Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5604: First

Chu Yan had just learned the truth from the mortal family in this city and was furious.

Before, his murderous intention had almost materialized. He and Chen Meng had the same idea. In his world, the Valley of the Wicked deserved more killing and destruction than the Iron-Blooded Fortress.

Even more tragic.

Chu Yan had already thought about it and immediately went to the Evil Valley and took out the Evil Valley Master and beat him up.

But suddenly, he was confused.

He looked up at the sky, and the terrifying blood cloud shrouded the entire Valley of the Wicked.

Chu Yan looked at Chen Yu: "Chen Yu... do you think this blood cloud was caused by the death of the evil Valley Master?"

Chen Yu was startled and said strangely: "This blood cloud is so big that it doesn't look like it was caused by the death of a person."

The corner of Chu Yan's mouth twitched slightly, and he suddenly became anxious: "No, where is my Valley of Evil? Where is my Valley of Evil?"

"Quick, follow me."

Chu Yan became anxious. He grabbed Chen Yu and left the mortal city in a swish, flying towards the Valley of the Wicked in the center.


When Chu Yan came to the Valley of the Wicked, where else were there any people in the Valley of the Wicked?

This place has long been turned into ruins...

It was empty, not even a soul.

Chu Yan looked down and saw the evil Valley Master who was beheaded with a sword.

The body lay in a pool of blood in a strange place.

The blood clouds in the sky kept roaring.

A terrible wailing sound was made.

Chu Yan's face turned dark and he was about to cry: "No, who is this? Who is this? Are you sick? What are you doing..."

Chu Yan was really a little angry.

It doesn't matter if the pot of the Iron Blood Castle was snatched away. Now he wants to destroy the Valley of the Evil Ones, but the Valley of the Evil Ones is gone too?

At this time, Chen Yu whispered: "Emperor Chu, do you think it is possible that he is also that Chen Meng?"

Chu Yan was startled: "..."

Don’t tell me, it’s really possible!

Because no forbidden land has been destroyed in Tianyuan for hundreds of millions of years.

As a result, there are now two more at once.

The Iron Blooded Fortress was destroyed by itself.

But Chen Meng rushed to admit that now that the Valley of Evil was destroyed, besides Chen Meng, Chu Yan really couldn't think of anyone else.

When Chu Yan thought of this, he immediately became angry: "No, is this person sick?"

Chu Yan suddenly wanted to go crazy.

are you crazy?

You just robbed me of the Iron-blooded Fortress, but now you also rob me of the Valley of the Evil?

Chu Yan's eyes were about to burst into flames, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Bitch, don't let me meet you!!!"

Chu Yan was really a little crazy.

I just wanted to make a name for myself in Tianyuan, and then lure Liu Bai here. It was a simple thing at first, but what happened was that I met a fool.

Endless trouble.


Suddenly, Chu Yan let out a long breath.

Then he narrowed his eyes slightly and suddenly had a bold idea.

Chu Yan turned around and looked at Chen Yu: "Chen Yu, all the people in the Evil Valley have been wiped out, haven't they?"

Chen Yu looked around and said, "It should be, there are no survivors at the moment."

Chu Yan's eyes lit up: "That's easy to handle... Didn't Chen Meng pretend to claim my Iron-blooded Fortress? Then I'll wait here. The Valley of Evil has been destroyed, and someone will definitely come to investigate soon. Then I will Just say that I destroyed the Valley of Evil, so that I can become famous.”

After saying that, Chu Yan thought for a moment and said, "He robbed me of the Iron-blooded Fortress, and I robbed him of the Villainous Valley. We are all even, and I didn't bully him... Well, yes, that's what we'll do."

Chu Yan suddenly became happy.

Although he has not destroyed the Valley of Evil, he can wait here.

Although it's a bit untrue...

But who allowed Chen Meng to take away the credit for his Iron Blood Fort first?

This can be considered tit for tat.

Everyone is even.

Chu Yan had an idea and suddenly stopped being anxious and started waiting where he was.

Throughout the whole process, he also deliberately showed a profound look, with his hands wrapped around the bloody sword, his eyes deliberately closed, and his long hair blowing in the wind, looking like a hero.

Just like that, he waited for who knows how long.


The space around the Valley of the Evil suddenly distorted, and a series of piercing sounds began to sound, each one deafening and extremely powerful.

Chen Yu accompanied Chu Yan, his throat couldn't help but roll, he was extremely nervous.

"Emperor Chu...there are many strong men."

In just a moment, Chen Yu has already felt seven or eight solipsistic people, and they are not the first-time ones. They are at least second-level solipsistic people, and there are also several third-level solipsistic people.

The point is, it's just the beginning now, and more people will definitely fly this way soon.

Chu Yan hugged the blood sword and said excitedly: "It's okay, the more people the better, so that we can be famous enough."


The next second, the first strong man to investigate appeared.

Squeak——The void opened a door to space, and then a man in white robe walked out of it.

The man's hair is tied up, his eyebrows are sword-shaped, and he has starry eyes. He looks quite heroic.

As soon as he appeared in the Valley of the Wicked, his expression changed slightly: "Has the Valley of the Wicked also been destroyed? What a cruel method."

At this time, Chu Yan quietly opened one eye and glanced at the man, feeling increasingly excited.

I'm coming!

Quick, ask me!

Asked if it was the valley of the wicked that I destroyed.

In order to appear inscrutable, Chu Yan didn't even open his eyes the whole time. He just kept waiting with his arms around the blood sword.


After a while, people from all around arrived at the Valley of the Wicked at the same time.

All these people came from the forbidden sect. After they came, they all took a breath of cold air.

At this time, a young man suddenly said: "Everyone, the Evil Valley has also been destroyed. What do you think?"

"Do we need to see it? It must be done by Chen Meng."

"What does Chen Meng want to do? One Iron Blood Fort is not enough, and now he is attacking the Evil Valley. Is he really not afraid of arousing public anger?"

A person next to him shook his head slightly: "What about the Chen family? What do you say about Chen Meng's matter?"

The man in white robe said: "The Chen family said that Chen Meng is Chen Meng, and the Chen family is the Chen family. Everything Chen Meng did has nothing to do with the Chen family."

The people around were stunned: "It has nothing to do with the Chen family? Is the Chen family going to shirk it?"

The man in white robe shook his head: "I don't know, but the destruction of the Evil Valley is not a trivial matter. We must inform the sect quickly. Chen Meng may not stop after destroying the Evil Valley."

The people around looked at each other and nodded slightly: "Yes."

Inform the sect.

At this moment, someone saw Chu Yan holding the blood sword above the Evil Valley and was stunned: "Look, what is that person doing?"

Hearing this, everyone realized Chu Yan's existence.

They all frowned.

"Is this person sick?"

"Is he trying to show off?"

"Forget it, don't worry about him, he may be mentally ill, let's report back to the sect quickly."

"Yes, this is a big deal."

Everyone discussed it and came to a conclusion. After that, no one stayed in the Evil Valley, and flew away in all directions.

The whole process... no one even talked to Chu Yan.

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