Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5414 Hidden Puppet

Chu Yan was silent for a moment.

He probably understood what this barrier was.

Chu Yan said: "Like the critical point in the universe?"

Xiao Jiu nodded: "Yes."

At this time, Chu Yan frowned: "But there is one thing I am curious about. I know the critical point in the universe. It is a way for the spirit of the universe to restrict others from breaking through the source realm and taking away the energy in the universe, but what about the barrier of the self in the void?"

Xiao Jiu shook his head: "I don't know about this."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly had a bold idea.

"The spirit of nothingness?"

Whether there is a spirit in nothingness, he has never been sure about this.

But according to his idea, there must be a spirit in nothingness.

Not because of anything else, but because of a lot of experience, he has experience.

Chu Yan has dealt with so many spirits in his life.

But he doesn't understand what the purpose of the spirit of nothingness is.

And soon, he shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

Who cares.

What does it have to do with me.

Chu Yan chuckled: "No matter what, a breakthrough is a good thing... Okay, now it's time to take a look at my spoils!"

The next second, he looked down at the Judgment Branch Hall with a look of expectation.

The Judgment Branch Hall is so big, there must be a lot of things, right?

Facts have proved...

This time Chu Yan was not disappointed.

Chu Yan led his men to quickly sweep the Judgment Branch Hall, and then his eyes lit up.

After finding the treasure house of the Judgment Branch Hall, he said excitedly: "I got rich...I really got rich this time."

Let's not talk about the source stone.

Chu Yan roughly estimated that there are probably more than 5 trillion pieces!

The point is, in addition to the source stone, Chu Yan also found countless magic weapons here!

Although they are not as good as the Death Scythe and the Judgment Sword, from the texture point of view, they are all weapons left over from the last era.

Chu Yan himself can't use them, but the universe needs them now!

The universe has just been connected to the void, and the previous critical point has just been broken. It is in a state of needing to be rebuilt. It is nothing but a foolish dream to expect the realm of the people in the universe to be greatly improved in a short period of time.

But... if the realm is not good, then rely on equipment to make up for it.

Chu Yan is very happy.

At this time, Xiao Jiu also said: "This time it is worth it. With 5 trillion source stones, you can rebuild 10 puppets."

According to the previous conversion, Chu Yan used 1 trillion source stones to build 2 puppets, so 5 trillion is enough for 10 puppets.

Chu Yan rolled his eyes: "Who wants to build 10 puppets? That's so stupid."

Xiao Jiu was stunned: "What do you mean?"

Chu Yan's eyes brightened: "This time, I will use 50,000 source stones to build a puppet."

Xiao Jiu was shocked: "You want to use all of them on one puppet? No, didn't you say before that you wanted to use fishing enforcement, make the original body stronger than the puppet, and then force others to find your original body, giving others a surprise? If you use these 500 million source stones on one puppet, then this puppet will most likely surpass your original body."

The most powerful point of Luo Chen's puppet method is that he has a level higher strength than the original body.

In other words, when he is a second-level giant, he can use Luo Chen's puppet method to build a first-level puppet.

A first-level giant can create a peak giant.

It's just that Chu Yan didn't do this.

Otherwise, he used 1 trillion source stones on one puppet at that time, and the strength would be much stronger than one.

But Xiao Jiu didn't stop him at that time, because Chu Yan said that he just wanted to make the puppet weaker than the original body, so as to fish.

But now it seems different.

Chu Yan rolled his eyes: "You are stupid, the Judgment Temple knows my routine, so of course I can't use it a second time."

Xiao Jiu was puzzled: "What do you mean?"

Chu Yan raised his mouth: "In the eyes of the Judgment Temple, they have suffered a loss once, so they must think that my original body is stronger than the puppet. At this time, I will create a super strong puppet, and then I will use the original body to fight the opponent first. At the critical moment, I will pretend to be defeated, and then summon the puppet... What do you think the people in the Judgment Temple will think?"

Xiao Jiu was stunned and said subconsciously: "They will definitely think that you can't even beat them with your original body. What's the point of summoning a useless puppet?"

Chu Yan nodded: "You are right! When the time comes, my puppet will punch out, guess what will happen?"

Xiao Jiu's eyelids jumped slightly.

Then, he didn't guess!

Because there is no need to guess.

Guess a fart!

What else can you do with a punch?

Bang, the people from the Judgment Temple were directly destroyed.

Xiao Jiu said speechlessly: "You are too evil... What's wrong with your brain circuit?"

Are you trying to trick people to death?

Chu Yan raised his mouth: "Let's do it! Okay, Jianjia, pack up your things, I'll make a puppet and we'll be ready to go."

As he said, he muttered in a low voice: "I don't know if the people from the Judgment Temple will come a second time! If they don't come, my calculations will be in vain."

Xiao Jiu: "..."

Soon, Chu Yan and his group had a clear division of labor.

Cao Jianjia cleaned up the battlefield.

On Chu Yan's side, the first thing he did after getting 5 trillion origin stones was to refine them quickly!

And when the 5 trillion origin stones were refined, he looked at the extremely rich energy in front of him... His throat couldn't help rolling.

So cool!

Chu Yan was thinking, if he forcefully absorbed this energy, could he break through to the first-level giant?

Of course, he still held back.

Because his blood pool was now open, and there was still a barrier in the void, it was meaningless for him to break through or not. Even if he absorbed these 5 trillion source stones, the conversion rate was not very high.

It would be better to refine a puppet.

Chu Yan resisted the desire in his heart and began to make these 5 trillion source stones into a puppet.

Of course, the puppet was actually affected by the barrier of nothingness.

But there is one advantage of the puppet...

The puppet realm will be stuck, but when the energy is sufficient, the physical body can be infinitely strengthened.

So soon, Chu Yan merged all 5 trillion source stones and turned them into an exquisite puppet.

Chu Yan finished everything and nodded with satisfaction: "It's done."

At this time, Cao Jianjia also flew back and said: "Emperor Chu, the battlefield has been cleared."

Chu Yan nodded slightly: "Okay, let's get ready to go."

Cao Jianjia bowed: "Yes!"


Chu Yan kept staring at Cao Jianjia. Cao Jianjia was a little shy and couldn't help asking: "Emperor Chu...I, is there something on my face?"

Chu Yan said: "No."

Cao Jianjia blushed and said: "Then, why is Emperor Chu looking at me all the time?"

Chu Yan rolled his eyes: "Nonsense, open your mouth! If you don't open your mouth, how can we leave? I need to hide my identity."

Cao Jianjia's eyelids jumped slightly, and then she opened her mouth helplessly.

But this time, Chu Yan did not hide his real body in it, but gently hooked his fingers, and with a buzzing sound, the puppet jumped into Cao Jianjia's body.

This time, what he wants to hide is a puppet!

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