Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 542 shocked the world

Inverse star dome.

Prince Xinghe stepped out, the stars under his feet were bright, and there were countless star spears condensed. His expression was indifferent, as if he had regarded Chu Yan as a dead person.

The hearts of everyone in Chiliantang trembled slightly, shocked by the power of Prince Xinghe.

"So strong, with this heaven-defying method, I'm afraid only the sect master is qualified to fight with it, right?"

Ye Binning looked at Chu Yan worriedly, gritted her teeth and said: "Prince Xinghe, you are in the realm of breaking the emperor, but you are attacking someone who is four realms lower than you. Aren't you afraid of being laughed at by others?"

"He killed my brother and deserves to die. If you are not convinced, you can come together and see if you can stop me." Prince Xinghe said coldly, deciding Chu Yan's life or death with one word.

"So domineering!" The fifth hall master whispered, and many people in the Chilian Hall looked at Chu Yan with sympathy. Chu Yan became famous in the Chilian Sect for a short time, but he did several shocking things and bloodbathed the second hall. He also defeated Emperor Xuan, like an undefeated god of war.

But this time it was different. The person who wanted him to die was the Prince of Galaxy, the top being in the Dilu. How could he not die?

"Did you kill the Holy Son of the Western Galaxy?" The first hall leader looked at Chu Yan and asked.

"Yes." Chu Yan nodded calmly.

Seeing Chu Yan admitting, an evil light flashed in the eyes of the first hall master. He was worried that he had no reason to deal with Chu Yan. Now that Chu Yan had a grudge against Prince Xinghe, he was given a chance.

"In this case, from now on, I will strip you of your identity as the hall leader and expel you from the Chi Lian Sect. From now on, you have nothing to do with my Chi Lian Sect." The first hall leader immediately ordered, extremely decisively, the people of the Chi Lian Sect They were all stunned for a moment and looked at the first hall master strangely.

There was no concealment in the First Hall Master's voice, and everyone could hear it clearly, including Prince Xinghe. He glanced at the First Hall Master and understood that the First Hall Master did this because he did not want to be his enemy.

Li Pin, Ye Binning, the fifth hall leader and others all frowned. Now that Prince Xinghe wants Chu Yan to die, Chi Lianmen will just leave it alone. The first hall master expelled Chu Yan at this time, which will undoubtedly put Chu Yan into trouble. A state of isolation.

"What qualifications do you have to do this?" Li Pin said angrily, but the next moment, a strong intimidation suppressed Li Pin, causing Li Pin to crawl on the ground with a thud.

"How dare you, who are you worthy of talking to me? Now, I am the acting sect leader!" the first hall leader said arrogantly.

Everyone looked at Chu Yan helplessly. Everyone in the Chi Lian Sect felt a little sympathetic. Chu Yan originally won honors for them, but now, he was abandoned by the first hall master.

Chu Yan's eyes suddenly turned cold. Although he had already intended to leave, the first hall leader expelled him with ulterior motives.

"Sect Master, are you sure you can make this decision on behalf of the Sect Master?" Chu Yan looked at the First Hall Master. When You Yu chose him as the acting Sect Master, he knew that the First Hall Master would target him, but Unexpectedly, it would be attacked by external enemies.

"Of course!" the first hall leader said coldly. He could also feel that You Yu was very optimistic about Chu Yan during the last worship, but the more this happened, the more he wanted Chu Yan to die in order to clear the obstacles for him.

"It's really sad that the Chi Lian Sect has you. The enemy is currently inconsistent with the outside world, but it has provoked a civil war. Today's exchange, with you here, the Chi Lian Sect has been defeated." Chu Yan nodded, and then waved his arm. , he sacrificed the hall master's token, raised it high above his head, and exploded into pieces with a bang.

"Hall Master!" Li Pin frowned. He wanted to say something else, but it was too late.

Chu Yan turned around and looked at Ye Binning, the Fifth Hall Master, Li Pin, Xu Miao and others with a smile: "It doesn't matter, the Chi Lian Sect won't keep me, I will just leave. Everyone, take care, see you in the world."

After saying this, Chu Yan looked at the first hall master, his mouth full of ridicule: "To be honest, you are really pathetic."

"Boom!" Anger flashed through the eyes of the first hall master, but it was fleeting, and he sneered: "At this time, you can still say such arrogant words, I'm afraid that for you, there will be no world left."

Chu Yan sneered and ignored it. A huge golden wing suddenly appeared behind his back. He had indeed been delayed in the Chilian Hall for long enough. If he hadn't been worried that the first hall master would target Ye Bingning and others today, he would have left long ago. , today’s opportunity is just right.

"It's so pitiful." Prince Xinghe looked at Chu Yan, smiled and shook his head: "I won glory for them, but was abandoned on the spot. I think you are very talented, so I will give you a chance. From today on, you will follow me. I don’t have to worry about killing my brother, and I will reuse you. How about making you my general of the galaxy?”

The expressions of the Chi Lian Sect darkened, including the first hall leader. He had just abandoned Chu Yan, and Prince Xinghe actually took the initiative to recruit Chu Yan regardless of past grudges?

Chu Yan was also quite surprised, secretly sighing that Prince Xinghe was born among the rich and powerful, and the city was so deep.

Some old people from the Western Galaxy also nodded, secretly sighing that their prince was calm, calm, and talented. Judging from Chu Yan's previous performance, he was indeed a rare talent.

"Follow you?" Chu Yan looked up at Prince Xinghe, who nodded proudly: "That's right."

Chu Yan suddenly laughed. In the eyes of others, Prince Xinghe gave him a gift, but only he knew how ridiculous it was. He once dared to fight Beiming Shatian, so how could he care about a Prince Xinghe?

"Who do you think you are? Let me follow you." Chu Yan shook his head ridiculously.

Prince Xinghe's eyes immediately turned cold, and he snorted coldly: "I don't know what is good or bad. In this case, the only choice is death!"

"Boom!" The galaxy was endless, and the condensed spears shot out of the air, carrying a purple bow, like a divine sword from outside the sky, crushing down on Chu Yan.

"Boom!" Chu Yan also moved at this moment. He took a step forward, and the ground trembled three times. The giant hammer in his hand suddenly glowed with golden light and became infinitely larger. Then he turned his body, and the Honghuang Hammer Technique was activated. He rushed towards the spear with a bang, and then a golden crack appeared in the starry sky.

Chu Yan was like an undefeated god of war, with a dazzling golden hammer. Prince Xinghe operated the magic formula in the starry sky, and all kinds of starlight crushed, forming a terrible light curtain.

"No matter what talent you have, you will die in front of me." Prince Xinghe said proudly, and then he turned into a star, with a starlight picture behind him. For a moment, he was like a giant star with roc wings behind him, and he blasted towards Chu Yan in a terrifying way. Chu Yan's giant hammer kept hitting, and he was tireless.

Everyone was stunned, shocked by this great battle.

"Both of them are so strong..."

The people of Chi Lian Sect were also stunned. Many people thought that Prince Xinghe would be able to destroy Chu Yan with one strike, but he didn't. Instead, he was blocked by Chu Yan. Chu Yan even fought back, and his giant hammer kept changing and became stronger.

This was Chu Yan's second fight with the Emperor Breaker, but Chu Yan could clearly feel that Prince Xinghe was not as good as Bei Ming Sha Tian. Although he was also very strong, he did not have the terrible oppression that Bei Ming Sha Tian brought him.

"You are also worthy of being proud to die in my hands!" Prince Xinghe said coldly, and four beams of light rose into the air behind him. The four souls were of the sixth, sixth, sixth, and seventh grades, respectively. The Emperor Soul even forged the seventh grade Holy Soul.

"Holy Soul, worthy of Prince Xinghe." The people in the distance stared at each other, full of shock. The Emperor condensed the Holy Soul, which meant that Prince Xingchen had great creativity and was born a monarch.

"Saint Soul?" Chu Yan shook his head jokingly, and then he released his soul. Everyone's face froze and they were all stunned. At this moment, Chu Yan also had four rays of light behind him, containing the sound of dragon and phoenix, with uniform colors, all of which were seventh-grade souls.

"This..." Everyone in the audience was shocked. Prince Xinghe's soul combination was amazing enough, but now compared with Chu Yan, it was not at the same level.

"How is this possible? The first soul is a seventh-grade soul?" Countless people shook their heads in disbelief. Li Pin's eyes flashed with fiery light, and Xu Miao trembled in his heart: "Is this the real him?"

"Even when he fought with Xuan Tianzi just now, he still had something hidden..."

"Have you seen my soul?" Chu Yan shook his head jokingly. He believed that Prince Xinghe represented one of the sixteen veins of the Tianbei, and must be very strong, but he was still confident. He had never seen a soul stronger than him in his practice and was invincible in the same realm.

He was absolutely confident in the collision of souls.

The First Hall Master's killing intent became stronger. The stronger Chu Yan became, the more uneasy he felt. He was even thinking about how he would explain to You Yu when he came out of retreat if Chu Yan didn't die today and achieved something in the future.

Thinking of this, the First Hall Master stood up from the carriage, with a bloody wild knife behind him, walking in the air, approaching Chu Yan.

Chu Yan felt the knife light behind him, his eyes were cold, and he smashed the giant hammer fiercely, and the ground suddenly sank. The giant hammer and the bloody knife formed a terrible storm.

"Boom!" Everyone in the Chi Lian Sect was stunned. The storm dissipated for a long time. Chu Yan took advantage of the momentum to enter the air and opened a distance with Prince Xinghe and the First Hall Master.

"Blocked..." Someone whispered. The First Hall Master was called the First Knife. It only took one knife to kill people. But today, this knife was blocked by Chu Yan, breaking the rumor.

The first hall master also looked very ugly, but he didn't care. He had seen Chu Yan's strength, so he was not confident that he could kill him with one sword, but he still believed that Chu Yan would die in a fight between the two.

"Considering that we have been in the Chilian Sect for some time, I will not kill you today during the exchange. I will kill you next time we meet!" Chu Yan glanced at the first hall master and said indifferently. Then he turned around, looked into the distance, and walked away.


"Want to leave?" Prince Xinghe raised his arm and extended his pursuit against the starry sky, but Chu Yan remained calm. Every step he took was cracked by golden light, and countless stars were disintegrated.

Chu Yan walked in the starry sky, but his speed was strange, and there was golden light protecting him and clearing the way, so the Emperor of Heaven could not get close.

Prince Xinghe launched another attack, and the giant of the starry sky seemed to tear everything apart, blocking Chu Yan's way from the front. Chu Yan still ignored it and walked slowly. The light curtain descended and turned into dust. Chu Yan was like a golden god of war, with wings behind him shaking wildly, and he directly crossed the star road and left in the distance.

"Gone..." Many people looked at the back with strange expressions. In today's battle, Prince Xinghe and the first hall master attacked one after another, but in the end he still left?

"Boom!" At this time, the emperor list changed, and the name of the God Hammer Emperor kept moving up from the 34th place to the 11th place.

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