancestor of the Lu family looked at these lines and recalled for a while, and suddenly laughed: "Is it the attacks just now?"

He found that the position of these lines was exactly the position where Chu Yan drew his sword every time!

He was still thinking that Chu Yan had been doing useless work, but now it seems that he has been setting up the formation.

After Chu Yan was shocked back, he also smiled!


Although it was useless, it was a huge improvement in this battle.

At least it was moving in a good direction.

If I hit the opponent this time, I can break the defense next time.

The ancestor of the Lu family laughed and said, "Interesting, it's really interesting. The art of divine patterns, you can actually do this, is this the so-called universe? The power of perfection!"

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes: "Do you know the way to perfection?"

The ancestor of the Lu family said lightly: "Little guy, you know nothing about our ancient saint family. We, the descendants of the ancient saints, know more than you think."

Chu Yan did not ask more questions, because he knew that the other party would not tell him even if he asked.


The next second, the ancestor of the Lu family punched out, and the divine pattern formations that Chu Yan had built with great effort collapsed.

After doing everything, the ancestor of the Lu family looked at Chu Yan and chuckled: "Okay, now the divine pattern formation is shattered, all your layouts are gone, do you have any good means?"

Chu Yan stared at the ancestor of the Lu family for a while, and suddenly said: "Maybe there is more?"

The ancestor of the Lu family was slightly startled, and then Chu Yan's figure flashed and disappeared again.

Swish-instantly, Chu Yan rushed in front of the Lu family, and then he slashed with a sword, and this sword was no longer an ordinary sword, and the calls of countless evil spirits immediately rang out between heaven and earth.

The ancestor of the Lu family narrowed his eyes: "Ghost power from the underworld?"


The ancestor of the Lu family threw a punch, but then Chu Yan disappeared again, and then stabbed him with a sword from behind him.


The ancestor of the Lu family narrowed his eyes, because he found that the sword seemed to be in a different time and space from him, but stabbed from the past.

The smile of the ancestor of the Lu family became more and more interesting: "Sword of the past? Little guy, you make me excited!"

Eight powers in the universe!

This moment continued to bloom in Chu Yan's hands, showing it vividly.

However, just these ordinary moves still couldn't break the defense of the ancestor of the Lu family.

This also made Chu Yan's face more and more gloomy.

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