Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5698: Soul-smashed

Chu Yan was slightly surprised when he heard this.

Rip a crack?

The strength of Chunyang Dao Zun is not simple, isn't it?

Although Chu Yan didn't try his best just now, he tried it and found that this seal lock was really not weak.

Can he break through?


But you need to use the Heavenly Refining Sword.

But now, this Chunyang Taoist can actually force a hole inside?

But then, Chu Yan frowned slightly: "Senior, I don't understand, you can make an opening, why don't you come out directly?"

Chunyang Taoist Master sighed: "Little friend, I don't know...Although I can tear open the seal, it is only limited to dead objects. Living bodies cannot get out, otherwise they will be crushed by the turbulent flow of the seal."

Chu Yan said strangely: "Senior... aren't you dead? You are not a living being, so what are you afraid of?"

Chunyang Taoist Master: "..."

He was startled.

He hurriedly changed his words: "Little friend, I don't know. Although I am dead, this ray of spiritual thought is conscious after all, so it will be sealed and judged as a living body."

Chu Yan suddenly realized: "So that's it. I thought the senior was lying to me just to let me break the seal, and then he wanted to take me away."

Taoist Chunyang's throat rolled. Chu Yan was not in the house at this time, otherwise he would have found that Taoist Chunyang was so frightened that his soul was almost sweating...

Chu Yan immediately changed his words and said: "But when I think about it, senior is so powerful, how could he fall in love with a giant like me? You think I am right, senior?"

"Yes...yes." Chunyang Taoist nodded hurriedly and breathed a sigh of relief.

Chu Yan sneered in his heart, I can't scare you to death!

Immediately, he said: "Okay, senior, give me the sword energy and I will help you unlock the seal. I can't wait to get the inheritance."

Chunyang Taoist Master nodded slightly.


The next second, a gap actually opened on the sealed mansion.

"Little friend, I will send out the sword energy now, you must catch it well." Chunyang Taoist Master's voice sounded.

Chu Yan nodded: "Okay!"


Soon, a small sword actually flew out of that loophole!

A very delicate golden sword with carved dragons and flowers on it. The key point is that this small sword is surrounded by a layer of rich power.

As soon as Chu Yan got it in his hand, his heart trembled.

"What a powerful force! This sword energy...isn't it a simple eighth-level solipsism? This power...is probably at the ninth level?"

Chu Yan couldn't help but be shocked.

This Chunyang Taoist actually has such a treasure?

What state was Chunyang Dao Zun in before?

Level nine?


If there really is a ninth level, why was it sealed here by the ancestor of Tianyuan in the first place?

Chu Yan was confused.

"No!" At this time, Xiao Jiu suddenly said: "Although this sword energy has the level of nine, it only has the energy of level nine and has not reached the charm of level nine... In the final analysis, it is just a false nine that has been accumulated in quantity. Super sword energy."

Chu Yan wondered: "What do you mean?"

Xiao Jiu said: "If I'm not wrong, this sword energy should have been accumulated by Taoist Chunyang over hundreds of millions of years. He forcibly raised the sword energy to level nine by relying on quantity. But in terms of quality, it is far from level nine." class."

Chu Yan checked it out and discovered that the sword energy was indeed very strong.

The quantity changes are more.

Upon noticing this, Chu Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately there was some joy.

If he hadn't been careful and opened the seal just now, even if Chunyang Dao Zun himself was already very weak, he might not be able to block this wisp of sword energy alone.

It's fine now, and I have earned a ray of sword energy in vain.

After Chunyang Taoist sent out the sword energy, he couldn't help but urge: "Little friend, have you got the sword energy? Can you open the lock and come in now?"

Chu Yan chuckled: "Senior, I got it, I'll go in and get the inheritance."

After saying that, Chu Yan quietly put away his sword energy, and then came out with a different sword.

Refining the Divine Sword.

Then he aimed at the lock and struck hard.


Suddenly, a crisp sound sounded in Tianyuan City.


Immediately afterwards, because the seal was loose, the entire Tianyuan Holy City shook.

This seal was set by the ancestor of Tianyuan. Now that the seal was loosened, Chu Yan discovered an astonishing scene.

The projected figures in the city became ethereal.

Eventually it gradually fades and disappears.

"The projection is missing?"

Xiao Jiu said with emotion: "I know, this projection in the city is all the result of the obsession of the ancestor of Tianyuan. Now that you have broken his seal, this obsession is gone."

Chu Yan nodded slightly, and then he couldn't help but sigh: "Ancestor Tianyuan... is a very powerful person, but it's a pity."

Xiaojiu said nothing.

At this time, Chu Yan raised his head and looked at the mansion in front of him.


As the lock was broken, the mansion shook violently.

A powerful force surged out.

"Hahaha! After hundreds of millions of years, I finally regained my freedom!" The next second, a hearty laugh spread throughout the world.

Immediately afterwards, a translucent shadow quickly flew out of the mansion.

Xuying is an old man who has gone through many vicissitudes of life. As Wu Hui said, he is just a soul.

And his soul is very weak.

The old man flew out of the house, and the first thing he did was to breathe hard. Even though he was just a soul and couldn't feel the gas, it still made him shed tears of excitement.

The seal of hundreds of millions of years had already caused him to collapse.

Today I finally regained my freedom.

At this time, Chu Yan looked at the old man's calm eyes and suddenly laughed: "Senior, the seal has been released. It's time for you to pass it on to me now, right?"

As soon as these words came out, the old man came back to his senses, then looked down at Chu Yan, with a strange look in his eyes, and laughed: "Haha, inheritance? Do you still want to inherit it?"

"That's right. Didn't you say you were dead a long time ago? Are you just unwilling to accept it? Now you can give me the Chunyang Sword Technique and die with peace of mind, right?"

Chu Yan smiled.


Chunyang Taoist Master laughed loudly: "Little guy... you, you are so innocent, which makes me feel a little cute. How can there be someone as stupid as you in this world?"

Hearing this, Chu Yan looked shocked: "Senior, what do you mean by this? You...you haven't been lying to me, have you?"

Chunyang Taoist Master laughed excitedly: "Idiot, a mere giant wants to practice my Chunyang Sword Technique? Are you dreaming? It's okay, I will take your body soon, and at that time, you will be pure Yang Jianfa is perfect, hahaha!”

"Seize the body?"

Chu Yan suddenly showed a look of fear and subconsciously took a few steps back: "Senior, you... you can't do this to me, how could you lie to me?"

However, the more the Chunyang Taoist saw him panicking, the more excited his smile became: "Don't worry, little guy, I will send the Chunyang Sword Technique into your head now!"

After saying this, Taoist Master Chunyang raised his hand and pointed it lightly at the center of Chu Yan's eyebrows.


In an instant, a soul impact quickly poured into Chu Yan's body.

Chunyang Taoist Master kept watching, and his whole body became excited. He even saw himself regaining a new life in Chu Yan...

However, after his soul was injected into Chu Yan's body for a moment, his eyes suddenly became strange...

Because he found that when his soul was injected into Chu Yan's body... there was no reaction at all.

Chu Yan still stood there.

No reaction at all.

"How can it be?"

Chunyang Taoist Master's mouth suddenly opened wide: "You, are you okay?"

Chu Yan chuckled: "What should I do?"

Chunyang Taoist Master was stunned for a moment: "How could it be? I should take away your soul... Why is everything okay?"

The next second, Chunyang Taoist Master's eyes were fierce, and then he suddenly shouted angrily, and then he swooped down and penetrated directly into Chu Yan's body.

Prepare to take over the soul.


Chunyang Taoist Master was fine before he entered, but as soon as he entered Chu Yan's body... he was stunned.

Where is the soul?

He discovered a surprising thing, that is... Chu Yan has no soul?

"You, you are not a human? Are you just a puppet?" Chunyang Dao Zun screamed.

Chu Yan sneered at the corner of his mouth. His spirit and body were one, and his soul had already become one with his body. This guy wanted to seize his soul?

Just kidding?

If you want to seize the body, you must first have a soul, right?

But I don't.

Chunyang Taoist Master suddenly became frightened: "You, why do you have no soul?"

Chu Yan smiled and said: "Senior, I may disappoint you."

Chunyang Taoist Master clenched his fists. He was unwilling to give in. He finally lifted the seal, but ended up meeting a person without a soul?

But soon, a cruel look flashed in his eyes, and he sneered: "Boy, do you think you'll be fine because you have no soul?"

Chu Yan raised his head and looked at Chunyang Taoist Master: "So?"

Chunyang Taoist Master smiled ferociously: "Although you have no soul, your physical body is still there. I just need to kill you and keep your physical body, and it can be used as my container!"

Chu Yan was immediately frightened when he heard this and hurriedly took a few steps back: "No... you can't kill me..."

"Haha, I only know fear now, it's too late!"

Chunyang Taoist Master smiled ferociously and said: "My level has been declining over the years. If you were stronger, I might not be your opponent... It's a pity that you are just a giant!"

The next second, he clasped his hands in front of his chest, and a Red Sun Sword was born.



When the voice fell, he pointed his finger.


In an instant, sword energy burst out.

Chu Yan stood there, watching the flying sword approaching. He did not resist, but just blinked and allowed the sword to strike.


The next second, the sword energy hit Chu Yan's chest.

Then... there is no more!


After the flying sword hit Chu Yan, it shattered into powder.

Looking back at Chu Yan, nothing happened!

Chunyang Taoist Master's pupils shrank: "How is that possible?"

Chu Yan stood there and smiled softly: "Senior, are you... scratching my itch?"

Chunyang Taoist Master's face was full of shock. He swallowed: "I don't believe it!"


In an instant, another sword shot out.


Crush again!

"Impossible!" Chunyang Taoist Master was a little crazy, and then shot more than a dozen sword energy in succession, but the results were all the same.

After these sword energy hit Chu Yan, there was not even a splash of water.

Until the tenth round, Chunyang Dao Zun was tired... his soul was a little faded.

Chu Yan couldn't help but yawned: "Senior, are you tired? Why don't you take a break? If you continue to fight, you will lose your soul."

Chunyang Taoist Master: "..."

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