Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 552 The Third Battle [Three Updates]

Chu Yan's words spread quickly and soon became the biggest news in Dilu. Countless powerful people came here.

After letting out the words, Chu Yan has been waiting here. He believes that Beiming Shatian will definitely come, so he does not need to move.

On that day, all the strong men from the Tiandi Sect also arrived. Huo Feng, Qian Zhan, Youyou and others were all there. They had long known the identity of the Chu Yan Divine Hammer Emperor. When the Divine Hammer Emperor appeared on the emperor list, they were filled with pride. , and they have waited too long for the next battle.

Their defeat a month later was a humiliation for them.

"The Heavenly Emperor Sect is gathering again." Huo Feng said with a simple and honest smile, looking at Chu Yan: "Sect Master, with your dual identities now, it shouldn't be difficult to defeat Beiming Shatian, right?"

"I don't know." Chu Yan shook his head: "Beiming Shatian has made great progress in the past half month. The Emperor's Road has appeared with destiny. He is also a person with destiny. He has reached half a step of being a king, but at least he will not be defeated. ”

Huo Feng's eyes flashed.

Zi Longyang looked at Chu Yan from the side: "Back then, in the battle of Xinghe, you and I were in the same situation. Although I was defeated, it was only a narrow defeat. With your current fighting power, I'm afraid I can't even block a single move, right?"

After saying this, he showed a hint of self-deprecation. Now he is the sixth level emperor, one level lower than Chu Yan, but his combat power is far behind.

"You and I have different ways of cultivation and different opportunities. Don't worry about it." Chu Yan said with a smile.

"Don't worry, I won't belittle myself, I'm just feeling a little emotional." Zi Longyang looked at Chu Yan: "I finally understand why Emperor Xuntian chose to follow you. You are indeed a person worthy of admiration. What happened back then was I've made a disgrace to myself."

Chu Yan smiled and shook his head, not paying attention.

Strong people came one after another from the Imperial Road. People from the Demon Sect also arrived. Zi Yin also arrived. She cried excitedly when she saw Mengya: "Sister, it's great that you are okay."

Mengya reported to Ziyin and looked at Chu Yan: "Master Tian, ​​Beiming Shatian is very powerful. Even if you are strong now, you still need to be careful when the time comes."

"Thank you Miss Meng for your concern." Chu Yan nodded, but did not tell Mengya his identity.

Now that he is too sensitive, it is okay if the master of the Tiandi Sect is exposed. Once Chu Yan's identity is exposed, it will definitely cause a series of chain reactions.

This time he killed countless people in the Imperial Road and provoked several major forces in Tianbei. Once Chu Yan was exposed, he might be able to escape, but the Demon Sect would definitely be implicated.

Another strong man flew in from a distance, they were people from the Chi Lian Sect, led by You Yu, followed by the First Hall Master, Ye Binning and others.

"It turns out that you are the leader of the Heavenly Emperor Sect. What's funny is that the leader of the Heavenly Emperor Sect is hiding in my little Chilian Sect. Not only did I not notice it, I actually despised you. I can't recognize you with my wise eyes." Looking at Chu Yan, After Youyu came out of seclusion, she knew everything. Now she looked at Chu Yan, who was standing in the center of the powerful men. Regardless of identity, status, and strength, he was much higher than her. She shook her head ridiculously.

You Yu was even thinking, if she had chosen Chu Yan as the acting sect leader, what would have been the outcome of the battle in the Western Region Galaxy that day?

What is the status of Chi Lian Sect now?

The first hall master stood there and looked at Chu Yan again, unable to muster any fighting spirit.

The fifth hall leader, Ye Binning, and Xu Miao looked at Chu Yan and couldn't explain how they felt. It turned out that he had been a superior person for a long time.

The disciples of Chi Lian Sect were also stunned. Thinking of Li Pin's words, you will know what Chi Lian Sect has lost before long.

In just half a month, he returned with a different identity. The Tiandi Sect he was in charge of was several times more noble than his Chilian Sect.

"Chi Lian Sect, you are so ignorant." Some people in the distance laughed after knowing the truth. The master of Tiandi Sect was not taken seriously by your Chi Lian Sect. Instead, he was ostracized and eventually expelled by a hall master?

How ridiculous?

You Yu let out a sigh: "Master Tiandi Sect, I know that Chi Lian Sect has missed a big opportunity. I also understand that because of what Chi Lian Sect has done to you, even if you destroy one of my sects, I have no regrets, but think about it." Regarding the past relationship, I still want to let Chi Lianmen go."

Chu Yan's eyes were cold, and You Yu was right. When the First Hall Master drove him out of the Galaxy in the Western Region and used the hands of the Galaxy to kill him, because of this, he destroyed the Chi Lian Sect, and no one dared to say anything.

But looking at Xu Miao, Ye Binning, and some people who were close to him, he finally sighed.

"Chi Lian Sect, disband at Dilu." Chu Yan sighed, but did not order the destruction of Chi Lian Sect.

Youyu's eyes froze, then nodded with a wry smile, and crushed a token: "From now on, there will be no Chi Lianmen in the Imperial Road. Everyone, please disperse. I will also be in seclusion until the end of the Imperial Road. I will no longer participate." Any disputes in the Imperial Road."

"Master..." The first hall master clenched her fists, but You Yu left without looking back. She didn't even pay attention to this eye-catching battle.

The extraordinary power of Di Lu was dispersed like this, and everyone couldn't help but sigh.

Di Lu appeared, and everything seemed to be changing subtly.

More people gathered here. At this time, people from the Four God Alliance also came here, but the people from the Purple Thunder Dynasty were gone. Only the Poison Sect, Beast King Palace, Jian Wuya, and Beiming Dynasty were left.

The top demon in the Beast King Palace looked at Chu Yan and mocked: "In one month, you are even crazier than before. You dare to let Beiming Shatian kneel down. I have never seen it before. In the sea of ​​​​stars, even the emperor dare not this way."

"You will see it today." Chu Yan looked coldly.

"Haha, a defeated man who survived for a month is still so crazy when he comes out." Jian Wuya's one-armed swordsman sneered.

"Do you want to try it?" The giant hammer and divine bow around Chu Yan bloomed with brilliance.

"Hmph!" The broken-arm swordsman snorted coldly, but did not take action. Zichen's strength was superior to him, and he was defeated by the Hammer Emperor. He was not stupid enough to fight Chu Yan.

Even though he was fighting Beiming Shatian, he still didn't think highly of Chu Yan. No one knew better than him how terrifying Beiming Shatian was now.

"Here we come!" At this time, a sudden storm surged, and many people looked up with keen eyes.

The space there was distorted, and suddenly an ice dragon chariot appeared, with pictures of mountains and rivers behind it. Beiming Shatian was sitting on the chariot, with the Emperor-breaking ice dragon as the riding beast.

"What a strong aura... that ice dragon is terrifying enough, with the Emperor Breaking Realm." Zhu Qiang said in shock, even though they were both geniuses, they were far behind in front of Beiming Shatian.

"I'm afraid Beiming Shatian is the only one who can ride Emperor Po Emperor Ice Dragon."

Bei Ming Sha Tian is too powerful. The rumors of Xinghai being the number one among your subordinates are definitely not groundless.

Bei Ming Sha Tian descended, his gaze directly bypassed Chu Yan and landed on Qing Yi. As if he did not put Chu Yan in his eyes, he smiled calmly and said: "It's still as beautiful as ever, and my words to you remain unchanged. If you If you are willing, I will make you my queen, give up my 3,000 harem, and only favor you."

Qing Yi stood quietly behind Chu Yan without raising her head. Chu Yan was the only one in her cold eyes.

Mengya blinked her eyes when she saw this. This scene seemed familiar.

The strong wind blew against his body. Chu Yan slowly raised his head and looked at the Binglong Chariot: "You will die."

Beiming Shatian withdrew his gaze and looked at Chu Yan: "I didn't expect that the Great Hammer Emperor would be you. Your magical power that can change blood and life souls really surprised me, but even so, can you be so presumptuous?"

"The Hammer Emperor is even tied with you. Now that I'm one of two, how can you win?" Chu Yan said equally arrogantly.

"Ignorance." Beiming Shatian sneered and shook his head. The next moment, the mountains and rivers were frozen. He stood up, jumped off the dragon, and then formed a unique battlefield: "No one has dared to provoke me like this in many years, but this Well, in the last battle, the Dilu has always said that you can compete with me, and you are known as the number one in the Dilu. Today I will let the world understand that as long as I, Beiming Shatian, am here, this world can only belong to me. country!"

"Boom!" Beiming Shatian stepped out. With every step he took, his body grew larger, until like the ancient human emperor, a golden ancient sword fell from the sky. He held it in his hand, as if it could split the heaven and earth.

Chu Yan was not weak either. The power of the Emperor of Heaven turned into brilliance, and he stepped forward with a shawl on his shoulders. The giant hammer in his hand kept colliding with the ancient sword, fighting against each other.

"Let them all withdraw. The rest of us can't bear the battle between you and me." Chu Yan said calmly, and Beiming Shatian raised his arm: "Everyone, step back a thousand feet."

"Celestial Emperor's Gate, stand back." Chu Yan also ordered. Although the two of them are monarchs, they both understand the monarch's will and have strong rules. Once they fight with all their strength, there will be a terrifying residual power.

For a moment, the people from the Four Gods Alliance and the Heavenly Emperor Sect all retreated, leaving a huge open space in the center, turning it into a battlefield for the two of them.

Qing Yi did not withdraw, but still stood there. Chu Yan couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Go out and wait for me."

"I'm right here! I'll be fine." Qing Yi still said. Chu Yan was helpless for a while, but he didn't refuse. He also believed that with Qing Yi's methods, the two of them were not enough to hurt her.

"After I kill you, I will not let go of anyone from the Tiandi Sect. They will all die." Beiming Shatian said arrogantly.

"The Beiming Dynasty will be destroyed one day, but you can't see it."

"These two guys..." The others were speechless for a while. They were all so arrogant. Even during the conversation, no one was willing to take a step back.

Beiming Shatian's eyes flashed with a stern look, and he finally took action. The terrifying golden sword rose into the sky, immediately attracting the holy light, just like the sword of the Human Emperor, trying to rule the world.

"Let me see how much you have grown in this month."

The sword fell, and Chu Yan also moved. The two true selves quickly switched, and the speed reached the extreme. The afterimages in the sky turned into countless rocs, spreading their wings and strangulating.

In an instant, the afterimage turned into a rain of arrows, the magic walk and ghost step were completed, the phantom was like a clone, countless Chu rocks appeared in the sky, Cheng Baiying surrounded Beiming Shatian.

"Winning by numbers? Ignorance." Beiming Shatian came up with his sword. With absolute power, he swept away with one sword, containing terrifying power, cutting off all the clones of Chu Yan.

At this time, Chu Yan jumped out and held a giant hammer into the air, reaching 10,000 meters, 20,000 meters, not stopping yet, still flying towards a higher place.

Every time it rises to 10,000 meters, ancient and barren lines appear and the hammer light becomes thicker.

"Ancient Hammer Technique!"

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