Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5584 The sky has become higher


Everyone in the Iron Blood Fort was stunned after hearing these words.


"What is he saying?"

"What breakthrough?"

At this time, people from all directions, whether they were from the Iron Blood Fort or not, all showed shocked eyes.

No one is not dull, no one is not afraid...

Below, the young man's eyes began to shine as he looked at Chu Yan.


Breakthrough of what?

Up to now, Chu Yan does not have any solipsistic power in his body, nor does he have any solipsistic brilliance, which means that Chu Yan is not trying to break through solipsism.

The news in Tianyuan Forbidden Land is more accurate than that of nothingness, so everyone knows one thing, self-centeredness... cannot be broken through with good talent, but there needs to be a way to connect to the path of self-centeredness.

If you can't connect to the only-self road, you won't be able to cross the broken bridge.

No matter how talented you are, it won't work.

Over the years, countless people in the void have tried to break through the shackles and cross the broken bridge, but in the end they all failed and no one succeeded.

It’s because this road is so difficult.

The people of Tianyan Sect can break through because they have a wooden shuttle in their hands that looks like a boat.

That’s why we were able to cross the broken bridge.

Otherwise there is no chance.

Chu Yan, obviously he is not the one who wants to break through now, so he can only be a giant...

But how is it possible?

How can this be!

What a giant!

A person who has already killed the Level 2 Solipsist is now telling you that he wants to make another breakthrough in the giant realm?

This is too exaggerated!

On the opposite side, the Lord of the Iron-blooded Fortress screamed: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh use me!"

How could a person do this?


At this time, the aura in Chu Yan's body became stronger and stronger.

Keep whistling.

He is about to break through, the third breakthrough after entering Tianyuan!

He is now very grateful to Tianyuan and also very grateful to Liu Bai. This is the opportunity Liu Bai gave him.

This also provided good help for him to fight against the Kingdom of God next.


at the same time.

The current era of nothingness.

This era has lasted for 200 million years. The sky has been like this since the Lord of Heaven Refining opened up the heaven and earth and created the universe 200 million years ago.

Countless people have reached the upper limit and there is no way to improve.

This is why, over the years, countless people have tried their best to break through the self-centeredness, even at the cost of their lives, but in the end they all failed.


At this moment, the Blood Ancestor has been busy in the universe. He is also helpless now, because he is at the upper limit level, and there is no use in practicing or not practicing, so Chu Yan arranged for him to be a teacher in the universe.

After he knew the news, everyone else was numb.

No matter how you say it, he is the top overlord in the void, and everyone in the world will respect him as an ancestor when they see him... But now, he is dragged into the universe to teach children...

Some of these children are sensible, okay, but if they meet some who are ignorant, it will be really difficult, but he still can't beat him, he can't say...

There is no way, this is the universe.

Blood River... is an outside force after all.

In order to better integrate into the universe, the Blood Ancestor made Chu Yan think that the Blood River was one of his own, and he worked hard for this.

Today, he was teaching in the library. Suddenly, the sky trembled wildly. His hand holding the ruler trembled, and then he heard a click.

The ring ruler is broken...

The Blood Ancestor's eyes widened. He obviously didn't use any force. He was just like usual. How could he suddenly crush the ruler?

At this time, there was a disciple of Blood River beside the Blood Ancestor. The disciple looked at the Blood Ancestor in shock, his eyes full of fanaticism.

The Blood Ancestor looked at the disciple and frowned: "What? Didn't you just crush a ruler? As for looking at me with this expression? How much is a ruler worth? At the worst, I will just pay him Chu Yan."

The disciple shook his head desperately: "No, no... Ancestor, that's not the case. You... take a closer look at yourself. Don't you find any difference?"

The Blood Ancestor looked puzzled. He looked down and shook his head: "I didn't see anything special."

The disciple's throat rolled: "Ancestor...you made a breakthrough?"

The Blood Ancestor himself was stunned, and then he felt his own power.


A monstrous force rushed out.

The Blood Ancestor himself was also shocked: "I...have really become stronger?"

When he said this, his hands were shaking a little.

How can it be……

It had been so many years that he had forgotten how many years he had been stuck in this realm.

Countless years...

Hundreds of millions of years.

But today, he suddenly became stronger?

Have you really become stronger?

The disciple said excitedly: "Ancestor...have you broken through the solipsism? You must be the only one, right?"

Blood Ancestor has already reached the upper limit level. What is the upper limit?

This is the limit of this realm. Apart from breaking through the ego, what else can it be?

The Blood Ancestor felt it, and he shook his head slightly: "No... I have not broken through the solipsism, and I have not felt any solipsism power."

The disciple was startled: "How is that possible? You have obviously become stronger. You have exceeded the upper limit. How can you not be the only one?"

The Blood Ancestor shook his head, he was also a little confused.

Suddenly, he looked up at the sky.


At this time, the sky of this era was shaking violently.

The wind was howling.

The whole world seemed to be shaking.

The Xuehe disciples were puzzled when they saw this: "Ancestor... what happened to the sky? Why does it feel like the world is shaking?"

At this moment, the Xuezu's face suddenly changed, and his palm trembled and said: "I... I know, it's not that I have become stronger... but the sky of this world... has become higher."

The Xuehe disciples were puzzled: "Ah? The sky has become higher? How could the sky become higher?"

The Xuezu took a deep breath and said with emotion: "I don't know what happened, but the sky of this world has indeed been raised, so the upper limit of this era has also changed."

The Xuehe disciples were shocked and said: "In other words, we can continue to practice?"

The Xuezu nodded vigorously, then he glanced at the ruler in his hand, and with a snap, he suddenly threw the ruler on the ground and said excitedly: "Haha, who said that my practice is useless? The sky has been raised, and I can continue to practice. This book... whoever wants to teach it can teach it! I'm going to practice now."

After that, he laughed up to the sky and went out.

The Xuehe disciples were excited when they saw this, and their blood started boiling.

Their ancestors... could continue to practice again, which was a great joy for Xuehe.

However... before the disciple could be happy for a while, his face suddenly fell...

The disciple stared at the place where the Xuezu left and said dully: "No... The ancestor is gone, so who will teach this book? Am I the only one left here?"

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