Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5491: Compass of Good and Evil

In the main hall of the God's Tomb.

The old angel with ten wings sat at the head, with two calls of gods floating in front of him.

Just like the eight wings, the call of gods will not be blocked.

Of course the old man received it, but he did not dare to leave, because not long ago, a woman suddenly came in from outside the God's Tomb and appeared in the main hall of the angels.

The old man of the angels stared at the woman and said in a deep voice: "Who are you? Why did you come to my angels?"

The old man was shocked.

You know, the angels are in the gap between the two worlds, and ordinary people cannot set foot in it.

They have been hiding here for too long.

But now, this woman came in all of a sudden?

The woman looked at the old man of the angels and suddenly said: "You left three angels, where did they go?"

The old man was startled and sneered: "Where my people go has nothing to do with you?"

The woman looked at the old man, and then she didn't say a word, carrying the 40-meter sword on her shoulder and walked to the old man step by step.

The old man frowned slightly, but he didn't take it seriously, because in his opinion, this woman might have entered the angel clan by accident.

This situation has often occurred in the past 100 million years.

Although the angel clan hides in the gap between the two worlds, there will always be some space vibrations, or some anomalies that cause some people to accidentally fall into this place.

So he didn't take this woman seriously.

The old man said lightly: "Although I don't know who you are and how you came to my angel clan, you leave now, I can pretend that nothing happened."

The mysterious woman continued to move forward without hearing.

The old man narrowed his eyes when he saw this, and suddenly he sneered: "It seems that you are not going to leave? I see your situation, you should be a strong man in this era, why do you have to seek death?"

The old man can see that the woman's strength is not too weak.

But what can he do?

In the old man's opinion, no matter how strong the woman is, she is in this era, and she will be limited by the ceiling, and the old man himself is an angel clan, that is, a person from the previous era.

The two people are not in the same sky at all.

The upper limit is different.

The old man sneered: "Why do you have to seek death?"

After saying that, he was not going to waste time.

He slowly raised his palm and pointed it at the woman.


Almost instantly, the woman suddenly disappeared.

The old man was stunned. Obviously, he didn't expect the woman to take the first step, but soon he smiled and didn't take it seriously.

Because he was confident enough.

As long as the woman was from this era, she couldn't be stronger than him.

The upper limit was there.

The old man's fingers condensed, and a golden divine light was born, but just as he was about to make a move, his face suddenly changed.

Swish-because his attack hadn't landed yet, a blade light had already passed through his throat.

The old man's eyes widened, he slowly turned around, and found that the woman had appeared behind him.

He stared at the 40-meter-long sword.

Tick-tock-at this time, the old man clearly saw a drop of golden blood falling from the sword.

Is that...the blood of the gods?

You know, in this era, human blood is red, and only people in the previous era have golden blood.

So... is that my own blood?

The old man was shocked when he thought of this, and he hurriedly reached out and touched his throat.



For this reason, the old man was shocked, and fear flashed in his eyes, because he found that his throat was broken?

Old man: "You..."

The woman turned around with a big knife and said lightly: "I didn't kill your soul in a second. Now I give you a chance to let your angel ancestor come out."

The old man was stunned when he heard it, and he realized that the sword really only cut off his body, and his soul was still in a complete state.

But the next second, his pupils shrank...

"You, you deliberately left my soul? You... who are you?"

The woman said lightly: "Are you going to find it or not? If you don't find it, don't take your soul."

The corner of the old man's mouth twitched slightly, but the next second he suddenly put his hands together, and a golden pattern with brilliant light appeared between his eyebrows.


And it was the highest-level god!

Gods are also divided into levels.

The lowest-level god is the demigod.

Or a false god!

The higher-level one is the eight-winged angel.

At this time, the god used by the old man was already at the level of the God King, and the one he summoned must be the main god.

One of the twelve main gods of the last era.

It is also the real... angel of judgment!

The king of the angels.

The old man didn't want to summon, but he had a premonition that if he didn't summon today, the angels might be wiped out from history.


As soon as the god came out, it rushed straight into the sky.


The next second, the world shook violently.

The inside of the tomb of the gods became extremely bright, and the sky turned snow-white.

The mysterious woman looked up.

At this time, a middle-aged man slowly walked out in the endless light.

The middle-aged man couldn't see his face clearly, but it seemed unimportant, because no matter what he looked like, he would not be more attractive than the six pairs of white angels behind him.

The mysterious woman narrowed her eyes slightly.

Twelve-winged angels!

One of the twelve main gods of the last era, the true angel of judgment!

The ten-winged angel saw the man's expression change, and then his body began to tremble uncontrollably, and his waist lowered little by little.

The level of pressure from the gods!

In the last era, the gods had a very clear hierarchy. This hierarchy was not just spoken about like the human race now, but was engraved in their bones.

This is the case with the angel clan.

It was engraved in my bones.

Therefore, all angels tremble when they see the twelve-winged angels.


Like a pilgrimage.

At this time, the judgment angel slowly descended, and he looked at the mysterious woman and frowned.

The mysterious woman was also looking at the Judgment Angel, her eyes calm and without any disturbance.

Suddenly, the judgment angel said in a deep voice: "What hatred do you have between your Excellency and our angel clan?"

The mysterious woman shook her head slightly: "No."

The judgment angel frowned: "Then why do you do this to our angel clan?"

The mysterious woman chuckled: "I have no hatred, but the person your angel clan wants to touch is my junior brother."

The judgment angel was startled and looked down at the ten-winged angel.

The ten-winged angel trembled, shook his head and said, "Back to my ancestor, I never knew who her junior brother was."

The Judgment Angel was silent for a while, then he glanced at the mysterious woman and said, "I feel the breath of death in you?"

The mysterious woman nodded: "Well, he was just as disobedient as you a few days ago, and then I went and beat him up."

Judgment Angel: "..."

Ten-Winged Angel: "..."

The mouth of the ten-winged angel suddenly grew bigger.

Looking at the mysterious woman is like looking at a monster.

Beat Death?

Is this woman crazy? Is she kidding?

grim Reaper……

It is also one of the twelve main gods, and in terms of divine personality, it is even higher than the angel of judgment.

The Judgment Angel is in charge of judgment, while the God of Death is in charge of real life and death.

The Judgment Angel stared at the mysterious woman for a long time and suddenly said: "Sir, are you kidding me?"

Beat the God of Death?

The mysterious woman looked at the Judgment Angel and said calmly: "I never joke with people who are not my friends."

The Judgment Angel was silent for a while.

Chih--Suddenly, a divine power condensed in the hands of the Judgment Angel, and then, an invisible long sword was born. If Chu Yan were here, he would be shocked, because that sword is the Judgment Divine Sword.

The next second, the judgment angel waved his hand.

Chi--a shocking sword energy slashed towards the woman.

The woman raised her head to see the sword energy coming toward her, and sighed: "Why can't you just be obedient?"

After saying that, she gently pinched her hand forward.


And with such a gentle clamp, the sword energy was directly clamped by the woman.

The face of the judgment angel changed.

The next second, the mysterious woman took a step forward. With just one step, she came directly in front of the Judgment Angel. She looked very small standing in front of the Judgment Angel, but she pushed forward gently with her palm.

Very very light.

The Judgment Angel frowned when he saw this, but just as he was about to take action, his expression changed drastically.

That palm, which was obviously very gentle, suddenly turned into a power that could destroy the world.

This palm is like the crashing waves on the shore.


The Judgment Angel immediately retreated, covering a distance of tens of thousands of meters.


After the judgment angel stopped, a mouthful of blood spurted out, golden blood.

At this time, the eyes of the Ten-Winged Angels almost fell out of their heads, full of shock.

The ancestor... was repulsed?

You know, he still thought that the defeat of the Ten-Winged Angel was his own problem, because he was only the ceiling of this era, but the ancestor was different.

Judgment Angel…

That is true solipsism.

The reason why this is the angel clan but the Judgment Angel is not here is because the Judgment Angel is no longer restricted by the era.


A palm.

The ancestor was repulsed?

The ten-winged angel's eyelids twitched slightly, and his eyes were filled with lingering fear.

At first, the mysterious woman said that she deliberately spared his soul, but he actually didn't believe it at all. He felt that the woman was bragging and that she couldn't kill her.

But now he understands...

If the woman just now was willing, she could erase him with just a thought.

The Judgment Angel stopped and looked at the woman as if looking at a monster: "Who...are you?"

The mysterious woman chuckled: "Can we have a good chat now?"

The Judgment Angel turned to look at the Ten-Winged Angel.

The ten-winged angel twitched the corner of his mouth and said hurriedly: "She, she didn't tell me that she wanted to talk to me..."

The Judgment Angel took a deep breath, looked at the mysterious woman and said, "What do you want to talk about?"

The mysterious woman said calmly: "Two things. First, within three years, you are not allowed to leave the Tomb of God and enter the current era. Second, I remember that your angel tribe seems to have a compass of good and evil? I want to borrow that compass. "

The judgment angel's eyes shrank, and he was about to speak.

The woman smiled and said: "You'd better think carefully. I just want to borrow the compass now. If you refuse, I will steal it."

Judgment Angel: "..."

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