Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5448: Not easy to bully

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes changed slightly.

Leave it to Tianhai...

To be honest, everyone is not very willing.

Tianhai himself was quite surprised.

He thought Changhe would recommend him.

But no.

But pushed it to him.

Tianhai looked at Changhe, and Changhe also looked at him and smiled slightly.

Tianhai narrowed his eyes, and he understood that Changhe wanted to sell himself a favor, and secondly, he also wanted to show his generosity and share his firepower on his own.

He is the strongest person present, but once he gets the mystery of the universe, everyone's eyes will be on him.

No matter how strong he is, he cannot be the opponent of more than thirty hidden giants.

Changhe smiled and said, "What do you think?"

Everyone was silent for a while, and suddenly someone said: "I think it's okay. Buddhism has always emphasized the equality of all living beings. I believe Master Tianhai can achieve basic fairness."

Tianhai Bodhisattva narrowed his eyes: "You are really willing to believe in me?"

Changhe smiled and said: "Tianhai Bodhisattva, don't shirk it. Only you can handle this important task."

Tianhai Bodhisattva thought for a moment and nodded slightly: "Okay, then let me keep this thing for the time being."

After saying this, he stretched his palm forward.


In an instant, the wooden box shrouded in golden light fell into his hands.

The whole time, everyone held their breath.

Although they agreed, many people even held onto the weapons at their waists.

If Tianhai Bodhisattva takes the wooden box and disappears, countless people will definitely attack him.

Obviously, Tianhai Bodhisattva also knew this, so when he got the wooden box, he did not disappear immediately, but said to everyone: "Don't worry, everyone, I said I would share it, then everyone will definitely share it."

Everyone was relieved to see this.

And when everyone got the mystery of the universe.

The atmosphere suddenly became weird.

No one left.

Neither does Tianhai Bodhisattva.

At this time, Chang He suddenly said: "Everyone, we have obtained the mystery of the universe. What do you think now?"

One of them thought for a moment and said: "We have obtained the things. Let's evacuate first and go back to study."

People around him nodded.



At this time, Chang He suddenly said: "Everyone, if we leave like this, I'm afraid something will go wrong."

Everyone looked towards Changhe: "What do you mean?"

Changhe said calmly: "Everyone, have you forgotten where this mystery of the universe came from?"

One of them said: "Nature is the universe."

Changhe nodded slightly: "Yes, then do you think that this person will hate us if we take away the mystery of the universe?"

This person, of course, refers to Chu Yan.

At this time, someone laughed: "For a small second-tier giant, does it matter whether he holds a grudge or not?"

Changhe said coldly: "Do you really think he is just an ordinary second-tier giant?"

Everyone was confused: "Changhe, what do you mean?"

Changhe said lightly: "I believe that although you have not appeared in the world for many years, you have investigated a lot of information and must have some understanding of this son. This son has only been in the void for less than three years, and he now has Do you think this talent is normal for the power of a second-tier giant? "

Countless giants were silent.

Chang He continued: "This era of nothingness lasted 200 million years. Do you need me to remind you how long it took you to practice to reach this level of achievement today? But this guy only spent two years in total. His talent is too evil."

Tianhai Bodhisattva was silent for a moment and said: "Changhe, what do you mean?"

Chang He looked at Chu Yan and said coldly: "In my opinion, although the spirit of the universe has been obtained, this child still cannot be left behind. We should join forces to kill him now to avoid causing trouble. Otherwise, with this child's talent, If you really give him a few more years, he may not be able to break through to the level of seclusion. "

Everyone fell into silence.

Indeed, although they are hidden from the world, it does not mean that they are dead.

They seclude themselves from the world just to gradually fade into nothingness, but they have investigated some deeds in nothingness.

Especially Chu Yan.

The rise has been too fast in the past three years.

It can be described as terrifying.

And this situation really cannot be allowed to stay.

The burly man nodded slightly: "Okay!"

Many hidden giants looked at each other and quickly reached an agreement.

Kill Chu Yan.

Below, the Lord of the Judgment Palace looked at Chu Yan, and suddenly showed a hint of ridicule: "Boy, in the end, it seems that you are still going to die."

Chu Yan ignored the Lord of the Judgment Hall, but suddenly raised his head and glanced at Chang He and others.

The next second, he suddenly smiled, and then he opened his palm, and the Heavenly Refining Divine Sword flew towards him with a sound of sword sound. Then he raised his other hand, and the Jiutian Xuan Tower was slightly lifted by him.

And the moment the Jiutian Xuan Pagoda was taken out.


The blood pool opened.

Endless blood energy suddenly appeared all over Chu Yan.

Then, his physical body also recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, a giant holy body.

His strength suddenly increased.

Above, Chang He and others were slightly startled after feeling the terrifying blood energy.

Tianhai Bodhisattva stared at Chu Yan and said in a deep voice: "Boy, what kind of evil power do you have?"

Chu Yan ignored him, but waved the long sword in his hand. He looked at Chang He and others and sneered: "Everyone, I heard that you want to kill me? Okay, I am here today, I may not be able to kill you. All, but I think that with my strength, if I don’t risk my life, it’s okay to trade with you. Come on, let me see which unlucky guy will be chosen by me.”

Everyone's eyes shrank.

One for one!

If they had heard this before, they would have laughed out loud.

But now... they are a little unsure.

Just because Chu Yan's power is too demonic.

Especially the blood energy actually made Chang He and others feel a little uncomfortable.

Chu Yan sneered: "The mystery of the universe has been given to you, so why don't you just take advantage and be good? If you insist on forcing me, you can give it a try today."

Several people in Changhe were silent.

Chu Yan snorted coldly: "Do you really think the universe is easy to bully? We just don't want to cause trouble, but that doesn't mean we can't!"

Changhe and others hesitated.

what to do.

At this time, Changhe said in a deep voice: "Everyone, now is not the time to look forward and backward. You have also seen that this boy's blood is so demonic. If I really let him grow up, wouldn't you be afraid?"

Tianhai Bodhisattva and others fell silent.

Indeed, they thought Chang He was making a fuss out of a molehill at first, but what Chu Yan showed at this moment was astonishing.

The Lord of the Judgment Palace sneered: "Boy, the stronger you are at this time, the more they will be afraid of you."

Chu Yan didn't speak.

And then, buzz!

Suddenly, a special sound came from the universe.

Then, an ethereal voice came from the universe: "The little guy is right. The universe doesn't cause trouble, but that doesn't mean it's easy to bully. Come and see, who is bullying the people in my universe?"

Chu Yan was shocked when he heard this and turned back to look.

A woman strolled over.

Woman is the spirit of the universe.

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