Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5546: Temple of the God of War

Chu Yan did not speak.

But he really had this idea.

There are many strong people in the universe now, and Xuehe is still cultivating strong people for the universe.

In the future, he will definitely attract more people and continue to cultivate them.

The problem is...

The universe has a fatal flaw.

That is, the universe is in the current era.

And as long as it is in this era, the people in the universe have no way to break the upper limit.

Unless one day, the upper limit of this era is raised.

Otherwise, the universe will never be able to beat the Kingdom of God and the Eliminators.

Because they all come from the last era.

Especially the Eliminators.

It is not certain which era they come from.

Because the purpose of the Eliminators is to destroy the void and create disasters. The last era of gods and demons was destroyed by the Eliminators, which at least shows one thing, that the Eliminators are before the era of gods and demons.

In this case, the universe is at a disadvantage.

There is no way to fight.

This has nothing to do with talent. No matter how good your talent is, the upper limit is so high that you can't break through.

Chu Yan had thought before that he would try to raise the upper limit of the era.

But it was too difficult.

Anyway, for now, he had not found a way to raise the upper limit.

But now that he and Chen Tianzhen had come to the Temple of the God of War, he discovered one thing.

If the upper limit cannot be solved... people from the universe can come out and fight.

They have an upper limit in this era, but they no longer have one after coming to the God and Demon Era.

They can take the initiative to attack.

Why wait to be beaten?

Chu Yan has always been a proactive person, at least since he came to the Real World. He doesn't like to be beaten passively, but the reason why he didn't want to take the initiative this time is... he doesn't know where the enemy is.

He can only wait to be beaten.

Can't find the enemy.

Now... Chen Tianzhen told him.

As long as the era barrier is opened, you can enter the God and Demon Era.

Chu Yan planned it alone in his mind.

This thing is really feasible.

Of course, there is a prerequisite, that is, he must be able to break the era barrier.

He is not Chen Tianzhen.

Chen Tianzhen had just blasted the barrier with one punch, but he secretly tried it...

He used the Refining Heaven Sword, and the move was the Sky-controlling Sword, but after one strike... the barrier was completely destroyed.

It was too strong.

Chen Tianzhen glanced at Chu Yan and ignored him.

Although she promised Chu Yan that she would provide some conveniences for Chu Yan and solve some problems, there were still some things that Chu Yan had to do by himself.

Chu Yan... had a great mission.

Chen Tianzhen had always known one thing, that Chu Yan's life process might be decided by him, but the result... was actually a foregone conclusion.

Chu Yan would definitely end up there, and since the solution had been decided, the process... let Chu Yan feel better.

It was also a kind of relaxation for Chu Yan.

Chen Tianzhen had actually always spoiled Chu Yan, but Chu Yan didn't know about this.

Otherwise, before, when Chu Yan took the initiative to provoke the giant, Chen Tianzhen should have slapped him back.

If it wasn't because Chu Yan desperately went to provoke the giant, Chen Tianzhen was a little worried. If Chu Yan let herself go, she would not take the initiative to open the universe at that critical moment...

Chu Yan asked Chen Tianzhen a long time ago if she opened the universe.

Chen said no, it was Chu Yan who really opened the universe, which was not wrong.

Could the universe not be opened at that time?


Chen Tianzhen could still suppress it for a while.

The problem is... Damn, Chu Yan let himself go too much. Chen Tianzhen was afraid that if she didn't open the universe again and pulled Chu Yan back, this guy would drift further and further on the road of letting himself go.

What realm was he at that time?

Eryuan came out, and then dared to go after the giant.

How scary.

Now, as long as Chu Yan doesn't do anything too stupid.

Chen Tianzhen will choose to tolerate.

For example, this time, she brought Chu Yan here to show off.


At this time, the two went into the Temple of War for a while, and suddenly, the space in front of them twisted.


Several burly figures wearing golden armor and holding swords descended, blocking the way of Chu Yan and Chen Tianzhen.

Chu Yan was shocked when he saw these burly men.

So strong!

He has now broken through the giant and reached the hidden level.

But each of these burly men is extremely powerful, all of them are strong men beyond the upper limit level.

And he found one thing, the people here are very strong in the flesh, not to mention the big physique, but also very terrible in combat power.

Chen Tianzhen chuckled: "In the last era, among the twelve main gods, the God of War was in charge of killing, violence, bloodthirstiness, and war. So the God of War clan is best at the flesh and blood."

After saying that, she looked at Chu Yan and said: "This is somewhat similar to you."

Chu Yan stared at the burly strong man opposite and said in a deep voice: "Have they all completed the unity of soul and flesh?"

Yes, he stared at the strong men of the God of War clan for a while, and then he found one thing.

This group of people has no soul.

Chen Tianzhen nodded: "Yes, the God of War advocated war back then and integrated everything into his body."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes, and then he said in a deep voice: "Sure enough, we can't underestimate the people in the world."

He had always thought that he was very smart and had achieved the unity of body and soul.

But now he thought about it, the world is so vast, how could he be the only one who thought of this?

Look, the War God Clan has completed the unity of spirit and flesh.

At this moment, the War God Clan strongmen who appeared on the opposite side stared at Chen Tianzhen, and the middle-aged man in the lead said in a low voice: "Are you the spirit of the universe?"

Chen Tianzhen chuckled: "You actually know me? Am I so famous?"

The middle-aged man said in a deep voice: "The Lord of Liantian was a respectable person in the past, so my War God Temple specifically has his aura, and you have the same aura as him."

Chen Tianzhen laughed: "You said you were beaten by the master, and you still say you are worthy of respect, it's really boring."

Chu Yan: "..."

Middle-aged man: "..."

At this time, the middle-aged man did not respond, but said in a low voice: "What do you want to do with my War God Clan this time?"

Chen Tianzhen looked at the middle-aged man and smiled: "I heard that you have been looking for Chu Yan before?"

The middle-aged man did not speak.

Chen Tianzhen suddenly pointed at Chu Yan next to him: "Look, I brought Chu Yan to you, are you happy?"

Chu Yan: "..."

The middle-aged man looked at Chu Yan and was also startled, squinting and said: "Is he Chu Yan?"

Chen Tianzhen nodded repeatedly: "Yes, he is, I have brought him here now, how are you going to reward me?"

The middle-aged man was slightly startled, obviously not expecting Chen Tianzhen to bring Chu Yan, and then he said in surprise: "What reward do you want?"

Chen Tianzhen looked at the man for a while.

Swish--suddenly, Chen Tianzhen slashed with a sword, the man's eyes suddenly widened, and then a bloody head flew out.

Chen Tianzhen said angrily: "Asshole, you didn't even think about my reward? It's so insincere, you deserve to be killed."

Chu Yan: "..."

God of War: "..."

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