Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5447 The Mystery of the True and False Universe

The world is very quiet.

Everyone looked towards Chu Yan.

They want to know whether the thing that the Lord of the Judgment Hall is taking out now is a mystery of the universe.

And the only one who can give this answer is Chu Yan.

Because no one but him has seen the mystery of the universe.

But they didn't know that Chu Yan was actually confused now.

He doesn't know what the mystery of the universe is.

But now he has to pretend to know even if he doesn't know.

There is no way.

Chu Yan's face was gloomy.

He regretted it a little.

Just as the Lord of the Judgment Palace said, he actually did something wrong this time.

He thought he had the world figured out, but in fact he was self-defeating.

He is currently riding a tiger with difficulty.

At this time, the Lord of the Judgment Hall was also looking at Chu Yan.

His eyes were calm, wanting to see what Chu Yan would do.

Of course what he was talking about was not the mystery of the universe, but Chu Yan had to admit it.

Unless Chu Yan is prepared to conflict with these hidden giants present.

Withstand the wrath of these hidden giants.

Chu Yan took a deep breath and stared at the golden wooden box.

Suddenly, he sent a message: "Are you sure that if I admit it, this wooden box will not be opened by them?"

The Lord of the Judgment Palace shook his head: "I'm not sure. I can tell you that I've had this thing for hundreds of millions of years, but I haven't opened it yet. This thing must not be simple. It may contain the secrets of the divine ancestors of the previous era. "

After saying this, the Lord of the Judgment Palace smiled and said: "In the final analysis, you are not at a loss. Do you know who the Divine Ancestor is? In the previous era, there were three major gods and twelve main gods, and above these were the Divine Ancestors. In the previous era, the Divine Ancestor was , that is the same existence as the Lord of Heaven Refining in this era, a person of creation, and the treasures he left behind are not bad even if they are not as good as the mystery of the universe. Now, you can use these without losing anything. People’s eyes are distracted.”

The Lord of the Judgment Palace continued: "As long as you admit it, if this wooden box is not opened, no one in the void will focus on the universe."

Chu Yan was silent for a moment.

He was indeed tempted.

Use something that does not belong to you to distract the universe from most of its attention.

Maybe one day this wooden box will be opened, but I don’t know how long it will be.

Chu Yan said solemnly: "I hope you didn't lie to me, otherwise I will never let you go."

He was worried now that he had just admitted that when the Lord of the Judgment Hall handed over the wooden box, the others opened it at once.

There's nothing inside.

That proves that he was playing tricks on everyone from beginning to end.

This is a big hatred.

Just as the Lord of the Judgment Palace said.

Before, these hidden giants had never appeared, not because they were afraid of Chu Yan.

In their eyes, Chu Yan was really not worth mentioning, too weak...even now, he was still not worth mentioning.

The reason why they didn't take action was because they were worried that the Lord of Heaven Refining had not disappeared and was just deliberately fishing for law enforcement...

Chu Yan doesn’t know whether the Lord of Heaven Refining has done this, but the Spirit of the Universe has done it anyway, and the Spirit of the Universe was born through the Heaven Refining Universe...

According to the relationship, the Lord of Refining Heaven probably also has this urine nature.

That's why countless people in the hidden world are afraid of him.

Now... they all appeared, but the Lord of Heaven Refining did not appear.

This means one thing, the Lord of Heaven Refining may really disappear, and these hidden giants will no longer take care of it.

If they knew that Chu Yan was playing tricks on everyone from beginning to end, they would be furious, and they would not hesitate to take action against the universe.

Chu Yan... his cleverness was mistaken for his cleverness.

He stared at the Lord of the Judgment Palace: "Are you...are you sure you are not playing tricks on me? Are you trying to trick me with a fake treasure?"

The Lord of the Judgment Hall raised his lips: "I don't know, you can only gamble."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly: "If I don't admit it, you will definitely die first."

The Lord of the Judgment Palace smiled and said: "I will die, but you and your universe will be buried with me."

Chu Yan clenched his fist fiercely.


But at this time, someone became impatient.

Changhe said coldly: "Chu Yan, is this a mystery of the universe?"

Chu Yan's face changed slightly, he knew he couldn't hold it off any longer.

He thought for a moment and suddenly said: "It's very similar, but I can't see clearly from too far away. I need to get closer, but I don't dare..."

Chang He scolded: "Trash, why don't you dare? I will take you there."

After saying that, Chang He grabbed Chu Yan's empty space with one hand and made a mark at will with the other hand.


In an instant, the space around Chu Yan was distorted, and then he and Chang He appeared in front of the Lord of the Judgment Hall.

Chu Yan was shocked.

So strong!

People like Chang He... although they were still giants, they were countless times more powerful than the giants he had encountered before.

At least in his current situation, even if he activates the Blood Pool and the Giant Sacred Body, he still cannot defeat him.

Besides, there are countless such people here.

The Buddhist Bodhisattva is obviously more terrifying than the river.

Chu Yan felt cruel when he thought of this.

This group of people is not to be messed with.

You can only gamble.

The Lord of the Judgment Hall looked at Chu Yan and smiled slightly.

Chu Yan stared at the wooden box, took a deep breath, and nodded slightly: "Yes, this object is the mystery of the universe."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was instantly surprised.

Changhe was the closest, and his eyes lit up, followed by endless greed.

But soon, he forcibly suppressed that greed.

Because he knew too well that no one present today could eat the mystery of the universe alone, unless they didn't want to live.

You know, there were more than 30 hidden giants present at this time.

And that's not all. At the moment when Chu Yan admitted it just now, the surrounding space obviously fluctuated again.

This means that there are still many hidden people nearby, they just haven't shown up.

Changhe suppressed the throbbing in his heart, turned around and said to Tianhai Bodhisattva and everyone: "Everyone, this thing may be real."

At this time, the Lord of the Judgment Hall chuckled: "Okay, it has been proven to be genuine. Who should I give it to now?"

Everyone's face changed slightly.

All silent.

Give it to...

To be honest, they were a little confused.

I don't know!

This thing is too valuable, a little outrageous.

Although everyone said that the mystery of the universe should be shared, who will keep it before it is shared?

At this time, Chu Yan blinked: "If you can't decide, how about I keep it for you?"

"Shut up!"

Changhe snorted.

Let Chu Yan keep it?

That's definitely not possible.

Let alone Chu Yan, just his identity as the new emperor of the universe, the mystery of the universe must not be handed over to him.

At this time, Changhe suddenly said: "How about I make a suggestion?"

Everyone looked at Changhe.

Changhe smiled and said: "Among those present, Tianhai Bodhisattva has the most experience, why not give this thing to Tianhai Bodhisattva?"

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