Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5541 Signing

Chu Yan looked at the Spirit of Nothingness: "Then senior, let's talk about something. Tell me how to break through directly."

The Spirit of Nothingness' eyelids jumped slightly: "I am the Spirit of Nothingness, so direct? Why don't you try to get close to me?"

Chu Yan chuckled: "Senior has been watching me for 500 years, and has already made up his mind. Then I won't try to get close to you. It's a waste of time."

The Spirit of Nothingness: "..."

He smiled slightly: "Well."

At this time, Chu Yan suddenly said: "Let me make it clear first. I want to break through the giants, but I will not become a slave of nothingness."

Although he felt that it was wrong to be the only one.

He didn't want to become a selfish person.

But he didn't want to become a person who was not free!

He can do good deeds and treat people well, but he hopes that all of this is willing to be his own heart, rather than being restricted by a certain condition and becoming his shackles.

If a person does good things not from the heart, but for the sake of doing good, is it really a good deed?

Maybe it is...

Because in terms of deeds, it is indeed a good thing.

But it is definitely not as good as those who do good from the heart.

Chu Yan does not want to have a demon in his heart.

The Spirit of Nothingness said calmly: "Don't worry, I won't let you become a slave of Taoism... With your fate, to be honest, I don't really want you to take root in nothingness, I'm afraid you will be killed by nothingness."

Chu Yan: "..."

The Spirit of Nothingness said: "Besides, you have been suppressing your realm for so long and not breaking through, isn't it just to not be a slave of nothingness? If I let you take root in nothingness, what's the point."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes: "Is there really a way to break through the giant without taking root in nothingness?"

The Spirit of Nothingness nodded: "Yes."

Chu Yan asked: "What?"

The Spirit of Nothingness said calmly: "Contract! You and Liantian are both very powerful people. You can sign a contract with nothingness to break through."

Chu Yan was stunned: "Sign a contract? What does it mean?"

The Spirit of Nothingness said: "Based on the universe, sign a contract with nothingness. Do you know why your universe has not been able to materialize?"

Chu Yan shook his head.

The Spirit of Nothingness said: "It is because of the lack of this layer of contract. Once the contract is signed successfully, your universe can be materialized like the Liantian Universe."

Chu Yan asked curiously: "So the Lord of Liantian also signed a contract with you?"

The Spirit of Nothingness nodded: "Signed."

Chu Yan became interested: "Then what contract did he sign? Is it also kind to the people?"

The Spirit of Nothingness was silent for a while, and suddenly said: "What we signed... is a blank contract!"

Chu Yan's eyelids jumped slightly: "Blank contract? Why? Why can he have no agreement, but when it comes to me, there is an extra layer of restrictions?"

The Spirit of Nothingness glanced at Chu Yan and said lightly: "Because I can't beat him, but I can beat you. Do you think this reason is satisfactory?"

Chu Yan: "..."

He was satisfied.

The Spirit of Nothingness said calmly: "At the beginning, the Lord of Refining Heaven wanted to break through, and then he found me directly and drew up a contract... No, it was not a contract, it was just a piece of white paper, and then he pressed my hand and signed it."

Chu Yan opened his mouth wide: "Senior can't beat the Lord of Refining Heaven? How is this possible?"

No matter how strong the Lord of Refining Heaven is, it is a universe opened up in the void. Logically, it is impossible to surpass the void, let alone the Spirit of Nothingness?

Chen Tianzhen smiled and said: "What's impossible about this? He can't beat me either!"

The corner of the Spirit of Nothingness twitched: "Sister Zhen, I just appeared, give me a little face..."

Chen Tianzhen: "Hahaha..."

Chu Yan was completely stunned, and then he looked at the Spirit of Nothingness, his eyes kept scanning up and down, as if judging something.


The next second, before Chu Yan came back to his senses, the whole person suddenly flew out.

This flight was tens of thousands of meters away.


When he stopped, his whole body was embedded in the wall of the palace.

After a while, Chu Yan finally broke free from the wall. He looked at the Spirit of Nothingness and was somewhat speechless: "Senior... why did you hit me?"

The Spirit of Nothingness said lightly: "Aren't you considering whether you can beat me? I'll give you an answer."

The corner of Chu Yan's mouth twitched slightly.


I was indeed thinking about this matter just now.

At this time, the Spirit of Nothingness said lightly: "Although I can't beat the Lord of Refining Heaven and Sister Zhen...but these two are perverts, but I don't care about the rest."

Chu Yan hesitated and said: "Where is my mother?"

The Spirit of Nothingness: "..."

He clenched his fist and suddenly looked at Chen Tianzhen: "If I don't kill him, will the person behind him not appear?"

Chu Yan: "..."

At this time, Chen Tianzhen smiled and said: "Okay, although he is the Spirit of Nothingness, there are many Spirits of Nothingness, and he is only in this era."

Chu Yan was stunned: "There is a Spirit of Nothingness in every era?"

Chen Tianzhen nodded: "Almost, so when the master caught him, this era had just begun, and his strength was still very weak."

Chu Yan suddenly understood.

At this time, Chu Yan thought for a while and said: "Then I will sign the contract."

The Spirit of Nothingness nodded: "Okay, but you have to remember your promise. Of course, this contract is actually not enforceable. If you really violate it, I can't do anything to you. It's just a way of doing things."

Chu Yan nodded slightly.


The next second, a golden contract flew out and landed directly in front of Chu Yan.

Chu Yan was startled when he saw the contract and said strangely: "Senior, why do I feel that you have been ready for a long time?"

The Spirit of Nothingness rolled his eyes: "Sign it or not."

Chu Yan laughed. He must sign it. He has been stuck in the Source Realm for too long. It is time to break through.

And he also found out that although his realm and combat power are not the same thing, the Source Realm has almost reached its limit. If he wants to be stronger, he must break through.

Next, his enemies will become stronger and stronger. Wei Wo is no longer a legend now, so his own strength must keep up.

Now he... to be honest, is a little too dependent on external forces.

Whether it is the Blood Pond or the Heavenly Book of Combat, they are not his own strength.

This won't work.

The iron must be hard.

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated, and gently wiped his fingers on the Refining Heaven Sword, and immediately signed the contract quickly with blood as a book.

After finishing everything, Chu Yan looked up at the Spirit of Nothingness: "Senior, I've signed it."

The Spirit of Nothingness' eyes lit up, and he quickly put away the contract, saying happily: "Haha... I finally got it, so I'm in the same group with the people behind you, oh oh oh, so happy."

Chu Yan's mouth opened wide: "..."


Why do I suddenly feel that you have laid so much groundwork... Actually just to be in the same group with Qin Ruoming?

At this time, the Spirit of Nothingness said again: "Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you, after you sign the contract, the Clearers will be mortal enemies with you, and you will definitely not be able to escape."

Chu Yan: "..."

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