Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5583 Breakthrough Again

The Iron Blood Castle Lord was completely confused by Chu Yan.

I activated the blood curse!

I am the only one who has reached level 3.

Not only are you not afraid, but you are excited?

Is this reasonable?

The Iron Blood Castle Lord thought that Chu Yan might run away after he activated the blood curse!

He was so aggressive and shouted so loudly just now, in fact, he wanted to scare Chu Yan.

If Chu Yan ran away now, he would definitely not chase him.

As a result... Chu Yan did not run!


The Iron Blood Castle Lord was a little crazy.

But things had come to this point, he could only bite the bullet!

But what he didn't know was that Chu Yan was actually looking forward to the Iron Blood Castle Lord activating the blood curse!

After Chu Yan entered Tianyuan, he originally wanted to become famous quickly, and then find Liu Bai to beat him up, and leave after venting his anger on Qingcheng.

After all, he still had a lot of things to do and was in a hurry to go to the Kingdom of Gods.

He didn't forget that the ancient sage Liu family promised him that as long as he defeated the Kingdom of Gods, he would be able to see Liu Qingcheng.

In his world, there is nothing more important than seeing Qingcheng.

But after entering Tianyuan, he found one thing...

This is a good place.

It can improve his strength.

It is difficult for Chu Yan to find an opponent outside, so he will fall into shackles and find it difficult to break through.

But it is different now. The Iron Blood Castle Lord is improving layer by layer, which can stimulate himself little by little.

If the Iron Blood Castle Lord comes up with the ninth level of self-existence.

Then there is no need to fight.

If I go up, I will be killed in seconds.

But it is different now, a good person.

Improve little by little.

If the Iron Blood Castle Lord starts with the blood curse, Chu Yan is actually likely to be defeated.

Because he didn't give him a chance to adapt.

But the Iron Blood Castle Lord didn't, he felt sorry for the one million years of life, so he dragged it until now.

As a result, it just happened to help Chu Yan.

Chu Yan now has a period of adaptation, and soon found his own rhythm.

So how can he not be excited now?

The Iron Blood Castle Lord activated the blood curse, and he had another chance to break through.


In an instant, Chu Yan rushed to the Iron Blood Castle Lord, and then he thrust the blood sword in his hand forward.

The Iron Blood Castle Lord had a dark face and punched hard.


The fist and sword collided, and half of the world collapsed. The next second, a figure retreated madly. This person was Chu Yan, but as soon as Chu Yan stopped, a black shadow suddenly rushed out of his body, took the blood sword from his hand, and once again killed the Iron Blood Castle Lord.


The Iron Blood Castle Lord twitched his mouth, but he had just finished punching and was in a stiff state. Under pressure, he could only turn his body and twisted a very strange arc in the air, which barely avoided the puppet's sword.

But the next second, his face sank.

Chu Yan had circled behind him at some point, and Chu Yan's true form had an extremely sharp long sword in its hand.

The Heaven-Refining Sword.

When the Lord of Tiexue Castle saw the sword, his eyes widened: "What kind of sword is this?"

He did not recognize the sword, but he felt the terrifying sharpness of the sword.

Under pressure, he did not dare to confront Chu Yan's sword and chose to retreat.

As soon as he retreated.

The world was quiet.

Countless people in Tiexue Castle were all watching.

Full of shock.

The Lord of the Castle... was evaded?

Or was he in the state of opening the blood curse?

After the Lord of Tiexue Castle stopped, his face changed. Obviously, he also discovered this. His retreat was a small step, but his morale had obviously changed a lot.

The Lord of Tiexue Castle stared at Chu Yan: "Boy, did you do it on purpose?"

Chu Yan sneered repeatedly and did not speak.

The Lord of Tiexue Castle took a deep breath: "Chu Yan, you are really looking for death!"

After speaking, a strong murderous intent flashed in the eyes of the Lord of Tiexue Castle.

The first real killing intention.

When the Iron Blood Castle Lord didn't know Chu Yan's identity at the beginning, he mistakenly thought that Chu Yan was a genius of some ancient saint force, so he never had any killing intention.

Later, the Iron Blood Castle Lord discovered Chu Yan's identity, but because he was afraid of Chu Yan's talent, he didn't want to fight Chu Yan to death, so he didn't have any killing intention.

But now, he really wanted to kill.

If Chu Yan didn't die, it would be a big trouble.


Suddenly, the Iron Blood Castle Lord let out a long breath, and then his temperament changed.

Not strength, but temperament!

When a person is determined to kill you, that state is definitely different from before.


For example, at this time, the Iron Blood Castle Lord stepped on the sole of his foot and suddenly disappeared from the spot.

Active attack!

He didn't wait for Chu Yan's attack, but rushed up and took the initiative to kill Chu Yan.

Chu Yan closed his eyes and immediately recalled the puppet, fighting two against one.


But the next second, there was a strong sound of breaking, and then Chu Yan's puppet actually broke apart.

Chu Yan was shocked.

Is this the real level 3 self?

It's really strong.

Chu Yan didn't dare to be careless. He kept attacking with his original body, but he didn't dare to fight with the Iron Blood Castle Lord.

However, the Iron Blood Castle Lord was also confused. He couldn't figure out one thing. It had come to this point, but Chu Yan didn't mean to run away?

Of course, he wouldn't let Chu Yan run away this time, because once Chu Yan ran away, it would be a trouble in the future.

But the Iron Blood Castle Lord thought that he could show his strong strength to shock Chu Yan, make Chu Yan feel afraid, and then run away.

Once Chu Yan escapes, there will be many loopholes.

But for now...

Apart from being vigilant, Chu Yan had no intention of running away.

This made the Lord of the Iron-Blooded Fortress wonder, could Chu Yan have any other trump cards?

To be honest...he didn't believe it!

Although now, Chu Yan has broken through twice in a row, he no longer dares to say that Chu Yan is a top giant.

But really Chu Yan can still break through...

He wouldn't even believe it to death.

A giant who can counterattack a solipsist, looking into nothingness, is already a peerless monster. There may not even be one in an era. It has never been heard of a giant who can counterattack a second-level solipsist.

Chu Yan is already unprecedented and unprecedented.

Is it still possible to break through?

This is unreasonable.

But the next second, the Lord of the Iron-Blooded Fortress' eyelids suddenly twitched.


At this time, Chu Yan punched the Lord of the Iron-Blooded Fortress and retreated a few steps. But as soon as he stopped, his aura changed and his long hair flew up.

Chu Yan looked at the Lord of the Iron-Blooded Fortress and grinned: "Have you been wondering why I didn't run? Do you think I must have some trump card if I didn't run?"

The Lord of the Iron-blooded Fortress stared at Chu Yan.

The corners of Chu Yan's mouth rose again: "Then let me tell you now, you... got the answer right!"

"You must be thinking, I won't make a breakthrough again, right? I don't know if I have an empty record now, but I can tell you one thing clearly...records, no matter whose they are, are for Broken! Even if it’s my own, it can still be refreshed!”

After saying this, Chu Yan took a step forward and roared: "Breakthrough!"

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