Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5540 No Future

Chu Yan was speechless at the moment...

Oh My God!

The spirit of nothingness.

Although he had long expected that the void was spiritual, he also guessed that he would see this person sooner or later. It was not because he was confident, but because of his identity, he was destined to interact with all the prominent people in the void.

This is an inevitable process.

It's just that he never expected... that it would be at such an awkward point.

Chu Yan wanted to ask at this moment, aren't you a spirit of nothingness... Why are you running around the universe!

Why are you hanging out with Chen Tianzhen?

At this time, Chen Tianzhen chuckled: "Boy, do you want to listen to what he has to say now?"

Chu Yan coughed and laughed, "Of course, of course, Senior Wu, just say it."

The Spirit of Nothingness glanced at Chu Yan and did not care about the unpleasant thing just now.

He kept staring at Chu Yan, and for a while, Chu Yan felt a little embarrassed for being stared at.

Suddenly, the Spirit of Nothingness spoke: "Boy, did those words you just said come from your heart? Do you really think so?"

Chu Yan was startled, scratched his head and said: "Um...wait a moment, what did I just say? This change was so sudden, I forgot a little, no, I didn't forget, but I said so much , that’s what you’re referring to.”

"With a clear conscience."

The Spirit of Nothingness said in a low voice: "Is this what you are saying?"

Chu Yan was stunned and laughed: "I thought it was something. Senior, you can rest assured that everything is sincere. Of course, I also know that such words are useless, but in my life, all my whereabouts have been traced. In the universe, with the strength of the seniors, it shouldn’t be difficult to go back in time, right? You can see and investigate by yourself. Isn’t this more effective than anyone telling you?”

The Spirit of Nothingness said solemnly: "I have investigated your past, or in other words, I have been paying attention to you as early as 500 years ago."

Chu Yan's eyelids twitched slightly: "..."

He suddenly looked at Chen Tianzhen.

Chen Tianzhen smiled and said: "He is telling the truth. 500 years... seems like a long time to you, but to us, it's just a snap of the fingers."

Chu Yan was a little helpless.

In total, have I been watched by countless people throughout my life?

At this time, Chu Yan said: "Senior, since you have seen it, why bother asking me?"

The Spirit of Nothingness was silent for a while, and then suddenly said: "There is nothing wrong with your past. If you only look at the past, I also believe in your character, but... little baby, people's hearts can change."

Chu Yan frowned: "What do you mean?"

Xingwu calmly said: "You have met countless people in your life, so you should also know that the world is fair in a sense. Those who have truly achieved great achievements were very kind in the beginning."

Chu Yan was silent for a while and did not deny it.

He has seen this kind of thing too many times.

The Nine Emperors who created the world.

The four ancient emperors of the universe!

These people all have a good direction at the beginning of their cultivation. No one thinks that I want to become stronger, kill people, and bully the weak...

When everyone starts practicing, they want to improve themselves and then protect the people around them.

However, when many people really become stronger and suddenly have rights that are far different from what they once had, their hearts change!

Because they became stronger, they received some special preferential treatment, and then began to enjoy the convenience brought by this right.

Chu Yan remembered that both the Nine Emperors who created the world and the Four Ancient Emperors had brought blessings to the world. They created martial arts and saved all living beings.

But in the end he went astray!

At this time, what is often tested is the human heart.

However, Chu Yan doesn't think he will become bad.

Chu Yan hesitated and said: "Senior, do you think my current status and strength are not enough? Will there be any power in the future that can tempt me to become a bad guy?"

He is now... the new emperor of the universe.

He already has supreme rights.

But he didn't become bad.

The Spirit of Nothingness shook his head slightly: "What you can achieve now is just the tip of the iceberg that your strength has brought you. And... you are too young. Little baby, do you know how most good people eventually turn bad?"

Chu Yan looked at the spirit of nothingness.


Chu Yan frowned: "Despair?"

He didn't understand why he was still desperate when he was so strong.

The Spirit of Nothingness calmly said: "They have too much, so they can't let it go. You are too young, so you will not face the test of longevity. But let me ask you, if your current realm is stuck , for hundreds of millions of years, you have not made any progress, your life has passed, and you are getting old. At that time... can you really still maintain your original intention? "

Chu Yan was startled and fell silent.

He understood what the spirit of nothingness meant.

Because this is the case for both the Nine Creation Emperors and the Four Ancient Emperors.

The Spirit of Nothingness said: "When a person is in glory, he may still be able to control it. At most, he can become a little more buoyant. As long as his heart is not bad, he will not be bad. But once this person reaches the top of the mountain and then falls, that person will Time is the moment when one’s heart is revealed.”

After speaking, he paused and said: "If I only look at your past, there are too many people in this world who are no worse than you. The four ancient emperors, they once did better than you. At that time, the world collapsed, Together they mended the sky, the heavenly way collapsed, and they rebuilt the orthodoxy...but you also know the final result."

Chu Yan nodded slightly. This was the truth, but he quickly shook his head: "Then I can't guarantee it to senior."

The Spirit of Nothingness was startled, and asked curiously: "Shouldn't you keep promising me in order to get benefits now?"

Chu Yan shook his head: "I can't guarantee the future. When that day comes, I can't say for sure. After all, I haven't experienced that kind of despair yet. I feel now that I will definitely not become bad, but when that day comes... who knows."

After that, he said again: "With your strength, can't you go to the future and take a look?"

The Spirit of Nothingness was speechless: "Don't you have any idea in your mind? How can you have a future?"

Chu Yan: "..."

Chen Tianzhen smiled and said: "With your fate, you should have died a long time ago. You can live until now because someone has been forcibly extending your life, but that... is no longer your original future, so your future cannot be determined."

Chu Yan suddenly realized, and then he said: "Then I have no choice. Senior can only choose to gamble, believe or not."

How can I know about the future.

The Spirit of Nothingness looked at Chen Tianzhen

Chen Tianzhen said: "I have said everything I should say, you decide for yourself."

The Spirit of Nothingness was silent for a while, and suddenly said: "I don't ask you to treat people well, as long as your original intention remains unchanged, I can help you break through."

Chu Yan looked at the Spirit of Nothingness: "As long as I can do it now."

The Spirit of Nothingness nodded: "That's enough!"

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