Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5457 Talk

The first generation of Blood Ancestor heaved a sigh of relief, then he stared at the Spirit of the Universe below and said coldly: "Little girl, I admit that you are very powerful, but I am now using the origin of the blood river to protect my body. Everything in the world can be melted. You can't get in. Otherwise, let's talk again..."

Chu Yan: "..."

To be honest, when he first heard the Blood Ancestor talk about this barrier so awesome...

He thought the Blood Ancestor was going to say something harsh.

In the end...can we talk?

It is obvious that after the battle just now, this generation of Blood Ancestor does not want to continue to entangle with the Spirit of the Universe.

He has even compromised.

However, the Spirit of the Universe glanced at the first generation of Blood Ancestor and did not respond. Instead, he suddenly turned around and looked at Chu Yan, and stretched out his hand: "Give it to me."

"Ah?" Chu Yan was stunned and a little confused: "What?"

The Spirit of the Universe said without boredom: "The Refining Heaven Sword."

Chu Yan said, "Oh", and hurriedly took out the Refining Heaven Sword.


As soon as the Refining Heaven Sword appeared, Chu Yan hadn't handed it to the Universe Spirit yet. The sword suddenly sensed something, and it chirped joyfully, and then flew into the hands of the Universe Spirit.

Then, the sword gently rubbed the Universe Spirit's ankle like a docile kitten.

Chu Yan's eyelids jumped when he saw this.


This sword usually treated him without caring about him, but now it was so attentive to the Universe Spirit.

Chu Yan said in his heart with a dark face: "Have the Refining Heaven Sword and the Universe Spirit always been good?"

Xiao Jiu shook his head: "I don't know, my memory is not complete, but they are both the product of the master, it is normal for them to know each other."

Chu Yan said speechlessly: "But I have also seen the Universe Spirit with the Refining Heaven Sword before, why haven't I seen them have such a good relationship?"

Chu Yan remembered that he had also used the Refining Heaven Sword to chop the Universe Spirit.

At that time, although the Refining Heaven Sword did not hurt the Universe Spirit, it was not so warm-hearted.

Xiao Jiu thought for a moment, and suddenly said: "Is it possible that the Sword of Refining Heaven didn't know that the Spirit of the Universe was so powerful before?"

Chu Yan: "..."

Don't say it, it's really possible!

The Sword of Refining Heaven... is very snobbish.

Chu Yan's face darkened.

Sure enough, people still need to have strength.

Otherwise, even a sword will look down on you.

The Spirit of the Universe took the Sword of Refining Heaven and chuckled: "You guy, weren't you always arrogant? You even wanted to chop me. Why are you so docile now?"

The Sword of Refining Heaven made a sound.

The Spirit of the Universe laughed.

Chu Yan asked curiously: "What did he say?"

Xiao Jiu said: "He said that it was not his fault before, it was you who carried him to chop the Spirit of the Universe, it was all your fault, it had nothing to do with him."

Chu Yan's eyelids jumped slightly: "Cao!"

I was sold out by a sword.

Chu Yan was speechless.

Fortunately, the Spirit of the Universe didn't care.

Otherwise, I would be dead.

At this time, the Spirit of the Universe looked up at the blood ancestor in the distance.

Swish - suddenly, he waved his hand lightly, and a sword energy slashed out.


The next second, in full view of everyone, the barrier protecting the first generation of blood ancestor shattered with a click, and disappeared without a trace.

Chu Yan: "..."

Blood ancestor: "..."


The blood river... Gone?

The spirit of the universe looked at the first generation of blood ancestor with the sword of refining heaven, and chuckled: "Your toy doesn't seem to work."

The eyelids of the first generation of blood ancestor twitched slightly, and he was immediately desperate.

He suddenly lowered his head to look at the blood ancestor of this generation, and said angrily: "Why are you calling me ancestor!"

Blood ancestor: "..."

Swish - the next second, the spirit of the universe waved his hand casually, and another sword energy came out.

The first generation of blood ancestor turned around and ran, but he had just run less than a hundred meters, and with a puff, his body suddenly froze, and then everyone saw with their own eyes that the head of the first generation of blood ancestor was cut off from his neck, and then rolled to the ground like a ball.


The blood river rioted.

A generation of blood ancestors completely fell.

The world was stunned when they saw this scene.

At this time, the spirit of the universe stretched out his hand and grabbed. Although the first generation of blood ancestors died, their bodies were still there. After being grabbed by the spirit of the universe, they suddenly turned into a ball of extremely rich blood.

After the spirit of the universe grabbed the blood ball, he threw it to Chu Yan casually: "Do you want to eat it?"

Chu Yan was stunned: "What is this?"

The spirit of the universe chuckled: "The blood source of the blood river is very useful for your blood."

Chu Yan was delighted and immediately took it and ate it into his stomach.

"Ah!!!" But the next second, Chu Yan let out a miserable scream.

It hurts!

It hurts too much.

The blood ball entered the body and immediately turned into a terrible energy. Chu Yan felt as if he was about to explode, and his face turned red.

He stared at the Spirit of the Universe blankly: "Senior, I..."

The Spirit of the Universe was speechless: "I just asked you to eat it, not to eat it all. This thing is made of a generation of blood ancestors and half of the blood river. The energy is dozens of times greater than your current strength. If you eat it in one bite, you will be stuffed to death."

Chu Yan: "..."

He was desperate: "Senior, help me."

The Spirit of the Universe sighed, and then he did not stand by and watch Chu Yan die. He gently touched Chu Yan's forehead with his finger.


In an instant, the violent blood energy calmed down.

Then, all the blood energy flowed into Chu Yan's dantian and turned into a ball of beating blood energy.

The Spirit of the Universe said calmly: "I will suppress this bloodline for you temporarily. You should absorb it bit by bit. Don't eat it all at once, otherwise you won't be able to digest it at all."

Chu Yan nodded repeatedly and breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he clenched his fist slightly.


The surrounding space collapsed.

He was suddenly delighted: "Is the effect so good?"

He only absorbed a little bit of the power of the blood river, but his strength increased a lot.

The Spirit of the Universe rolled his eyes: "That blood group is half of the blood river, of course it is powerful."

Chu Yan smiled awkwardly: "Thank you, senior."

The Spirit of the Universe didn't say much, but turned to look at the blood ancestor of this generation, and smiled harmlessly: "Do you have any more cards?"

The blood ancestor of this generation's eyelids jumped, and he didn't say anything.

Is there a trump card?

What the hell!

Even if there is, he won't look for it again.

Actually, there are some...

The first generation of Blood Ancestor died, but there are still the second and third generation of Blood Ancestors in Blood River...

In 200 million years, many strong people were born in Blood River. He is only the seventh generation of Blood Ancestor, and there are six people before him.

But it is meaningless.

I just summoned the strongest first generation of Blood Ancestor, but he was killed in an instant. Now I call the second and third generations out to die?

Blood Ancestor said in a deep voice: "I made the mistake. I have no regrets whether the girl wants to kill me or cut me."

The Spirit of the Universe rolled his eyes: "Who said I want to kill you?"

Blood Ancestor was stunned: "You won't kill me?"

The Spirit of the Universe smiled and said: "I didn't say I wanted to kill you at the beginning. I just wanted to talk to you. Okay, now I have defeated you, let's talk now?"

Blood Ancestor was shocked, and then nodded immediately: "Talk! Must talk! Talk well! Come on, prepare wine and food, I want to have a good talk with this girl!!"

Chu Yan: "..."

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