Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 551 The same person?

Prince Jiuyou's eyes fixed, he looked at the giant hammer, feeling the terrible power above, the nine-headed demon dragon sitting on it became manic, and did not stop his command.

"How can you be so strong?" Prince Jiuyou showed a look of surprise, Chu Yan ignored him, and the giant hammer continued to smash down. Every time the hammer was smashed, there would be a top emperor falling, and no one could stop Chu Yan's hammer.

The giant hammer was invincible and swept across the four directions.

"Boom!" Prince Jiuyou gathered the nine demon powers and punched out, full of evil light. Jiuyou Dynasty also practiced demon magic, but unlike the Beast King Palace, they practiced evil demons, full of evil magic.

"Boom!" Another giant hammer smashed down, Chu Yan stood proudly, his body was full of immortal and demon light, and he allowed the other emperors to attack and kill, but they could not break his defense at all.

"Cease fire! We retreat." Prince Jiuyou's face was pale, and he retreated quickly. In the short confrontation, his Jiuyou Dynasty suffered great losses. If it continued, even if he defeated Chu Yan, it would be a miserable victory.

"You didn't cherish the chance when I gave you. Now, you don't have a chance." Chu Yan's eyes were cold, and the war hammer continued to hit. The galaxy moved, and with a thud, another top-level emperor fell.

"No!" The people of the Jiuyou Dynasty were angry.

"Emperor Shenchui, do you really want to do this? Now you have provoked the Purple Thunder Dynasty and the Western Region Galaxy. If you provoke my Jiuyou Dynasty and leave the Emperor Road, how can you survive?" The Jiuyou Prince growled.

"There is a saying that lice are not afraid of itching when there are too many lice. Do you know?" Chu Yan laughed, and the corners of the Jiuyou Dynasty's disciples twitched. Chu Yan actually compared them to lice.

"You forced me to do it!" The Jiuyou Prince was angry, and he looked up: "Everyone is in battle formation!"

The disciples of the Jiuyou Dynasty gathered immediately and stood in an orderly manner. Suddenly, their power gathered, and there was a faint light connecting them, and all the vitality was input into the Jiuyou Prince.

"The Nine Nether Battle Formation can transform everyone's power into one person's body. It seems that Prince Jiuyou is going to fight to the death with the Emperor of the Divine Hammer." The onlookers sighed.

"Originally, this move was used to kill the leader of the Heavenly Emperor Sect, but since you insist on seeking death, I will fulfill your wish." Prince Jiuyou felt the influx of hundreds of powers, and he turned into a giant, with evil light all over his body. Just one punch was as big as a rock.

"Evil magic, dare you show off in front of this emperor?" Chu Yan said coldly, and smashed the hammer down. Prince Jiuyou roared, and with a punch, the earth shattered, and then the ground cracked with a bang.

This has not stopped yet. Chu Yan's giant hammer disturbed the galaxy, bursting with beams of light, and from time to time a light curtain descended. Prince Jiuyou punched out one punch after another, and each punch was extremely strange, shattering the light curtain.

"Die!" The Nine Nether Prince said fiercely, his huge body moving like a mountain. Chu Yan's face darkened. The power of a hundred emperors gathered in one person was still too terrible. The explosive power alone made him feel depressed.

"Bloom!" Under the suppression, Chu Yan's eyes condensed, and suddenly a terrible demon light was released, turning purple, and in an instant it formed a terrible killing light. The Nine Nether Prince was shocked and shrouded in killing. He felt as if he was trapped in darkness. He quickly retreated.

The next moment, the Nine Nether Prince raised his head and stared at Chu Yan. He was extremely shocked. He had seen the strange eyes just now.

Yuwen Longyuan died under this pupil technique.

"It turned out to be you!" The Nine Nether Prince couldn't calm down. Others were confused and didn't know what the Nine Nether Prince said.

Fairy Wangyue was in the distance, her heart was pounding, and she also recognized him. That glance was him.

After a long time, Fairy Wangyue smiled brilliantly, and tears flowed from her phoenix eyes. Everyone was surprised to see this.

"Can a fairy cry?"

"What happened just now? What did the God Hammer Emperor do?"

"They know who the God Hammer Emperor is." A top Tianjiao was also shocked, and then he laughed bitterly.

"Who is it? Isn't he the God Hammer Emperor?" Some people didn't understand.

"He is the God Hammer Emperor, but he has another identity." The Tianjiao raised his head slightly: "The Tiandi Sect, the Sect Master!"

"Boom!" When the voice fell, the hearts of the people around trembled, and they were stunned.

The God Hammer Emperor, the Sect Master of the Tiandi Sect?

These two people are the same person? The third and fourth on the Emperor List are actually the same person?

Chu Yan frowned slightly and sighed when his identity was exposed. This was not his intention. After changing his identity, he had been deliberately hiding it and acting extremely arrogant, just because he didn't want to be exposed.

After all, whether it is the identity of the God Hammer Emperor or the leader of the Heavenly Emperor Sect, they have made countless enemies. Once exposed, they will surely suffer misfortune.

Unfortunately, he was still exposed in the previous attack, but he acted very calmly and did not hide it. The golden light around him dissipated, and his face changed slightly. Next to the giant hammer behind him, a purple half-moon bow appeared, and the bow and hammer echoed, changing the color of the sky.

"Yes, this emperor, the leader of the Heavenly Emperor Sect."

"It's you!" Although he guessed it, Chu Yan personally admitted that the killing intent of the Nine Nether Prince was even stronger.

"He can actually change blood, soul, and twin physique?" But because they knew it, they were even more shocked. Whether it was the leader of the Heavenly Emperor Sect or the God Hammer Emperor, they were all legendary figures in the Emperor Road. However, now, the two are actually the same person. How terrible would it be if they appeared at the same time?

Of course, the most shocked person was Li Pin, because he also knew Chu Yan's identity.

"Three legendary people are actually one person. What kind of talent is this?" Li Pin was more certain that he had not made a wrong bet.

"You're back..." Fairy Wangyue murmured, and walked out slowly, ignoring the gazes around her, and walked towards Chu Yan.

Chu Yan turned to look at the Moon-Watching Fairy and smiled calmly: "Yes, I'm back."

Li Xian'er looked up at the sky and smiled happily, and couldn't help but think of someone in her mind.

"After all, he is a generation of dragon Tianjiao. The era will perish, but the people will not die. This may be the so-called destiny. I just don't know where he is now." Li Xian'er murmured, her heart far away: "It is said that women are like disasters, and good men are not."

Meng Ya frowned and looked at Chu Yan. She always felt a little familiar and uncertain. She smiled gratefully: "Thank you."

"Miss Meng Ya is polite." Chu Yan smiled, and then his eyes turned cold and looked at Di Feng. Di Feng seemed to feel something and wanted to retreat quickly, but it was too late.

"Demon Sect, there are scum like you, and they should be killed!" Chu Yan was not polite. The devil's hand grasped the void. Di Feng's eyes flashed with shock, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, and he was directly grabbed by the devil's big hand.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, Di Feng's face turned pale, his five internal organs burst, and he died directly.

Everyone was stunned. The top powerhouse of the Demon Sect was killed by the leader of the Heavenly Emperor Sect in one move?

"Heavenly Emperor Sect Leader, you turned into the Emperor of the Divine Hammer, destroyed the Purple Thunder Dynasty and the Western Region Galaxy, aren't you afraid of their revenge?" Another Tianjiao shouted in the distance.

Chu Yan's eyes became fierce, and he turned to look at this person: "Since this emperor dared to kill them, he is not afraid of revenge."

"It's you, better, so you deserve to die." The Nine Nether Prince said ferociously, and took a step forward. He stretched out his big hand and grabbed the Emperor of the Nine Nether Dynasty and ate it into his stomach. In an instant, the brilliance of the Nine Nether Prince became stronger, like a nine-day evil demon.

"What a cruel method..." Everyone vomited. The evil magic of the Nine Nether Dynasty connected the battle formation and the power of eating people.

Chu Yan looked at the other party indifferently: "The Jiuyou Dynasty practices this kind of evil magic and destroys human ethics. Aren't they afraid of the destruction of the country?"

"Haha, ridiculous, it is their blessing that they can serve my Jiuyou Dynasty. They were born to live and die for my Jiuyou Dynasty. Now that the dynasty needs them, they should serve." The Jiuyou Prince laughed wildly, with blood stains in his mouth, turning into a huge evil face, slashing at Chu Yan.

"Hmph!" Chu Yan snorted coldly, with the second Dharma body, set the bowstring, and the next moment, the light of the full moon, the ruthless rain of arrows swept out, piercing the void.

"Master of the Heavenly Emperor Sect, the Great Emperor of the Divine Hammer, no matter who you are, you must die today!" The Jiuyou Prince said excitedly, his fighting spirit was unparalleled, swallowing hundreds of Heavenly Emperors, and his power reached an extreme.

"Evil magic, left way." Chu Yan was surrounded by a rain of arrows, and the sword intent was born. Then the devil's hand evolved, and the giant hammer smashed down, and the Jiuyou Prince's face changed in shock.

"How is it possible?" Prince Jiuyou was terrified. The giant hammer fell, and he was unable to resist. Then the rain of arrows pierced his ancient body, and he spit out a mouthful of blood. Another sword pierced through his chest.

"No!" Prince Jiuyou's face was pale, his body exploded, his spiritual essence dissipated, and everyone was stunned.


Prince Jiuyou, who had devoured a hundred emperors, killed them with one sword?

"Is this the leader of the Emperor Sect in a month?" Many people who had seen the battle of the Emperor Sect secretly exclaimed and were full of shock.

Now he is much stronger than a month ago, with strange eyes, and he has merged with the Emperor of the God Hammer and the Hand of the Devil. The only son stood there and reached the top.

"Who is stronger now, him or Bei Ming Sha Tian..." Someone thought.

"Master of the Emperor Sect, tomorrow is the appointment of a month, will you show up then? Now you have the confidence to beat Bei Ming Sha Tian?" A Tianjiao asked curiously.

Chu Yan looked at this person with a cold gaze: "Since this emperor has returned, he will accept the challenge."

"Beiming Shatian has been in seclusion for half a month. Now he is out of seclusion. It is said that he has reached the level of a half-step monarch, which is much stronger than before. Even if you have achieved what you have now, you may not be able to defeat him in a month." Another emperor said coldly in the distance. He was a disciple of the Four Gods Alliance.

Chu Yan glanced at the other person. With one look, the emperor was shocked, as if he was suppressed by a mountain and could not move.

"Are you from the Four Gods Alliance?"

The emperor was terrified, but still maintained a bit of arrogance: "Yes!"

"Since that's the case, it's just right. I won't kill you today. Pass my message. Within three days, the Four Gods Alliance will be disbanded in the Emperor Road. Let Beiming Shatian come to kneel and beg for mercy and submit to this emperor. Otherwise, he will be removed from the Emperor Road!" Chu Yan said loudly with a fanatical look.

There was a moment of silence. Countless people couldn't help but think of what Bei Ming Sha Tian said a month ago after he walked out of the inheritance. Now, Chu Yan was going to return it intact to him.

But after Bei Ming Sha Tian's words, the Tiandi Sect was really disbanded. The Tiandi Sect Master was defeated. What would happen a month later?

Some people heard it and showed a mocking look. Let the Four Gods Alliance disband, Bei Ming Sha Tian kneeled down and begged for mercy. Is this possible?

Bei Ming Sha Tian is now more terrifying than before. If it weren't for the restraint of the Emperor Road, he might have broken through.

"Don't know whether to live or die!"

"Interesting." Some Tianjiao laughed, and some Tianjiao looked forward to it. In short, this news immediately spread wildly in the Emperor Road, boiling.

But everyone knows that no matter the result of this battle, it will be the peak battle of the Emperor Road so far.

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