Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5547 Blood of War


A strong man who broke through the upper limit level was killed instantly, and the entire God of War clan was trembling.

In the distance, the faces of the other God of War clan members changed drastically, and there was even a little bit of gloom...

Just because I didn't prepare a reward for you in advance, you were killed by a sword?

Isn't this a bit too careless?

Too domineering?

And the next second, Chen Tianzhen's words were even more shocking. She raised the long sword in her hand and pointed it at the several God of War clan members opposite and said angrily: "How can this be unreasonable? How dare you take me, Chen Tianzhen, lightly? Go back and tell the God of War that I am very angry now, and let him come to kneel down and apologize to me."


The strong men of the God of War clan were all stunned.


Let the God of War come in person and then kneel down to apologize to you?

In an instant, a man in golden armor narrowed his eyes, staring at Chen Tianzhen and said in a low voice: "You didn't come here to send people from the beginning, but came here deliberately to cause trouble, right?"

The people of the God of War clan understood.

Chen Tianzhen was simply looking for trouble.

As for giving Chu Yan a gift and asking for a reward, these are just excuses... or in other words, finding a greasy head who can help.

But this excuse... is a little too irresponsible.

Chen Tianzhen blinked her eyes when she heard this, and said very cutely: "Ah, you found out, how embarrassing."

Ares: "..."

The next second, the faces of the strong men of the Ares all darkened.

The man in golden armor stared at Chen Tianzhen, and at this moment, he couldn't understand what Chen Tianzhen meant.

He went to their Ares Temple at all costs to break the epoch barrier, just to show off?

Also, this is the Ares Temple, the headquarters of the Ares, but Chen Tianzhen only has two people... No, to be precise, there is only one person, and Chu Yan is not a person at all.

Why does Chen Tianzhen think that she can win the entire Ares Temple alone?

At this time, the man in golden armor stared at Chen Tianzhen and said in a low voice: "Do you want to challenge my God of War clan alone?"

After this, Chu Yan frowned slightly beside him and said a little unhappy: "No, am I not a human?"

The man in golden armor looked at Chu Yan, and after a moment of silence, he said: "Does it count? Don't you have any idea in your mind?"

Chu Yan: "..."

Okay, I won't say anything.

Compared with the God of War clan... I am indeed not qualified.

As soon as he entered the God of War Temple, he found that this clan was very strong, not weaker than the Tianyan Sect.

But how did the Tianyan Sect lose?

That was because the educated youth and Qin Ruoming fought together.

In the battle of Tianyan Sect, Chu Yan was actually more like a spectator and cheerleader.

At this time, the man in golden armor suddenly said: "Wait a minute, my lord, I will go to inform the God of War now."

After that, he turned around and wanted to leave.

Although he thought Chen Tianzhen was crazy, he wanted to challenge the God of War clan alone.

But he did not choose to stay and fight hard.

Because he knew very well that he was no match for Chen Tianzhen.

However, as soon as he moved, there was a buzzing sound, and the sky suddenly became dark.

The man in golden armor looked up and his face changed drastically. He saw a huge hand suddenly stretched out from the sky and quickly grabbed the man in golden armor.

The hand was so big that it covered the sky and the sun.

The man in golden armor's pupils shrank: "No!"

The next second, he punched out and tried to resist.

However, there was no need at all. With a bang, the giant hand fell and directly smashed the man in golden armor into powder.


The world shook violently.

Another strong man who broke through the upper limit died.

Next to him, the rest of the God of War clan were stunned, their eyes full of fear.

One of them said in a low voice: "Didn't you ask us to notify the God of War? What do you mean now?"

Chen Tianzhen chuckled: "I changed my mind. I decided to kill all the way to the God of War. I think it will be more handsome this way."

God of War: "..."

Then, they looked at each other.


Someone suddenly shouted.


Instantly, the rest of the people turned around and ran.


Chen Tianzhen sneered, and then she suddenly took a step forward, and with a bang, the whole world collapsed.

All the members of the God of War were directly locked by a force, and then they looked down, and their bodies began to disintegrate.


They struggled desperately, but it was useless.

Puff puff puff puff-a series of explosions, everyone died!

Not even a soul was left.

Oh no, the God of War did not have souls.

All dead!

After doing everything, Chen Tianzhen did not forget to turn around and look at Chu Yan and smiled: "Is Sister Zhen handsome?"

Chu Yan nodded vigorously, and he was numb at this moment!

This woman is really perverted!

Chen Tianzhen smiled and said: "Let's go, there will be more handsome ones later."

After that, she grabbed Chu Yan's shoulder with one hand, and then the space around them twisted, and then they quickly disappeared from the spot.


The next second, the two of them turned into a beam of white light and flew into the depths of the War God Temple.

Although the speed was very fast, Chu Yan could still see the appearance of the War God Temple.

It must be said that the War God Temple is really big, and from the pictures that came into view, it can be seen that the War God Temple is really prosperous.

Looking around, there are buildings everywhere.

Cultivation formations can be seen everywhere.

Chen Tianzhen smiled and said, "Are you surprised?"

Chu Yan nodded slightly: "In this era, I haven't seen anywhere comparable to this."

Chen Tianzhen said lightly: "This place used to be more prosperous."

Chu Yan was shocked: "What do you mean?"

Chen Tianzhen smiled and said: "The disaster of the last era happened. Although that disaster did not really destroy the race of gods and demons, it also destroyed more than 80% of the gods and demons. Now these are only a small part of what was left from that time. "

Hiss - Chu Yan took a breath of air.

"It's only 20% so powerful? So how majestic is the Temple of War?" Chu Yan said in surprise.

Chen Tianzhen shook his head: "I don't know, I haven't been here either."

As he said that, a huge blood-red light shield suddenly appeared in front of the two people.

Chu Yan couldn't help but be startled when he saw the light shield. At the same time, the blood in his body began to boil.

Chu Yan asked curiously: "What is that?"

Chen Tianzhen smiled and said: "The Blood Domain of the God of War."

Chu Yan wondered: "What is that?"

Chen Tianzhen said lightly: "Have you forgotten what I just said? The God of War is in charge of war, bloodthirsty, and killing. So blood is also something under the jurisdiction of the God of War. Rumor has it that the God of War controls a very powerful bloodline called :The blood of war.”

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes: "Blood of war?"

Chen Tianzhen nodded: "Yes, it is a very powerful and good at fighting bloodline."

Chu Yan was stunned, and then his eyes lit up: "Can my blood pool be absorbed?"

Chen Tianzhen thought for a moment, nodded and said, "It should be okay, right?"

Chu Yan suddenly stopped and said: "Sister Zhen, please wait for me for a while."

After saying that, Chu Yan turned around and ran back.

Chen Tianzhen was stunned: "Why are you going?"

Chu Yan did not respond, but after a while, he came back from behind carrying a pile of broken corpses.

It was those war gods who were instantly killed by Chen Tianzhen.

After Chu Yan brought the people back, he threw them all into the pool of blood. Then he clapped his hands with satisfaction and said with a smile: "Okay, Sister Zhen, let's go and kill more in a while."

Chen Tianzhen: "..."

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