Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5758 Dual Swords

Everyone outside Tianyuan was shocked.

The ancestor of the Lu family was silent for a long time.

He was... challenged?

At this moment, he didn't know what kind of emotion he should show.

Angry? Shocked? Or funny?

He had lived for a long, long time, so long that he couldn't remember how many years he had lived, but he always knew one thing, that is, he had been invincible in the world since 500 million years ago.

He was the tenth-level me, and now all the ancient saints in this world have disappeared, inexplicably, and the tenth-level me is the strongest existence in this world.

Since then, he has never fought with anyone, mainly because no one wants to fight him.

But today, suddenly a young man pointed a sword at his nose and said, want to try the strength of the tenth level?

Suddenly, the ancestor of the Lu family laughed, and he looked at Chu Yan: "Little guy, I have to say, you really made me laugh, and you also made me feel interesting. Well, for your courage today, I will give you a chance to experience the tenth level."

As soon as these words came out, countless people were shocked.

Of course, what followed was ridicule and teasing.

In their opinion, Chu Yan's behavior was nothing but overestimating his own abilities.

Although Chu Yan had already demonstrated his terrifying fighting power before, especially the scene of killing the head of the Lu family with the last sword, it has been in their minds for a long time.

That sentence, there are three types of nine levels, and I, Chu Yan, have one of them.

But... so what?

In the final analysis, no matter how strong you are, nine levels are nine levels.

There is an endless gap between nine levels and ten levels!

It is impossible for anyone to cross it.

However, just as they were thinking.


The next second, Chu Yan moved.

He said he would challenge the tenth level, so he challenged the tenth level.

He was not kidding.

Chu Yan grabbed the Liantian Divine Sword, and a step across the void, leaving a long silver line from the endless galaxy, and then slashed at the ancestor of the Lu family with all his strength.

"Oh my god... did he really attack?"

"Don't you want to die?"

At this moment, even Xiao Jiu was constantly cursing in his body: "Chu Yan, you are a lunatic..."

Chu Yan laughed: "Haha, lunatic? Then let me go completely crazy for once!"

Challenging the tenth level, he was not just talking, nor was it an impulse.

As he said to Xiao Jiu, he had thought it through as early as when he was in the Chen clan.

The Storm God Formation sealed one person, and the Liu family held one person for him, but there was still a tenth level.

That tenth level, he had to rely on himself to win.

Today, it was not accidental, nor was it an impulse, but the result of a long-planned plan.

Today, he was going to have a hearty fight!

On the opposite side, the ancestor of the Lu family narrowed his eyes when he saw this: "Did you really attack?"

Then he also showed a hint of interest.

Perhaps it was too long since he had attacked, or it might be because Chu Yan made him laugh, he did not use all his strength when he attacked, but with a playful smile, he gently pinched his fingers forward!

However, with just a slight pinch, the originally terrifying sword came to an abrupt stop!

It was directly and accurately controlled by the ancestor of the Lu family.

Chu Yan was shocked when he saw this. He shouted angrily and his arms burst out at the same time, but he found that the two fingers of the ancestor of the Lu family were like two iron clamps, tightly holding the Refining Heaven Sword.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't pull it out.

The next second, the ancestor of the Lu family flicked his fingers.


In an instant, Chu Yan suffered a terrifying impact. It felt like being hit in the chest by a huge rock. The whole person flew out like a cannonball.

This flight was a full ten thousand meters away. As soon as he stopped, he spit out a mouthful of blood, and the skin on his chest was cracked.

This shocked Chu Yan's heart.

So strong!

Is this level ten?

The opponent obviously didn't use all his strength, but he shattered his golden body with a flick of his finger!

Not only that, when his body cracked, he immediately switched to the Water Pattern Tyrant Body, trying to repair the scars on his chest.

However, the Water Pattern Tyrant Body, which was always effective, failed at this time?

The water pattern kept flashing blue light to repair, but the cracks on his chest did not recover, only a little bit of healing.

"What's going on?" Chu Yan was shocked.

He could understand that the gold pattern could not withstand the attack of level 10.

After all, level 10 was too strong.

Break through the defense.

But why can't the water pattern repair the injury?

At this time, Wucai's voice sounded: "It's holy power!"

Chu Yan was stunned: "Holy power? What is that?"

Wucai said in a low voice: "A kind of energy that is superior to Tao power. You can understand it this way. Under normal circumstances, physical damage is considered a physical damage, and attacks on the soul are a kind of magic damage."

Chu Yan nodded.

He knew all this.

Wucai hesitated and suddenly said: "Holy power... belongs to real damage! This kind of power can directly defeat your origin."

Chu Yan's eyes shrank.

Real damage!

It was the first time he heard such a statement.

"That is to say, any of my defenses are useless in front of the opponent?" Chu Yan said in a low voice.

Wu Cai nodded: "You can understand it this way. Unless your skills can reach the Saint level, the Saint power will crush the Tao power."

Chu Yan clenched his fist fiercely.

He knew that the tenth level was strong, but he didn't expect it to be so strong.

At this time, Wucai continued: "He has only comprehended a little bit of the holy power, and has not comprehended the true meaning of it. Otherwise, you might have died in that snap of the fingers just now."

"Of course, if he comprehended the true meaning of the holy power, it is likely that he is not Wei Wei, but a real ancient saint." Wucai began to speak.

Chu Yan suddenly realized, and then his eyes became more serious again.

It seems that this level 10 challenge is more difficult than he imagined.

At this time, the ancestor of the Lu family looked at Chu Yan and chuckled: "Why, you want to give up after just one move?"

Chu Yan sneered: "Give up? Who are you looking down on? There are never these two words in my dictionary!"


In an instant, Chu Yan stepped into the void, and the space behind him collapsed, and he burst out again to kill the ancestor of the Lu family.

The ancestor of the Lu family narrowed his eyes slightly, and then showed a smile: "This is fun!"

If Chu Yan gave up after one move, he would find it a bit boring.

After speaking, he stretched out his hand again, and his fingers accurately clamped the stabbing sword.

However, just as he was about to speak, his eyes changed slightly.

Because he found that Chu Yan suddenly showed a strange smile.

This made him frown.


Suddenly, there was another sound of breaking air from the sky, and then a blood sword pierced out from the clouds and quickly stabbed towards the ancestor of the Lu family.

Blood sword!

How could Chu Yan fall twice in the same place? This time he drew his sword just to pave the way, and the blood sword at this moment was the killer move.


Suddenly, the sky darkened.

A sword to control the sky!

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