Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5746: Three Clans Unite

When the people from the three ancient saint families heard the sound of blood falling to the ground, they almost cried.

How could they not be excited?

Just before, they were almost in despair.

After all, anyone would go crazy when facing a person with an invincible body and no soul, right?

They couldn't kill him at all.

Now, although the combined attack method caused some damage to them, at least it broke Chu Yan's defense.

"Quick, go all out!"

"Take advantage of his illness to kill him!"


In an instant, the strong men from the three ancient saint families all became hot-tempered, and they didn't care about the damage caused to their bodies by the combined attack method. They all burst out with full firepower.

Now, as long as they can kill Chu Yan, it doesn't matter if they get hurt a little.

Puff puff puff!

The next second, countless strong men from the three ancient saint families vomited blood.

They were not injured by Chu Yan, but were backlashed, but they didn't care at all. They wiped the blood stains from the corners of their mouths one by one, and then all looked at Chu Yan intently.


At this moment, all kinds of magic descended from the sky, and hundreds of people actually launched tens of thousands of attacking and killing techniques, almost covering the sky in an instant.

No sunlight.

Chu Yan stood below, and in the blink of an eye, he was drowned and swallowed by the gunpowder in the sky.


A huge firework exploded in the sky.

When the firework exploded, the people of the three major families were all ecstatic.

This time... it should be over, right?

They never thought that Chu Yan had not come out of Tianyuan, and the result was such a huge loss.

But fortunately, the result was good.

However, before they were happy, after the fireworks dispersed, their pupils suddenly shrank and they were all stagnant.

Because they clearly saw that after the fireworks dispersed, a figure emerged from it.

There were faint blue lines on his body.

The defense that was originally broken, under the blue lines, was completely healed in a short while?

It can be said that at this moment, Chu Yan has once again recovered to a perfect state.

Chu Yan stood there and stretched, chuckling: "Are you scratching my itch?"


"How is this possible?"

The three ancient saint families were all shocked.

"I don't believe it!"

An elder of the Chen family screamed, and then he launched a joint attack again.

Swish - a sword energy swept out, instantly cutting a cut on Chu Yan's face.

However... three seconds, just three seconds, they clearly saw that the cut healed quickly, without even a scar left.

"Damn, what kind of self-healing power is this?"

They knew that Chu Yan's body was strong, but since they had broken the defense, it would not be easy to repair it, but it only took three seconds to heal?

Is this still a human?

Chu Yan sneered: "Do you have any other means? If not, I'm almost recovered."

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the three ancient saints shrank.

Swish - in an instant, Chu Yan disappeared from the spot and turned directly into a sword energy.

"No!" The faces of the ancient saints changed drastically, but just as they tried to dodge, the sword energy quickly passed through the throats of several people.


Bloody heads fell one by one.

In the distance, the corner of the mouth of the elder of the Chen family twitched slightly, and he was really shocked.

Too strong.

He roughly looked at Chu Yan's realm, which was also the ninth level of the only self.

Yes, the realm that Chu Yan is showing now is the ninth level of the only self.

But normal ninth level of the only self will have some defects, such as not being good at the physical body, not being good at the soul, after all, no one is perfect, as long as you are a person, there will always be defects.

What about Chu Yan?



It's not that he is so strong, but he has no weaknesses and is perfect in every aspect.

How can people fight him?

Chu Yan tilted his head, walked forward with one man and one sword, and sneered: "It seems that you have no means, so I will send you to the west next."

After speaking, he raised his palm slightly.


Suddenly, the Refining Heaven Sword flew out.



As Chu Yan shouted, everyone's eyes shrank, because they felt that the world suddenly became dark.

Darkness descended, like the end of the world.

Swish - then, at the end of the darkness, a dazzling white light suddenly flashed, like the dawn, tearing through the darkness.

In the distance, the face of the elder of the Chen family changed drastically, not because of the power of this sword...

but because of the shape of this sword!

"Is this... Yutian sword?"

"Damn, you, are you really Chu Yan?"

The elder of the Chen family screamed.

Even in the last second, the elder of the Chen family did not believe that the person in front of him was Chu Yan.

But now... he had to believe it.

Because this sword, isn't it Chu Yan's famous skill?

Chu Yan snorted coldly: "Idiot, I told you long ago that I am Chu Yan, but you just don't believe it. In this case, let you die with a clearer understanding."


The next second, he raised his palm, and a bright star appeared above his head.

"Is this... the universe?"

"Is it really Chu Yan?"

"No... How is this possible? This is impossible!"

The three clans' strong men screamed.

Chu Yan said sarcastically: "I told you to prepare more people so that we can have a good fight in three days. In the end, you called this bunch of trash?"


The Chen family elders were silent.

Does this sentence sound familiar?

So familiar.

Isn't it exactly what Chu Yan said from Tian Yuan's mouth three days ago?

But... why?

"You, why did you appear here? Aren't you in Tianyuan?" The elder of the Chen family asked puzzledly: "Why? Why did you come out early? Where did you come out from?"

They have been blocking Tianyuan so that no one can come out.

Chu Yan looked down at the elders of the Chen family and sneered: "If I didn't have any means, how could I say harsh words to you?"

The Chen family elders suddenly fell silent.

Immediately, he understood.

Chu Yan...may have come out a long time ago and found the remaining exits in the abyss.

Although he didn't understand why there was a second exit in the Tianyuan, after all, the ancient saint families had never seen it in the past hundreds of millions of years.

But what Chu Yan saw in front of him had become a fact.

After a moment, Elder Chen took a deep breath: "Boy, do you think you will win like this? You underestimate our Ancient Saint Family too much. You know nothing about our Ancient Saint Family at all."

The elders of the Chen family are now shocked. In addition to being shocked by Chu Yan's appearance, he is also shocked by Chu Yan's current strength. In just a few months, a giant has turned into a level nine solipsist. This is no longer a monster, but a horror.

But the more this happens, the more Chu Yan is dying.

Unless Chu Yan dies, they will all become very dangerous.

It took me a few months to reach level 9 solipsism. Does that mean that it will take a few more months to reach level 10?

grade ten……

Even the Ancient Saint Family only has one person.

Yes, the Chen family elder knows about the tenth level. As an antique-level being of the Chen family, he knows more things than the average person.

Thinking of this, Mr. Chen took a deep breath and suddenly shouted to the sky: "Everyone listen to the order and use that move!"

"Three races unite!"


As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the ancient saints and all the strong men changed drastically.

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