Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5699: The Abyss Shakes

When Chu Yan said this, he took the trouble to press his ears...

Seeing this scene, Taoist Chunyang was completely shocked.

Just as Chu Yan said, every time he takes action, it consumes his soul.

If this continues, his soul will really disperse before long.

This made him couldn't help but take a few steps back and asked that soul-like question: "Boy, why? You, aren't you a giant? Aren't you a giant? Why are you okay when you are attacked by me?"

It’s okay if the soul cannot be taken away.

It's already outrageous.

As a result, now, my attack is also ineffective against Chu Yan?

This doesn't make sense.

Is it because he has been sealed for too long that his level has fallen below that of the giants?

But he checked inside his body and was sure there was none. He was still alone...

Although it's not as good as when he was at his peak, he still looks like a self-centered person at level 3 or 4. How could he not be able to defeat a giant?

Chu Yan said innocently: "I am a giant."

"You are a fart!" Chunyang Dao Zun roared: "Boy...you lied to me, right? Did you hide your strength on purpose?"

Chu Yan sighed: "Why is there no trust between people at all?"

Immediately, he simply ignored Taoist Chunyang and walked towards the mansion alone.

After he came in, he looked around and found that the mansion was very ordinary, but in the center of the mansion, there was an ancient tree.

The point is, this ancient tree also bears a fruit.

Chu Yan was pleasantly surprised when he saw the fruit: "It's so rich in power. What kind of fruit is this?"

Xiaojiu couldn't help but fly out at this time, and said in shock: "I didn't expect that there is a Nine-turn Yin-Yang Fruit here!"

Chu Yan was startled: "Nine-turn Yin-Yang Fruit? What is that?"

Xiao Jiu said calmly: "A very special fruit. For normal people, yin and yang have two sides, but with this fruit, yin and yang can be combined into one. However, it takes hundreds of millions of years for this kind of fruit to be born, and it requires one person." With careful care all year round, a slight mistake will cause the fruit trees to dry up.”

Chu Yan was stunned, then turned to look at Chunyang Taoist Master and said with a smile: "Senior, did you prepare this for me?"

Chunyang Taoist's eyelids twitched slightly, and he suddenly screamed: "Boy, don't touch that fruit!"

At this point, he was really going a little crazy.

He had been bored for hundreds of millions of years, so except for cultivating a sword energy, he spent all the rest of his time taking care of this fruit tree.

He thought that one day he would be free, and if he took this fruit, he could recover his realm in a short time.

But now...

These have all become other people's wedding clothes.

Chu Yan smiled and said: "You are almost out of your mind, why do you still need this fruit? I will keep it for you to eat. Thank you very much."

Chunyang Dao Zun's face became colder and colder, and suddenly he took a deep breath: "Boy, I will fight with you!"

After saying this, he shouted angrily: "Sword comes!"


There was a sudden loud noise deep in the mansion, followed by a long red sword flying out.

The long sword is completely red, with a dazzling golden light emitting from it, giving people the feeling of a red sun!

"It's actually a mortal sword!" Xiao Jiu spoke again.

Chu Yan turned around and saw the Chiyang Sword in Chunyang Taoist Master's hand, his eyes were strange, and he suddenly said: "Ah... you are too polite, I feel a little embarrassed."

One fruit is not enough, why should you also give me your own sword?

Chunyang Taoist Master: "..."

Then, he laughed ferociously: "Boy, do you think you really win?"

Chu Yan looked at Taoist Chunyang, and then nodded seriously: "Yes."

Chunyang Taoist Master: "..."

But the next second, he said coldly: "Boy, you are thinking too much. Even if you have no soul, even if you hide your strength, I am not that easy to deal with."


After saying this, Taoist Chunyang took a deep breath, and his soul suddenly burned.

Above his head, a dazzling sun actually emerged.

The sun was high in the sky for nine days, and it actually made Chunyang Daozu, who was already extremely weak, gradually solidify.

Not only that, Chu Yan clearly saw that Chunyang Daoist, who was originally just a soul, now had flesh and blood growing out?

The breath is strong.

Chu Yan's eyes contracted. Because of the appearance of the sun, Chunyang Taoist actually felt a little bit like he was back to his peak?

Directly reaching level eight solipsism?

"What's going on?" Chu Yan was puzzled for a while.

Wushui suddenly said: "He burned the last life force in his soul and reached the point of returning to the light. Now he... only has one day left to live."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, but he didn't expect that Taoist Chunyang would still have such a hand.


Soon, Chunyang Dao respected Xin and returned to the eighth level of Solipsism. Together with the Red Sun Sword in his hand, it gave people the feeling of the sun god's presence.

He looked down at Chu Yan and said with a ferocious smile: "Boy, just accept your fate!"

Tsk - the next second, he raised his palm and stabbed Chu Yan in the chest with his sword.

This time, he has absolute confidence!

Burning vitality and allowing him to return to the top is an eighth-level solitary combat power. Even if it was placed hundreds of millions of years ago, it would still be a first-class existence in the abyss.

He couldn't kill a giant if he didn't believe it!

However, at this moment, his eyelids couldn't help but twitch, because just when he was confident that he would win, a hand suddenly stretched out and grabbed his long sword.

Chunyang Taoist Master's expression changed greatly, because he found that no matter how hard he exerted his force, the sword seemed to be tightly clamped and could no longer move at all?

"How can it be?"

Taoist Master Chunyang screamed in fear: "You, who are you? You are not a giant at all."


At this time, Chu Yan used his palms to grab the Red Sun Sword, and chuckled: "Slow down, don't break my sword!"

Then, in front of Chunyang Taoist Master, he carefully put away the Chiyang Sword.

Chunyang Taoist Master was stunned and suddenly screamed: "Ahhhhh!!! You are not a human being, you are not a human being..."

Chu Yan did everything well, looked at Chunyang Taoist Master and said with a smile: "Okay, I don't know if I am a human being, but I can be sure that you will no longer be a human being soon."

The next second, he no longer held back, and aimed his blood sword at Chunyang Sword Master's throat.

Tsk - with just such a gentle touch, Taoist Chunyang's eyes widened, and then he saw that his soul began to dissipate, and no matter how hard he tried, he could no longer repair it.


Chunyang Dao Zun let out a cry of despair, and then completely disappeared between heaven and earth.

Until the moment of death, Taoist Master Chunyang stared at Chu Yan, full of confusion and inexplicability...

"Why...why did you lie to me."


Fireworks exploded.

Chu Yan looked innocent: "It's not my fault, I didn't lie to him."

At this time, Xiao Jiu suddenly said: "Don't be too good to get an advantage. It's rare to see an eighth-level self-centered soul, especially since his soul has lived for hundreds of millions of years. Don't waste it and inhale it into the tower."

Chu Yan nodded slightly, then took out the small tower and immediately absorbed the soul of Chunyang Taoist Master.


But the moment he took out the small tower.


Tianyuan Holy City suddenly began to vibrate violently, as if it had been stimulated by something.

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