Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5603 was preempted

Chen Meng retreated very far this time.

The Evil Valley Master was about to sneer when he saw this, but then his face suddenly changed.


Because at this moment, the sword energy that had just dissipated suddenly gathered and stabbed at the Evil Valley Master's forehead again at a very tricky angle.

The Evil Valley Master was shocked and immediately put his hands together in front of his chest: "Gather!"


The next second, the eight flying knives merged into one and condensed into a special shield in front of the Evil Valley Master.


The swords collided again.


In the distance, Chen Meng's body was shaken away again and smashed hard on the sealed boundary wall, causing terrible ripples on the boundary wall.

But this time, the people of the Evil Valley were not much better.

The Evil Valley Master groaned, and the other six mountain masters were even worse, spitting out blood one after another.

All of them were hit by the backlash.

Seeing this scene, the other disciples of the Evil Valley Master were all shocked.

The valley master and the mountain master were actually injured by a sword?

You know, Chen Meng is only a hundred years old.

Is this... really a human?

At this moment, the evil valley master wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and a deep fear flashed in his eyes. He looked at Chen Meng and snorted: "I really can't keep you!"

He was still thinking at first, if Chen Meng couldn't win and chose to surrender, should he give Chen Meng a hand for the face of the ancient saint Chen family.

But now, he really didn't dare to show mercy.

He is only a hundred years old.

If he let Chen Meng go this time, it would really be letting the tiger go back to the mountain.

So thinking of this, the evil valley master's eyes flashed with an unprecedented murderous intent.

"Continue!" The evil valley master shouted.

After receiving the order, the six mountain masters didn't care about the injuries on their bodies, and their hands suddenly closed in front of their chests, and the six long swords rose into the air again.

Let the evil valley master mobilize.

The Evil Valley Master stared at Chen Meng and said, "Boy, I admit that you are indeed a demon, but unfortunately your current strength is still not enough."


At this time, Chen Meng suddenly laughed after jumping down from the boundary wall.

The Evil Valley Master was startled when he saw this, and said in a low voice, "What are you laughing at?"

Chen Meng shook his head slightly: "Nothing, I did make a mistake and underestimated you. I thought I could beat you in this state."

The Evil Valley Master was startled.

At this time, Chen Meng slowly walked to the old woman.

He turned and looked at the old woman and said, "Nanny, I may have to trouble you to help me get the sword box."

The old woman was startled when she heard this, and then a gleam of light flashed in her eyes, and then she immediately nodded: "Okay."

The next second, Chen Meng slowly took off the huge sword box behind him and handed it to the old woman.

The Evil Valley Master kept watching and frowned slightly.

He didn't realize at first that Chen Meng was carrying a huge sword box on his back, but he didn't think there was anything wrong with it now.

But the next second, his face suddenly shook.

Because when the old woman took the sword box, her body sank, and then the end of the sword box just fell to the ground.


A huge wave was immediately raised.

It was like a comet hit.


At this time, the seal barrier that had always been indestructible was touched by the sword box, and a tiny crack appeared?


The evil valley master was stunned: "How is it possible?"

You know, this seal barrier is so strong that even a person of level 5 like me can't break it.

As a result, it was just hit by the sword box and it cracked directly?

What kind of sword box is that?

How heavy is this sword box?

The point is... Chen Meng has been carrying the sword box to fight with me just now.


The evil valley master swallowed hard.

However, before he could speak.

Chen Meng moved his shoulders and smiled: "This is much more comfortable."


The next second, Chen Meng stepped on the ground and suddenly disappeared from the spot.

The Evil Valley Master was shocked when he saw this. He immediately released his divine consciousness to find Chen Meng, but he was stunned when his divine consciousness came out.

Because he found that... he couldn't catch Chen Meng's figure?

Too fast!


At this time, Chen Meng's voice sounded.

The Evil Valley Master turned around suddenly. Chen Meng was smiling at him from behind. The Evil Valley Master twitched his mouth and swung his knife fiercely.


However, he chopped down with a knife, but it penetrated through Chen Meng's body.

Then, Chen Meng's figure drifted away with the wind.



It was too fast, leaving a residual image!

"Here." Chen Meng's laughter sounded again in front.

The Evil Valley Master turned around suddenly and punched.


The same result.

After the punch penetrated, a deep pit was smashed into the ground, but it still did not hit Chen Meng.

Chen Meng chuckled: "That was me three seconds ago. Can you be faster?"

The Evil Valley Master was immediately terrified.


At this time, Chen Meng appeared again, appeared in front of the Evil Valley Master, and chuckled: "Okay, I don't want to play anymore."

After that, he held the sword in one hand and slashed it lightly.

Swish - it was just such a light sword, and everyone looked at it, and they couldn't even feel any abnormality or power.


The next second, the Evil Valley Master's eyes widened, because he clearly saw that the eight long swords were like mud under the sword energy, and were directly cut in half.

Eight swords cut at the same time!

That’s not all.

Chi chi chi chi chi chi – as the eight swords broke, the eyes of the six mountain masters in the distance widened, and a line of blood appeared at their throats at the same time.


Six bloody heads flew out at once.

One sword cut the throat.

At the moment of death, the six people’s eyes were wide open, full of confusion and inexplicability...

When did Chen Meng draw his sword?


The Evil Valley Master was completely terrified after seeing this scene. He subconsciously took a step back and trembled: "I, I admit defeat..."

Chen Meng shook his head slightly: "I'm not sparring with you, what's the point of admitting defeat."

The Evil Valley Master was shocked and said in fear: "You, you just want to challenge me to become famous? I can publicly admit that I lost... Spare me."

Chen Meng laughed: "Sorry, I don't have such a leisurely mood. I don't care about fame or not. I'm just doing what I think I should do."

"And now, I think... you deserve to die."

After saying that, the sword came out.

Swish-the Evil Valley Master's eyes widened, and then there was a dizzy feeling.

Because his head was cut off directly by Chen Meng.


The moment the Evil Valley Master fell, the entire sky turned blood red.

The blood rain drifted.

Chen Meng slowly put away the sword, then walked in front of the old woman, and once again carried the sword box behind him.

"Nurse, let's go." Chen Meng said.

The old woman nodded slightly, and as the Evil Valley Master fell, the seal barrier also broke.

The two of them flew into the air together.

At the same time.

In a city, Chu Yan had just found out the truth about the Evil Valley, and his eyes were really blazing with fire, wanting to go to the Evil Valley to kill people.

As a result, when he looked up, he saw the blood rain all over the sky, and he was stunned.

"Fuck, my Evil Valley is gone?"

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