Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5413: Barrier of Nothingness

The Lord of the Judgment Hall left a sentence, and his figure gradually faded.


But just this moment was enough for Tianlong and others to escape.

Any branch of the Judgment Temple has a teleportation array. He only needs to control Chu Yan for a moment, which is enough for Tianlong and others to open the array and escape.

At this time, the Lord of the Judgment Hall left, and Chu Yan regained his mobility.

Then he was sweating profusely.

Just a moment!

He felt a fatal crisis.

You know, his strength is not weak now. With the opening of the blood pool and the refining of the puppet body, he is stronger than the average first-level giant.

But the Lord of the Judgment Hall gave him the feeling of... invincible!

In a moment, the other party can kill him.

This made Chu Yan feel a strong pressure.

"Only me!"

At this time, Xiao Jiu suddenly spoke.

Chu Yan frowned: "What do you mean?"

Xiao Jiu said in a deep voice: "The Lord of the Judgment Hall is at least a strong man in the realm of only me."

Chu Yan clenched his fist slightly.

Only me!

He has been walking in the void for many years now, so he also knows this realm.

In theory, this realm has long been a legend in the void. It is said that the last time someone broke through to this realm was the Lord of Refining Heaven.

Since then, no one has broken through in this era.

Of course, Chu Yan usually just listens to such words.

It's all bullshit...

It's just like when he was in the fairy world, others told him that the fairy king had long been extinct... In fact, there are a lot of fairy kings in the Nine Heavens God Realm, and they are not powerful at all.

Like now, in many eyes, the self-realm is already a legend.

But Chu Yan understands that it is just the eyes of ordinary people.

The real strong will never appear in the public eye.

If you are weak, you don't even have the opportunity to see a strong person.

It's like a frog at the bottom of a well.

If you don't leave the well you are in, you will never know how vast the sky is in your life.

Chu Yan doesn't want to be a frog at the bottom of a well, so he has been trying his best to move up all his life.

But... he is suddenly a little confused now.

This sky... is too big.

It was even bigger than he had imagined.

He had been chasing it from the mortal world, all the way up, but the sky seemed to have no end.

Suddenly, Chu Yan looked up at the sky.

"How high is this sky... How big is this sky..."

Chu Yan took a deep breath.

Xiao Jiu said, "Boy, now is not the time for these things."

Chu Yan was silent.

At this time, Xiao Jiu suddenly said, "Boy, let me ask you, how high is the sky, do you care?"

Chu Yan was startled: "What do you mean?"

Xiao Jiu said, "Who are you living for? Or, aren't you living for yourself? How high is the sky? What does it have to do with you? As long as you live well and live in the present, who are you afraid of?"

Chu Yan was slightly stunned.

Some contemplation.

But suddenly, the corners of his mouth rose, and a bright smile filled his face.

He shook his head with a smile, and he actually got into a dead end.

"You are right. I am me. I live my life. No matter how big the sky is or how wide the earth is, what does it have to do with me, Chu Yan? As long as I am alive, I am me."

Chu Yan laughed.

At this time, he suddenly remembered a sentence.

Cut off the old shackles of the past, and today I know that I am myself.

Let it go!

Get out!

The meaning of this sentence is that a person is too obsessed with something, and as a result, he has never achieved anything in his life.

For example, there was a Buddhist monk who was always obsessed with achieving enlightenment, but in the end, he never succeeded because of his paranoia.

And when he suddenly let go one day and let everything go, he became a Buddha on the spot.

Chu Yan was like this before.

He cared too much about the height of the sky, which made his vision narrow.

"I have been trapped in a cycle, a vicious circle and shackles. I always thought that I was trapped by my mother, but in fact, I trapped myself."

"The sky is vast, but... I have drawn a circle on the ground."

Chu Yan laughed.

At the same time


Suddenly, Chu Yan's body trembled slightly, and then a golden light broke through the sky in his body.

Chu Yan was covered with golden light, and he was also stunned. Then he said absentmindedly: "I... broke through?"

Yes, it was a breakthrough.

Not a breakthrough with a blood pond.

Because of the opening of the blood pond, his realm has always been very vague.

But in fact, he was only a third-level giant before, but now, he has become a second-level giant.

In other words, even if he closes the blood pond, he is at least a second-level giant now.

Not only that.

With this breakthrough, Chu Yan's eyes have more golden light. He looked around and felt that the world suddenly became brighter and more transparent.

Xiao Jiu was surprised and said: "Is this... the clear eye?"

Chu Yan was stunned: "What is that?"

Xiao Jiu said in a deep voice: "A special realm."

Chu Yan was puzzled: "Special realm? What does it mean?"

Realm is realm, what does special mean?

Xiao Jiu thought for a moment and explained, "It can be considered a hidden realm? Or a state of mind. Now that you have broken through, your eyes can see through all illusions and will no longer be affected by any illusions."

Chu Yan was stunned, then surprised: "You mean, I ignore the illusion now?"

Xiao Jiu nodded: "Yes, this is what many people pursue throughout their lives. You have to know that in the void, in addition to a bright realm, there is also a dark realm."

Chu Yan became more and more confused as he listened: "What bright realm, what dark realm."

Xiao Jiu said: "The bright realm is the source realm, giant, and only me, and when they reach the void, many people will take a different path, that is, the dark realm."

After speaking, Xiao Jiu continued: "And the dark realm is even a kind of auxiliary realm. In the void, often two people of the same realm fight to see who has a stronger dark realm."

Chu Yan frowned: "Then why haven't I heard of it before?"

Xiao Jiu said lightly: "It's normal. Generally, the dark realm will only appear after reaching the first-level giant. I didn't expect you to realize it so quickly."

Chu Yan suddenly realized.

Then he checked his body.

After this breakthrough, his strength has improved a little.

He also discovered one thing. After his blood pool is opened, the realm is not fixed, but will increase according to his own realm.

For example, before, when he was a level 3 giant, he was a level 1 giant when he opened the blood pool.

Now that he has broken through to level 2, he is almost at the peak of a level 1 giant when his blood pool is opened.

Of course, he also suddenly found a barrier in his body at this time!

He found that he could no longer break through.

It seemed that his realm was blocked by something.

Xiao Jiu said: "The wall of me!"

Chu Yan was stunned: "What is that?"

Xiao Jiu said seriously: "A barrier between the giant and the me. If this barrier is not broken, no matter how much power you have, you can't become stronger, and you will eventually be like Luo Chen."

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