Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5745: Joint attack, breaking defense

Tsk - Chu Yan disappeared in a flash and slashed with all his strength.

The eyes of the Huo family elders suddenly widened.


A head flew out.

The faces of the three ancient saints shrank, so fast!

"Attack with all your strength!"

Elder Chen shouted coldly, and everyone stepped up their attack again.

Bang bang bang!

The war is about to break out.

The more they fought, the more frightened the people of the Ancient Saint Family became. They found that Chu Yan was really scary.

Ordinary level nine are no match for him.

Fortunately, there were enough people from the Ancient Sage, hundreds of them. The wheel battle alone was enough to consume Chu Yan for a while, so he was not beaten by Chu Yan all the way.

Chu Yan attacked frantically, but there were too many people on the other side, and with their precautions, Chu Yan didn't make many achievements for a while.

The ancient sage was overjoyed when he saw this: "He is not invincible, just hold him back and consume him."

Everyone nodded.

However, they fought for a while and suddenly had a bit of a breakdown.

Because they discovered that even though Chu Yan was alone, he would really get tired after fighting for a while and stop moving.

But when Chu Yan got tired, he stood up directly on the spot, took out pieces of origin stones in his hands and absorbed them crazily.

Restoration in place.

The ancient sages thought this was an opportunity and took action with all their strength.

But after tens of thousands of attacks hit Chu Yan, there was only a clanging sound...

Were they all guarded?

There are some middle-level ninth-level experts among them, but when a full-strength blow fell on Chu Yan's body, he couldn't even break through his physical body?

What kind of ghost body is this?

Still human?

The ancient sage was really shocked.

How to fight this?

"Damn it, his body is too strong, we can't even break through the defense."

"What kind of body is this?"

"If this continues, it won't be him who will be tired soon, but us!"

Hitting people will also make you tired, okay?

From a distance, the elders of the Chen family kept watching, their eyes shrinking slightly.

He was shocked by Chu Yan's body, but as the person in charge this time, his vision was obviously more sinister.

This time should be the last time he represents the Chen family, because his life is approaching and he will fall into a deep sleep when he returns.

Become the trump card of the Chen family!

This shows how powerful he is.

Therefore, he immediately thought of a way and suddenly shouted: "Give up physical attacks! This person specializes in physical training. The physical body is too strong. Use soul attacks instead!"

The Chen family has lived for too long, so they have long understood a rule.

That is, a person has limited energy and cannot be strong in everything.

If you have a strong body, you will certainly lose some things...for example, your soul!

If the body is strong, the soul must be weak.

This is an inevitable necessity from ancient times to the present.

Many ancient saints and powerful men were overjoyed after hearing this.

Yes, if your body is strong, then we will attack your soul.

Soul must be your shortcoming, right?

"I come!"

An elder of the Chen family who was good at spiritual power shouted lowly, and immediately took a step into the air, forming a seal with his hands on his chest.



Suddenly, a golden light shot out.

The golden light was very special. It was not as violent as the previous attacks. It did not even cause a ripple in the space. Instead, it penetrated through very calmly and reached Chu Yan's eyebrows.

The rest of the people all smiled when they saw this.

It should be over this time, right?

But the next second, everyone's eyes widened.

Tsk - I saw the golden light like thunder, passing directly between Chu Yan's eyebrows, and then Chu Yan stood there all the time, and nothing happened.

During this period, Chu Yan also buttoned his ears, raised his head and looked at the crowd and said, "What did you just say? What did you say was my shortcoming?"

The ancient sage: "..."


Everyone screamed.

Chih - the next second, Chu Yan waved his sword, and his attack this time did not use the power of the great avenue, but mixed some divine pattern energy into it.


A golden arc was drawn directly between the sky and the earth.


Instantly slit the throat of the elder of the Chen family.

Of course, because this sword was aimed at the soul, the elder Chen's physical body was not damaged, and not even a drop of blood was shed.

But right next to the physical body, a soul was forcibly pulled out, and the soul's head and body were completely separated.

Tragic death on the spot.

"How can it be?"

"Is this...a soul attack?"

"Is this person also good at soul power?"

The ancient sage was completely shocked.

The eldest elder of the Chen family also shrank his pupils and said in a low voice: "This is impossible... There has never been a perfect person in this world... Why can you be so powerful in both cultivation?"

Chu Yan looked at Elder Chen and sneered: "You are right, one person cannot be perfect, but... I have never been alone."

This is true.

After Chu Yan accepted the universe, he gradually began to give up his inherent thinking and wanted to protect the world alone, and instead led everyone to become stronger together.

This time, when he walked out of Tianyuan, there was one thing he never said.

That is, after leaving Tianyuan, he found that his strength had improved a lot.

Not in terms of realm, but in terms of control of power.

There seemed to be some major qualitative change in the universe, and those people's becoming stronger fed all of this power back to him.

Chu Yan sneered: "Come on, come on, if there are any other methods, you can try them out together."

The ancient saints were all in despair.

How can they fight?

The body is invincible, but the soul is not...

The elder of the Chen family narrowed his eyes and suddenly said in a low voice: "Combined attack! Use the combined attack method! I don't believe that with so many of us, we can't break his defense!"

When these words came out, the eyes of the ancient saints shrank slightly.

The combined method!

This is a method that every ancient saint family has!

It is also a trump card passed down by the ancient saint elders a long time ago.

But although the ancient saint combined method is powerful, it is a huge burden on everyone. People in the ancient saint family will never use it at ordinary times.

But now, except for the combined method, they really can't think of any other way.

Therefore, the eyes of many ancient saints turned cold, and suddenly burst out: "Start the combined attack!"

In an instant, many ancient saints flashed and formed a special position in the sky, like an ancient star pattern.


When these patterns were formed, hundreds of Weiwo's power actually began to gather rapidly, and soon condensed into dozens of forces.

Even if it is a method of combining forces, it does not require all people to be united, but has a strict number of requirements.

Basically, there are 36 people in a set, but even so, the power of these people is instantly united, and the stirred sky and clouds are shaking.

When everything is completed, the ancient saints stare at Chu Yan together, with endless murderous intent in their eyes.


Chi Chi Chi!

Suddenly, dozens of extremely terrifying attacks slashed towards Chu Yan.

Chu Yan's eyes condensed when he saw this, and he immediately drew his sword.


The next second, there was a loud noise, and a figure retreated several steps, and then everyone heard a "tick", and a drop of blood dripped from the air to the ground!

The ancient saints were ecstatic when they saw this, and some even burst into tears.

The defense is broken!

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