Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5529 I will protect this person


The giant hammer is still falling crazily.

Chu Yan was under that hammer. Not to mention escaping, he couldn't even hook his fingers.

He originally tried to escape to the past and future...

However, he suddenly discovered that no matter if he changed time, the giant hammer would always be chasing him.

This is me...

In front of me, the power of time is useless.

Cut off the past and cut off the future!

Chu Yan's face suddenly sank.

Do you...really want to die here?

Suddenly, he desperately looked up at the sky. He was thinking, if he was going to die, would someone come out to save him?

But after waiting for a long time, he suddenly showed a wry smile: "Made, you really trust me... Why don't you come out now?"

Immediately, he sighed. He did not wait for death. He had said a long time ago that he would no longer rely on anyone. Even if he knew that there was a strong person protecting him behind him, he would no longer rely on him.

And he wasn't sure if anyone would really show up now that he was going to die.

Qin Ruomeng... has no plans left.

If according to Qin Ruomeng's calculations, he would not die here, maybe the other party would really not take action.

So Chu Yan didn’t dare to show off...

If it goes wrong, Qin Ruomeng thought that he would not die and then ignored it, which would be so embarrassing!

So even if he knew someone was protecting him, he still had to do his best at all times.

Suddenly, Chu Yan clenched his fist and his head was running rapidly.

How on earth can I block this blow!

Suddenly, he roared angrily and put his hands together desperately. During the whole process, his arms kept exploding, but he didn't care about the pain or whether there was any damage. As long as he still had breath, he wouldn't die.


In an instant, his hands gathered together and he roared: "Nothing!"

He unleashed the Heavenly Book War Technique again!

However... as soon as he gathered together, the world-destroying power was destroyed by the giant hammer!

No life can win.

Chu Yan was helpless.

no solution anymore!

He used all his strongest moves.

At this time, Wushui suddenly shouted: "Throw this broken tower out."

Chu Yan was startled when he heard this and asked in confusion: "Senior, what did you say?"

Wushuo said: "Let's make a bet and throw this tower away."

Chu Yan frowned: "The Jiutian Xuan Pagoda can't resist this blow, right?"

Of course, he still firmly believes that this hammer will definitely not be able to destroy the Jiutian Xuan Pagoda!

Until now, he has never seen anything that can hurt Jiutian Xuan Pagoda!

The problem is... the hammer hit him and the Jiutian Xuan Pagoda was directly knocked away, but it was still useless. He still had to face this hammer.

At this time, Wushu said: "Bet once, there is a law here. If that law has a good relationship with this tower, if the tower is beaten, it is likely to take action."

Chu Yan was startled: "Is there anyone in your laws who is not at odds with this tower?"

Wushuang nodded: "Yes! Of the nine laws, three have a good relationship with this tower, three have always hated this tower, and three are neutral."

The corner of Chu Yan's mouth twitched slightly: "After all, there are factions among the laws?"

Wushu said calmly: "Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes."

Chu Yan: "..."

Then he suddenly said: "Senior, which sect is he from?"

Wushuang said calmly: "I am from the neutral faction. I am neither close to nor far from this tower."

Chu Yan was stunned, and then he thought for a moment and suddenly said: "What if there is hatred of this tower here?"

Wushu was silent for a while and suddenly said: "Then you can wait to die."

Chu Yan: "..."

At this time, Wushui said: "What are you afraid of? Anyway, if you don't gamble, you will die. What if we are in a group? You still have a chance."

Chu Yan thought for a moment and nodded slightly.


Anyway, he only has one life. He is almost dead now, so he is not afraid of two more enemies.

Thinking of this, his eyebrows flashed.


In an instant, Jiutian Xuan Pagoda flew out.


As soon as the Jiutian Xuan Tower appeared, it was immediately locked by the golden hammer, causing the tower to let out a roar. The tower stared at Wu Huan, looking very angry.

Wu Huan looked innocent.

But the Jiutian Xuan Pagoda appeared and did not dodge, letting the golden hammer hit it.


The golden hammer first hit the Jiutian Xuan Pagoda, and then there was a loud bang, and the entire Tianyan world trembled and shook.

This hammer seemed to have crushed the world.

Immediately, it was just as Chu Yan guessed.

The Jiutian Xuan Pagoda was just smashed away.

But did not suffer any damage.

The master of the Tianyan Sect narrowed his eyes when he saw this: "Boy, you have a lot of treasures on you. What is this tower?"

He knows better than anyone how powerful his current hammer is. Let alone a tower, even this world cannot bear it.

Chu Yan said nothing.

The master of Tianyan Sect smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. When you die, these things will be mine. I will study them myself at that time."

Chu Yan still didn't speak.

Because he was speechless, he had just released Wu Sheng, and his last strength had been exhausted.

At this time, the Jiutian Xuan Pagoda was also smashed away.

He didn't have the strength to resist anymore.

Now he can only wait!

Simply, Chu Yan closed his eyes.

Upon seeing this, the master of Tianyan Gate sneered: "Have you given up?"

Nanmu and others also breathed a sigh of relief.

The moment Chu Yan released Wu Sheng just now, they were really frightened and even thought they were dead.

That’s why they understood a truth. If Chu Yan didn’t die today, they would be in big trouble!

Now, the master of Tianyan Sect has broken through to the level of Wei I. Chu Yan may not be able to destroy Tianyan Sect, but he is more than enough to beat them.

Just with that move just now, they would be gone if they just ran to Buddhism, Guigu, and Demon Sect!

They have no ability to resist at all.

Now that Chu Yan is dying, they can be considered to have no more trouble.

Outside the Tianyan world, Renzhu and others all had their eyes about to burst.

At this time, the old Taoist clenched his hands tightly. He wanted to help, and he even resonated with a force in his body.

He wanted to find the Lord of Chaos.

But... it was useless.

He couldn’t get in touch.

At this time, the emperor also looked towards the universe, with a hint of hope in his eyes.

At the same time.


In that hall.

A woman was eating a candied haws. A black shadow appeared next to the woman and said in a deep voice: "Someone from Tianyan Sect has broken through Wei Wu. Do you really not care?"

The Spirit of the Universe ate a candied haws and laughed casually: "Why care? There are so many big guys behind him, how can it be my turn? Besides, his mother didn't make a move, why should I make a move."

The black shadow: "..."

This sentence sounded like a curse.

The Spirit of the Universe smiled and said: "Don't worry, he will be fine."

The black shadow didn't say anything more.


Tianyan World.


The golden hammer is still smashing down.

One thousand meters!

Five hundred meters!

Three hundred meters!

One hundred meters!

Getting closer and closer.

Chu Yan kept his eyes closed, and the terrible pressure kept coming, but he didn't pay any attention to it at all.

He had tried his best. He had just thought of all the possibilities and methods, but he didn't think of them.

This hammer, he cracked it himself.

Chu Yan is not a person who will give up easily.

But he really has no other choice.

Everything that can be done has been done.


At this time, it was fifty meters away!

Still approaching.

Chu Yan's throat rolled.

Damn, I won't play big, is there really no one to take care of me?

Nanmu and others have been watching.


At this moment, when the golden hammer was only ten meters away from hitting, the Tianyan world suddenly trembled violently, and then a terrible force rose into the air.


The next second, a sword suddenly stabbed out and landed directly under the giant hammer.

The giant hammer hit the long sword, but then an amazing scene appeared.

The sword was very thin and was so small under the giant hammer, but it was just this ordinary sword that suddenly blocked the sword directly.

The eyes of the Tianyan Sect Master shrank violently.

Then, he looked up and saw a woman in a green gauze skirt at the end of the sword.

The woman just stood there, one person and one sword, directly blocking the giant hammer.

At this moment, Chu Yan suddenly opened his eyes. He turned around and was startled when he saw the woman. Then he saw the small tower in the woman's hand and understood it immediately.

He made the right bet!

This woman is one of the nine great rules.

She is also a member of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower faction.

The Tianyan Sect Master frowned, but then he snorted coldly and exerted force with his palm again.

But the next second, he was stunned.

Because he found that no matter how hard he tried, the giant hammer could not fall.

He stared at the woman: "Who... are you?"

The woman ignored the Tianyan Sect Master, but looked at Chu Yan, looking up and down: "Are you the current owner of this tower?"

Chu Yan nodded hurriedly: "Junior Chu Yan, meet the senior."

The woman was silent for a while, and suddenly said to the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower in her hand: "Are you blind? Follow such a rubbish?"

Chu Yan's eyelids jumped slightly: "..."

The Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower jumped twice.

Seeing this, the woman suddenly frowned: "You mean, this kid is the descendant of that person?"

The Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower jumped twice again.

The woman looked at Chu Yan again, and a cold murderous intent suddenly flashed in her eyes.

Chu Yan shuddered violently.

And at this moment, Wusun suddenly said: "I advise you not to be impulsive. Have you forgotten how we were beaten 200 million years ago?"

At this time, the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower jumped again.


The woman stared at Chu Yan and suddenly said: "Wait a minute to deal with you."

After that, she looked at the master of Tianyanmen, and then said directly: "I will protect this person, do you have any objection?"

The corner of the mouth of the master of Tianyanmen twitched slightly, and then he suddenly laughed: "You protect? Who do you think you are?"

If it was before, he might have hesitated, but now he has broken through the only self. Although this is not his original intention, the only self is the only self, that is a legend.

After hearing this, the woman suddenly fell silent for a while, and then she raised her hand and punched.

The Tianyan Sect's Hall Master narrowed his eyes and also threw a punch.


The two fists collided, and the surrounding space suddenly exploded.


Then, a figure suddenly exploded and retreated thousands of feet!

And when this person stopped, everyone in the Tianyan world was petrified on the spot!

Because this person... is the Tianyan Sect's Hall Master!

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