Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5528: Desperate Situation

Everyone's face changed.


Nanmu, Guiguzhu and others all looked at the Tianyanmen Hall Master.

Chu Yan did the same, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Breakthrough of Wei I?

Tianyanmen really has a way to break through?

Not long ago, the Spirit of the Universe said that Tianyanmen is different from others. The rest of the void are stuck under Wei I and cannot break through.

But Tianyanmen is not like that. They had a way to break through a long time ago, but they never tried to break through.

They seemed to know that Wei I was a wrong path, so they didn't go.

Now, has this Hall Master broken through?

Chu Yan kept watching.


At this moment, there was a sound of rushing water above the Tianyanmen Hall Master.

Nanmu and others were excited when they heard the sound: "Is this... Wei I Long River? He can really summon Wei I Long River!"

Wei I Road... is broken, and the place where it is broken is called Wei I Long River by the world!

Only by crossing this long river can you become the real Wei I.

But no one has been able to do it in the past hundreds of millions of years.

That long river... destroys everything!

At this time, Nanmu and others were staring at the Tianyanmen Hall Master. They wanted to know, can this hall master really break through? And how did he break through?


At this moment, the Tianyanmen Hall Master spread his palm, and a golden... boat suddenly appeared on it?

Yes, it was a boat!

But this boat was very special. It didn't seem to carry people, but more like a boat carrying the Great Dao!

After the Tianyanmen Hall Master summoned the boat, he jumped and landed on the boat as the Great Dao incarnation. Then the boat was pushed by a certain force and rushed towards the Weiwo Long River in an instant.


As soon as the boat landed on the Weiwo Long River, the long river, which was originally calm, suddenly set off an endless storm.

The huge waves kept hitting the boat. Under the long river, there seemed to be black claws, tearing the boat madly, as if to tear the boat apart.

However, this boat was very strong, and it braved the wind and waves all the way, and actually opened a passage on the long river of only me.

In this way, the boat quickly carried the master of Tianyanmen to the other side of the long river.

Nanmu and others saw this and their pupils shrank: "It's over!"

"He really passed..."

At this time, Nanmu and others' eyes were all burning!

The master of Tianyanmen... broke through!

The realm of only me!

The realm that has long disappeared in legends.

Two hundred million years of nothingness, this realm has disappeared for too long, today may be the only one who succeeded!


Almost at the same time, the master of Tianyanmen burst out with a terrifying aura, and the whole person exuded a dazzling golden light.

Shocking the world.

At this time, a terrible aura suddenly surged out of the main body of Tianyanmen Hall, and that aura... made everyone change color, because it was no longer the power of a giant!

Not quantitative change!

This time, it's qualitative change!

Too strong!

At this time, Chu Yan leaned over and looked at the Tianyanmen Hall Master, with a solemn look in his eyes.

He used Wusheng, so he could guarantee one thing, that is, no hidden giant could block this attack, no matter whether it was within the upper limit or not, as long as you were still a giant, it would not work!

But now facing Weiwo, Chu Yan had one thing to guarantee.

Wusheng was very strong, but Weiwo... was also very strong.

That was a legend.


At this time, the Tianyanmen Hall Master broke through, and soon after, he walked out of the world again.


When he appeared again, the sky and the earth changed color, and Chu Yan looked at the Tianyanmen Hall Master and frowned slightly.

To be honest, this was the first time he saw the real Weiwo realm!

He had heard too many legends about this realm, but he had never seen it.

The rest of the universe had seen it. The two people who took away Liu Qingcheng and Qingyi at the beginning were guessed to be in the Weiwo realm.

But the two were too strong, so strong that the human master and others couldn't even leave a video.

At this time, Chu Yan looked at the Tianyanmen Hall Master and was slightly startled, because he suddenly found that the Tianyanmen Hall Master gave him a very strange feeling...

It was as if...

It was picked out of the world.

The Tianyanmen Hall Master...seemed a little out of tune with this world.

What does this feeling look like...

It was like a painting with a fly painted on it. The fly was in the painting, drawn out, and was a whole with the painting.

But now it's like...it's still a painting with a fly on it, and this fly is outside the painting.

The Tianyanmen Hall Master now has the second feeling.

The world is a painting, and he is more like a fly that landed on the painting.

Very abrupt.

At this time, Xiao Jiu said in a deep voice: "Only me! This is only me, the only me in the world, he is a realm by himself, he is not in the world."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes.


At this time, the Tianyan Sect Master broke through, but he did not show a happy expression. Instead, he suddenly looked up at Chu Yan, with a hint of ferocity and resentment in his eyes: "Chu Yan... it's you, everything is because of you, you cut off my path! I want you to die today!"

Chu Yan raised the corner of his mouth: "What you said, I helped you break through, you should thank me."

The Tianyan Sect Master gritted his teeth.


He could have done it a long time ago!

He just didn't want to break through!

Only I... was wrong!

He didn't want to take the wrong path.

The next second, he said coldly: "Chu Yan, you will regret it. Not only will you die today, but the entire universe will die without a burial place! I will tear the universe apart bit by bit and boil it with the bones of the people in the universe." Soup!"

Hearing this, Chu Yan's eyes turned cold, and then he suddenly raised his hand and pressed it down again: "Wu Sheng!"


Suddenly, the terrifying world-destroying power erupted again, rushing towards the Tianyanmen Palace Master crazily.

But almost at the same time, the master of Tianyanmen punched out from the air.

This punch directly formed a terrifying meteor between the sky and the earth.


The next second, the fist shadow collided with Wusheng's world-destroying power, and then, a shocking scene appeared.

The Wu Sheng that was enough to destroy the world suddenly stopped under this punch and could no longer be suppressed.

Nanmu and others suddenly became excited.


They were all prepared to die just now.

Chu Yan's expression also changed slightly when he saw this.


Wu Sheng is very strong, but it cannot kill Wei Wo!

At this time, the master of Tianyan Sect said with a ferocious smile: "Chu Yan, it seems that this move of yours is nothing more than that! Now... it's time for me to take my place!"


The next second, the master of Tianyan Sect stepped on his foot and disappeared from the spot.

Chu Yan's eyes narrowed and he suddenly became alert.

However, the master of the Tianyan Sect is too strong. This is only me. It is a qualitative leap. In almost an instant, he spans 10,000 meters and rushes directly in front of Chu Yan.

Chu Yan held the sword with both hands and swung it fiercely.

Chi--a terrifying sword energy slashed out.

However, the master of the Tianyan Sect did not dodge at all. He waited until the sword energy was approaching. He held his palm forward and with a click, the space was shattered and the sword energy dissipated together.

At the same time, Chu Yan took a step forward and walked around behind the Tianyan Sect Palace Master. He spread his palms and split the Heavenly Refining Divine Sword into eight parts. He drew an arc in the air and stabbed the Tianyan Sect Palace Master.

The master of Tianyan Sect smiled scornfully, and suddenly a golden giant hammer appeared in his hand, and he smashed it hard.


As soon as the giant hammer came out, the eight swords collapsed directly, and the eight swords retreated to Chu Yan's side.

Chu Yan's face darkened, and the Heavenly Refining Divine Sword was repulsed!

This was the first time in his life.

Even if it is separated, it is still part of the Heavenly Refining Divine Sword.

But he did not give up. He stretched out his hand and grasped the eight swords into one again. Then he disappeared in a flash.

As soon as he disappeared, the master of Tianyan Sect punched him in the air.


A figure appeared from the void and retreated wildly.

This retreat is ten thousand meters.

It was Chu Yan.

And as soon as he stopped, there was a click, and his body cracked. You know, he was driving the Giant Spirit Holy Body now.

This made his heart tighten.

This is me!

too strong.

Without allowing him to think too much, the master of the Tianyan Sect disappeared again. Chu Yan was startled and immediately roared: "Senior Wushu!"


In an instant, the Jiutian Xuan Pagoda flew out, and a powerful life force poured down.

Chu Yan was shrouded in green light, and his injuries were quickly repaired.

But as soon as he repaired it, the second punch from the master of Tianyan Sect came directly.


Chu Yan flew out again, his body shattered.

However, he soon recovered.

Nanmu, Ghost Valley Master and others were all shocked when they saw this: "What kind of repair ability is this?"

Isn't it too scary?

They have been watching the battle, and they can be sure that every punch thrown by the Tianyanmen Palace Master is very powerful. With every punch, Chu Yan will almost be beaten to death, but it only takes a second for Chu Yan to recover.

Totally unbeatable.

This is a bit outrageous.

At this time, the master of the Tianyan Sect suddenly stopped. He looked at Chu Yan and narrowed his eyes slightly: "What kind of recovery ability do you have?"

Chu Yan sneered: "In my opinion, it's nothing more than that."

The Master of the Tianyan Sect narrowed his eyes and suddenly smiled: "Although I don't know how you did it, I am very curious. If I kill you with one punch, will you be able to come back to life!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly grabbed the golden hammer with both hands, raised it high above his head, and smashed it hard at Chu Yan.

There is nothing fancy about this hammer, it looks like a very ordinary hammer.

However, when the hammer fell, everyone's expressions changed drastically.


Because the world suddenly began to collapse.

Chu Yan also frowned after being enveloped by the giant hammer, and immediately wanted to avoid it, but just as he was about to take action, his expression suddenly changed!

Because he found... that he couldn't move?

The hammer smashed the space into pieces, and then kept stacking them together, causing the gravity around them to change.

Chu Yan felt that he was at least 10,000 tons heavy now.

At this time, Xiao Jiu shouted loudly: "Get out of the way! You can't block this blow. You will be completely dead after this blow. No matter how much vitality you have, it will be useless."

Hearing this, Chu Yan showed a hint of bitterness.

Easy to say...

But...I can't hide myself.

Xiaojiu suddenly discovered this, and her heart sank.

Can't hide...

Outside Tianyan World, the host and others showed despair!

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