Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5647 Chu Yan breaks through again

Chu Yan was about to cry.

Let's challenge each other.

Chen Jia looked at Chu Yan and sighed: "To be honest, if possible, I really want to give it a try with you, but unfortunately... you are too crucial. If you run away, Brother Tian will be in some trouble, so I won't Take the risk.”

Chu Yan: "..."

The next second, he sighed: "Made, you are all bullying me, right?"

Chen Meng suddenly said: "Brother Chu, let me help you first."

Although he wanted to challenge Chen Jia to a duel, Chu Yan was involved in this dispute because of him, so he could not ignore Chu Yan's safety.

Subconsciously, Chen Meng wanted to rush towards Chu Yan.

But almost instantly, Chen Jiayu pointed, and thirty-six Feixian Swords rushed out, directly blocking Chen Meng's path.

Chen Meng frowned slightly.

But just when a trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes, and he was about to force a breakout...

"You don't have to come!"

Chu Yan suddenly let out a cold shout.

Chen Meng frowned slightly: "Brother Chu..."

Chu Yan snorted coldly: "Stop talking nonsense, you all think I'm easy to bully, right? Originally, I didn't want to force myself to do something like this, but since you insist on seeking death, I don't mind changing the protagonist from now on!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was startled.

What do you mean by changing the protagonist?

At this time, Chu Yan sneered: "From now on, I will let you understand that surrounding and killing Chen Meng is a trivial matter, but if you bring me, Chu Yan, with you, that will be the beginning of your nightmare!"

It was obvious that Chu Yan was serious.

He originally thought that this group of people were playing a contest to win the right to inherit the throne.

Don't steal the limelight from Chen Meng.

The result is great... after a while, the fire came on its own?

The next second, Chu Yan suddenly shouted at Chen Meng: "Brother Chen, please stay away and don't fight with Chen Jia first, so as not to take my shot."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Meng's eyelids jumped slightly.

At this time, everyone in the Chen family also understood after hearing this. One of them sneered: "Boy, do you mean you are planning to fight all of us?"

Chu Yan stretched his muscles and looked around: "You guys, don't run away for a while."

"Haha, hahaha!"

Everyone in the Chen family laughed loudly.

"This is definitely the funniest joke I've heard this year! Boy, I admit that you are strong, but in the end you are just a giant. If you are one-on-one, you may still have hope, but there are so many of us, and you still think you have it? Chances of winning?”

Everyone laughed.

The person next to him said calmly: "If you were not a giant, even if you were just a self-centered person, we would actually be wary of you. With so many of us going to focus on Chen Meng, to be honest, there are some risks. Chen Meng may not be as good as him now." You...but Chen Meng can break through."

Chen Meng is just a newbie.

He still has a long way to go on his own journey.

And when a person is threatened by death, it is easier to develop his potential.

Therefore, Chen Tian specifically told Chen Meng that he must relax and not push too hard. If he really breaks through, it will be difficult to handle.

A monster like Chen Meng can easily increase his combat power by breaking through a level.

The problem is...Chu Yan is not a self-centered person, he is a giant.

Although the giants are at a lower level than the solipsists, there is a huge gap between the giants and the solipsists.

The ancient sage Chen family naturally also knew that in today's era, the path of self-reliance has been cut off, and there is no way to break through.

This is not a question of good or bad talent, but simply that there is no such path.

It doesn't matter how you squeeze it.

Everyone in the Chen family sneered.

As long as Chu Yan can't break through, he will always be a giant.

In the distance, Chen Meng's face darkened when he heard this: "Damn it, it turns out this is what you had in mind."

Chen Jia said nothing.

Outside, the old woman also looked worried.

But at this moment...

Chu Yan suddenly laughed.

The Chen family members were startled when they saw this, and the leader said in a low voice: "Boy, what are you... laughing at?"

Chu Yan glanced at the man and said sarcastically: "Why are you laughing? Laughing at your ignorance. Who told you that my giant can't break through?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the Chen family frowned slightly.

One of them sneered: "Boy, are you still pretending? The path of self-reliance in this era has been broken. No one has succeeded in 200 million years."

Chen Meng also looked at Chu Yan, somewhat puzzled.

Even he knows that in this era, my path is cut off.

There is no solitary path. If giants want to be solitary, it is really difficult.

That long river of self-centeredness has buried too many bones.

Chu Yan glanced at him and sneered: "I don't know whether I am going to succeed or not, but you are so sure that I am a top giant?"


As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

Is Chu Yan a top giant?

This...he doesn't seem to have really said that.

But everyone subconsciously regards Chu Yan as a top giant.

Including Chen Meng.

Otherwise, how can we defeat the only self?

Thinking of this, everyone in the Chen family shook their heads: "No, this is impossible! You are not a top solipsist, how can you go against the solipsism?"

In their perception, only the top giants are the ones who can counterattack the ego.

Chu Yan smiled sarcastically: "That's why I said you are all frogs in the well!"

After saying that, he took a deep breath and took a step forward: "Today, I will let you see whether I am a top giant or not!"



With just such a step, Chu Yan's Qi suddenly increased sharply, and a terrifying rainbow light shot into the sky from his body.


Instantly, the whole world seemed to be shaking and screaming.

Then, the Chen family members clearly saw that Chu Yan's aura... had changed?


The Chen family was completely stunned.

Chen Meng, the old woman, Chen Tian, ​​including Chen Jia, were all shocked.

"You... really broke through? How is this possible? No, this is impossible!"

Everyone clearly saw that Chu Yan really made a breakthrough!

But... he is still a giant!

There is only one possibility, Chu Yan... broke through among the giants, so from the beginning, Chu Yan was not a top giant?

Chen Meng stared blankly for a long time, and suddenly laughed at himself: "I thought I was invincible, but I didn't know that there are so many arrogant people in the world, and there are people better than people..."

When Chen Meng knew that Chu Yan was a giant, he admitted that he had lost.

But at that time, he was somewhat lucky and felt that he was young enough.

Now... he knew he was wrong.

Chu Yan is more than just a giant...

Chu Yan took a step forward and officially became a level 5 giant, and with it came a doubling of strength.

Just like Chen Meng, Chu Yan's breakthrough is different from that of other ordinary giants. On the contrary, any breakthrough of his will be a qualitative leap.

At this time, Chen Tian's eyes in the sky were terrified, and suddenly roared: "Kill, kill! Everyone listen to the order, focus on killing him! No matter what, he must die today!"

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