Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5646 Thirty-six Flying Immortal Swords

After seeing the retreating Chen Meng, the expressions of everyone in the Chen family changed drastically.

"So strong!"

At this moment, even those who were often with Chen Jia were shocked.

They had always known that Chen Jia was very talented. Before Chen Meng was born, she could be said to be the well-deserved number one person in the Chen family. It was not until Chen Meng appeared that her edge gradually faded away.

But none of them expected that this talent would be so good!

This is no longer simple, right?

Isn't this...a little perverted?

You know, the realm of the Chen family... is only the third level of self-centeredness.

As a result, Chen Meng was defeated.

And just now, Chen Meng used twenty-four flying swords to tear apart a Level 6 Weapon.

This means that Chen Jia's strength is still above level 6 of Weiwo.

However, when everyone was surprised, Chen Tian was the only one who kept looking in the void, showing an expected smile.

Others don't understand Chen Jia, but he knows it very well.

Chen Jia's talent has never been weaker than that of Chen Meng. If it weren't for the Chen clan's preference for boys over girls, a top evildoer might have appeared in the Chen clan as early as 300 years ago.

It's a pity that he was ignored by the Chen clan.

Chen Tian said indifferently: "If Chen Jia had the same resource tilt as Chen Meng back then, I'm afraid she would have reached the sixth or even seventh level of self-centeredness now."

Chen Meng stood firm and became serious.

Chen Jia made him feel very seductive!

Chen Meng looked at Chen Jia and was silent for a while, then suddenly said: "I'm a little confused. I remember that 10 years ago in the Chen family, I challenged you. At that time, you..."

Before he could finish what he said, Chen Jia interrupted directly: "I failed miserably, right? I didn't even block one of your moves."

Chen Meng nodded slightly.

As the current top genius of the Chen clan, he must be invincible among his generation.

The same generation does not refer to the same year. Among the Chen clan, people within tens of millions of years can be counted as one generation.

So at the beginning, Chen Meng challenged them one by one and defeated all the geniuses of the Chen clan within tens of millions of people. In the end, he won them all, and he finally stood out.

Later, he even stretched this invincible genius of his generation to hundreds of millions of years, and he swept them all away.

Finally he completely broke away from the younger generation.

This is why he is only a hundred years old, but he gives people an old-fashioned feeling.

Because the people he usually deals with are all old monsters that are hundreds of millions of years old.

But when he challenged Chen Jia, Chen Jia didn't even block one of his moves.

Chen Jia laughed at herself: "Why should I try my best? Even if I win against you, it will be meaningless. In the Chen clan, I am a girl, so I will not be reused in this life. On the contrary, if I behave too "Qiang, the Chen family won't be afraid of me."

Chen Meng frowned: "I don't understand why you think about the family so much. Are you not a member of the family?"

Chen Jia said sarcastically: "I don't think so, but this is the fact. Do you still remember the proud daughter of the Chen family 100 million years ago? I remember her name was: Chen Shutong."

Chen Meng was stunned and nodded slightly.

Chen Shutong!

Anyone from the Chen family would probably know this name.

This man was a top evildoer 100 million years ago. Even in records, he was no worse than Chen Meng now. He was also a self-centered person for a hundred years and suppressed an entire era.

But something happened to this person later, and instead of rising, the Chen family was also implicated in some ways.

It was because of this Chen Shutong that she fell in love with a foreigner, and later broke up with the Chen clan because of that foreigner.

In order to cultivate Chen Shutong, the Chen Clan could be said to have used the entire family's efforts, but in the end this was the result. You can imagine how collapsed the Chen Clan was.

Since then, the Chen clan has lost confidence in their female disciples.

No matter how talented you are, as long as you are a girl, you will not be reused.

Chen Jia said coldly: "Even if I beat you, I still wouldn't end well. If that's the case, then why should I win? So since then, I have learned to hide my clumsiness."

Chen Meng was silent for a while, then nodded.

He got it.

Chen Jia said lightly: "Of course, you are also very powerful. After all, I was born 200 years earlier than you. If I give you another 200 years, your realm will be higher than mine. Unfortunately, you don't have those 200 years."

Speaking of this, Chen Jia's facial features even looked a little ferocious: "The Chen family has given up on me, then I will personally destroy the hope of the Chen family today."

Chen Meng shook his head slightly: "You haven't defeated me yet."

Chen Jia sneered: "Really?"

The next second, Chen Jiayu raised her hand and snapped her fingers into the void.


Suddenly, the void behind her cracked, and then flying swords suddenly rushed out from it.

One handful, two handfuls, three handfuls, four handfuls, five handfuls...

Six, seven, ten, twenty...

It continues to increase.

"This is... the Thirty-Six Flying Immortal Sword? Chen Jia has also practiced this set of swordsmanship?"

"Is this the point? The Flying Immortal Sword is not a secret sword technique in the Chen family. Many people have practiced it. The problem is the number... Chen Jia has controlled more than twenty flying swords!"

"There's more..."

Twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-four...twenty-seven...thirty!


The eyes of everyone in the Chen clan shrank.

Thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three...

"Oh my god, there are still more... She won't make thirty-six more, right?"


After a moment, thirty-six swords broke through the air and surrounded Chen Jia.

At this moment, the Chen family members were completely stunned.

Above, the old woman's eyes also showed a touch of shock.

"Thirty-six... Flying Immortal Swords, how is this possible?" The old woman said in disbelief.

Chen Jia sneered: "Yes, how is it possible? In your eyes, it is normal for Chen Meng to do it, and it is impossible for me to do it! But you are wrong."

After speaking, Chen Jia looked at Chen Meng and said: "Chen Meng, do you know how much I hate you for the past 100 years? I have been waiting for this day, I can ignore the pressure of the family and fight you openly."

Chen Meng looked at the thirty-six flying immortal swords and fell silent. Then his eyes suddenly became fanatical, and he nodded and said: "I am looking forward to it now."

"Looking forward to your uncle!"

At this time, a curse suddenly sounded in the distance.

Everyone was stunned.

The person who spoke was Chu Yan.

Chen Meng turned around and looked at Chu Yan, who cursed in a low voice: "You are so happy to fight, and you are fighting one-on-one. I am being targeted!"

Chen Meng: "..."

Oh, right... He almost forgot about Chu Yan after being treated like this by Chen Jia.

Chu Yan looked at Chen Jia angrily and said, "Woman, what's the point of fighting him? If you have the guts, come and fight me one-on-one. Let these people focus on Chen Meng. I am not a member of the Chen family. What does it have to do with me?"

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