Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5456 Calling Ancestors


At this moment, the feeling of the Spirit of the Universe can be described in one word.


Infinitely crazy!

I know you still have trump cards, use them at will.

Anyway, I am invincible.

The Blood Ancestor stared at the Spirit of the Universe. At this moment, he put away all his previous contempt and confidence, and only had endless fear and solemnity.

This woman... is too strong.

It is very likely that she is in the real self-realm, but the Blood Ancestor can't figure it out. Isn't it said that the self-realm has become a legend, and there is no such thing in this void?

Why did such a person suddenly appear?

But soon he took a deep breath.

Prepare to use the trump card.

Because he has no choice, if he doesn't use the trump card, he may die today.

Suddenly, the Blood Ancestor clasped his hands together, and a piece of red blood jade floated in front of him.

This jade is the inheritance treasure of the Blood River, which has a full 200 million years of inheritance.


The next second, the Blood Ancestor crushed it: "Call the ancestor!"

Yes, it is to call the ancestor.

Chu Yan was stunned when he heard this. He was confused and complained: "Isn't he the Blood Ancestor? Who is he calling?"

At this time, Xiao Jiu said: "He is the Blood Ancestor, but not the first generation of Blood Ancestor, but the next few generations."

Chu Yan suddenly realized and said speechlessly: "Blood Ancestor is divided into several generations?"

Xiao Jiu said calmly: "These big forces will hide some old monsters."

Chu Yan nodded slightly.

That's right.


At the moment the blood jade was broken, a special beam of light shot up into the sky, and then quickly formed a faint blood-colored door in the air.

After a while, a phantom walked out of the blood door.

The phantom was a middle-aged man. After he appeared between heaven and earth, the whole blood river roared.

After seeing the phantom, the Blood Ancestor was relieved at first, and then surprised.

A first generation of Blood Ancestor!

At this time, the first generation of blood ancestors walked out of the blood gate, still a little confused, because he had been sleeping for too long, but soon he woke up, his eyes became much tougher, like a sharp long knife, scanning the field.

He first saw the blood ancestor and frowned slightly, because he found that the blood ancestor's body was broken, then he turned to look at the spirit of the universe, and couldn't help but be startled: "The breath of Liantian... You are... the spirit of that piece of heaven and earth that Liantian dug out?"

The spirit of the universe looked at the first generation of blood ancestors and chuckled: "Even the master knows you, it seems that you have lived long enough."

Yes, the first generation of blood ancestors can be regarded as existing at the beginning of this era, so he knows the Lord of Liantian.

Of course... knowing is knowing.

In that era... the Lord of Liantian led the trend.

The rest... all were foils.

Otherwise, there would not be countless legends of the Lord of Liantian in the void to this day, but there is nothing about the first generation of blood ancestors.

The first generation of blood ancestors looked at the spirit of the universe, and after a moment of silence, he suddenly said: "Little girl, did my blood river provoke you?"

The spirit of the universe nodded slightly: "Yes."

The first generation of blood ancestors thought for a while, and suddenly said: "Can you give me a face?"

Hearing this, the corner of the mouth of the spirit of the universe slightly lifted, and suddenly laughed: "Give you face? You... are nothing?"

Everyone's eyes shrank.

The first generation of blood ancestors' face also sank.

In fact, he didn't know the specific situation.

But the woman in front of him was related to the Lord of Refining Heaven, so he didn't want to provoke her.

After all, that person was too strong back then.

But now, the spirit of the universe is obviously not ready to give up.

The first generation of blood ancestor took a deep breath: "Young friend, do you have to kill them all?"

The spirit of the universe chuckled: "Aren't you his trump card? You can also try to kill me."

The first generation of blood ancestor was silent for a moment, he suddenly looked at the blood ancestor of this generation and said: "What is the current situation of Xuwu? Is Liantian still there?"

The blood ancestor said in a deep voice: "Replying to the ancestor, the master of Liantian disappeared 150 million years ago."

The first generation of blood ancestor was stunned: "Disappeared? Are you sure?"

The blood ancestor nodded slightly: "Absolutely true."

The first generation of blood ancestor was silent for a while, then he suddenly laughed, and then he looked at the spirit of the universe: "Your master has disappeared, and you dare to be so arrogant?"

The spirit of the universe glanced at the first generation of blood ancestor and sneered: "Do I need my master to kill you?"

The first generation of blood ancestor was stunned.

Tsk-at this time, the spirit of the universe was obviously a little impatient, he spread his palm, and suddenly, the endless energy between heaven and earth gathered towards his palm.

After a while, a golden long sword appeared in his hand, and then he aimed at the first generation of blood ancestor and slashed it.

The first generation of blood ancestor was startled, obviously he didn't expect the spirit of the universe to be so direct, but he quickly regained his composure.

Because he was very confident.

Although he had been sleeping for hundreds of millions of years, the reason he was sleeping was because he was too strong and was not allowed by this void, so he was forced to choose to sleep.

Now he woke up, and it was still this void ceiling.

However, just as he was about to raise his hand, his face suddenly changed.

Tsk-because the golden long sword went straight through his forehead.

His eyes widened, a little unbelievable.

Just now... what kind of sword was that?


The next second, a blood hole appeared in his forehead, and then continued to spread around. After a while, his body turned into a spider web and collapsed.

Only a wisp of broken soul was left floating there.

The first generation of blood ancestor was stunned.

He... was killed in seconds?


The first generation of blood ancestors stared at the spirit of the universe: "You..."

The spirit of the universe sneered: "With this strength, you are worthy of mentioning my master? What are you thinking?"

The first generation of blood ancestors: "..."

However, he was not the most frightened and panicked.

Below, the blood ancestors of this generation suddenly widened their eyes and became dazed.

Or should it be... despair?

His own ancestor... was killed in seconds?

What are you playing?

Although he knew that the spirit of the universe was very strong, in his opinion, as long as he summoned a generation of ancestors, he would be invincible.

His own ancestor was the first strong man in this era.

But he was killed in seconds?

At this time, the first generation of blood ancestors stared at the spirit of the universe and said in shock: "You... have you reached that realm? But how is it possible? If you have reached that realm, why can you still walk between heaven and earth? You, who are you?"

The spirit of the universe looked contemptuous: "I have said, I am invincible, you can do whatever you want."

The face of the first generation of blood ancestors sank, and the next second, he turned around and ran away.

The Spirit of the Universe shook his head slightly: "They are all out, do you think you can still escape?"

Swish - in an instant, the golden long sword stabbed at the soul of the first generation of blood ancestor again.

The first generation of blood ancestor was shocked and shouted angrily: "Blood River protects the body!"


In an instant, the entire blood river boiled up, and then all of them were summoned by the first generation of blood ancestor, and then formed an extremely powerful barrier around him.

The next second, the sword arrived!


But this time, the Spirit of the Universe missed, and his sword light was swallowed up by the blood river as soon as it pierced into the blood river.

Disappeared without a trace.

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