Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5492 Pig Brain

The angel of judgment was stunned when he heard the woman's words.

This is called borrowing?

It is also borrowing...

But the premise is that you can't say no.

If you don't lend, I will rob it.

But the first one is easy to say, at most you will appear in the world three years later, but the compass of judgment is too important.

That compass involves all the causes and effects in the void.

The angel of judgment is in charge of judgment, what does it do?

It is responsible for judging some sinners. Of course, the judgment is not necessarily all bad. There will be some good people who will be handed over to the angel of judgment and will be given some rewards.

But the angel of judgment is also a human being. He can't always watch all living beings to see how many good things this person has done and how many bad things this person has done.

He can't keep up.

So he has a magical object, which is this good and evil compass.

This good and evil compass is specifically used to record the good and evil of people in the world, and can also be understood as a cause and effect compass.

It involves many people in the world.

The angel of judgment stared at the woman: "What do you want the compass of good and evil for?"

The woman smiled and said: "Don't worry, I won't take it away. I just borrow it here."

The angel of judgment still hesitated.

At this time, the woman's face darkened.


Suddenly, she disappeared and rushed to the front of the Judgement Angel. The Judgement Angel's face changed and he immediately blocked with his arms.

The mysterious woman punched out.


The Judgement Angel flew out ten thousand meters again, and as soon as he stopped, his arms fell directly on both sides of his body.


The woman said impatiently: "My patience is limited. You'd better make a decision now, otherwise I don't mind letting the angels disappear from this world."

The Judgement Angel's face darkened.

The woman continued: "To be honest, if you were not afraid of the spirits of the last era and your supreme gods, you would not even be qualified to negotiate with me. The moment I entered the God's Tomb just now, this place has been flattened."

The Judgement Angel's eyes shrank: "You... know our Supreme God?"

The woman thought for a while and said lightly: "If your Supreme Gods fight me, it's probably a 50-50 fight."

The Judgement Angel: "..."

The Judgement Angel was shocked.

In the cognition of many people, the most powerful in the last era were the twelve main gods.

However, only they themselves know that there are several supreme gods above them.

And any supreme god is a peerless strong man who transcends the world.

In this era... it is probably the level of God and several masters of power?

The angel of judgment is not sure.

But now, this woman said that she would fight with their supreme god, fifty-fifty?

Is this still a human?

Thinking of this, the angel of judgment was really terrified.

The mysterious woman said: "Give it or not."


The next second, a compass flew out.

The compass is divided into many layers, and various mysterious words are recorded on it.

The woman sneered when she saw the compass: "You cheap bone, it would be better if you took it out earlier."

Then he took the compass and took a look. After a moment, a drop of blood suddenly appeared in her hand, and then dripped on the compass.


The compass absorbed the blood, and then a figure quickly emerged.

If there were a cosmic person here at this time, he would be shocked.

Because this person is... Chu Yan!

When the woman saw Chu Yan, the corners of her mouth rose and she smiled: "It's been a long time since we last met."

At this time, if someone was there, they would find that there were many black and gold lines connecting Chu Yan's shadow on the compass.

Lines of good and evil!

These are all the good and evil of Chu Yan's life. If it were in the last era, the angel of judgment would use these lines to judge Chu Yan.

And the next second, the woman suddenly reached out and gently wiped the compass.


In an instant, all the black lines on the compass that were wrapped around Chu Yan were cut off.

The angel of judgment changed his face when he saw this, but just as he was about to speak, his face suddenly changed, and then he immediately shut up again.

Because a 40-meter-long sword was directly placed on his throat.

After the woman did all this, he thought about it, and suddenly looked up at the ten-winged angel and the angel of judgment.

Swish——the woman swung her long sword, and a blade of energy slashed out.

The two people's faces changed drastically: "Woman, you..."

The next second, the two people were stunned, because the knife energy did not chop at them, but just scratched their wrists and took away two drops of blood.

The woman said unhappily: "What are you yelling about? I didn't kill you. I just borrowed two drops of blood from you."

Then, the woman dripped the two drops of blood on the compass of good and evil.

After a while, the shadows of two people appeared on the compass.

It was the angel of judgment and the ten-winged angel.

Both of them had countless lines on their bodies, golden and black.

The angel of judgment was actually better, and the ten-winged angel...there were almost no golden lines on his body. One hundred lines, ninety-nine were black.

The woman glanced at him and sneered: "It's really good, you haven't done anything good in your life? Let me see, there is one, have you never had a child?"

The ten-winged angel: "..."

Don't say it, he really has no offspring.

He said in a deep voice: "What does this have to do with whether I have children or not?"

The woman said calmly: "Of course it has something to do with it... Because of your character, the child you give birth to will definitely be a bad person, so you have not given birth to a child, so you have benefited the world, so it is a good deed."

Ten-Winged Angel: "..."

The woman ignored the ten-winged angel, and the judgment angel also looked at the woman. He wanted to know what the hell this woman was doing.

The next second, the Judgment Angel's eyelids twitched slightly.

Because he clearly saw the woman waving again.


The woman cut off all the golden lines on the Judgment Angel's body, and then connected all the golden lines to Chu Yan's body.

Judgment Angel: "..."

The woman did everything well, but she was still a little worried, and then she stepped on it with the sole of her foot.


The huge tomb of the gods shook.

On the compass of good and evil, golden lines appeared.

These are all good deeds accumulated by the Angel Clan.

The woman connected all of them to Chu Yan's body, and then she smiled with satisfaction.

When the judgment angel saw this, his eyes were filled with tears: "Woman, you have gone too far."

The line of good... In the eyes of many people, this may be an illusory thing, but he knows too well about the judgment that governs judgment.

These good lines actually have another name...

This is a blessing!

What the woman is doing now is tantamount to transferring all the blessings of the angel clan to Chu Yan.

The woman looked at the angel of judgment and sneered: "I have left you a blessing, you should be satisfied."

The Judgment Angel frowned.

The woman casually threw the compass of good and evil to the angel of judgment.

He didn't take it away.

He is not worried about the Judgment Angel revising it back.

No one can touch what he has changed.

The woman smiled slightly: "It's not bad. Although the teacher doesn't let me go directly to see my junior brother, but now it can be considered as doing something for my junior brother."

After everything was done, the woman put the 40-meter sword on her shoulder and smiled slightly: "Okay, I'm leaving. Remember to be good and don't let me see you outside in the past three years. "

After saying this, the woman's figure slowly disappeared.

Finally, he completely left the Angel Clan.


As soon as the woman left, the angel clan exploded.

The ten-winged angel's face was as solid as iron.

He suddenly raised his head and looked at the judgment angel: "Ancestor..."

The Judgment Angel sighed: "We...have all underestimated this era."

The ten-winged angel was shocked: "Ancestor, you mean that woman... is actually a person from this era? How is this possible?"

When he saw how powerful the woman was just now, he even suspected that the woman was a powerful person from an era further back than the era of gods.

But judging, is this woman from this era?

The judgment angel glanced at the ten-winged angel and said coldly: "There are no eras above the era of gods. We are the first era of nothingness."

The ten-winged angel was stunned. He really didn't know about this.

But he didn't care much about this matter now. He said in a deep voice: "But how is it possible? Why do such powerful people appear in this era?"

The judgment angel glanced at the ten-winged angel and said lightly: "Is it strange? Have you forgotten the Lord of Heaven Refining? There are strong people in this era, but they don't usually appear."

The ten-winged angel was stunned and silent.

The Judgment Angel sighed: "We always thought that we were hiding in secret, waiting for the last chance, but now it seems... we have all underestimated this era. Also, what is all this going on?"

The ten-winged angel informed the Lord of the Judgment Hall that he was here and about Chu Yan.

The Judgment Angel narrowed his eyes and sighed: "That's it, that Chu Yan should be the junior brother in this woman's mouth... Are you really stupid enough to attack such a person?"

The ten-winged angel said helplessly: "Before we took action... we didn't know that this boy had such a powerful senior sister."

The judgment angel glanced at the ten-winged angel and said sadly: "That is the new emperor of the universe. Can ordinary people become the new emperor of the universe? Are all your brains filled with pig brains?"

Ten-Winged Angel: "..."

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