Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 541 Exposed

The Fifth Hall Master's face froze, and he looked at the First Hall Master in disbelief. Although he guessed that the First Hall Master would be angry with him because of Chu Yan, he did not expect that he would be so eager to kill him in front of the Western Region Xinghe.

Xuan Tianzi was also stunned, and then looked at the Fifth Hall Master with sympathy, and sneered: "Civil war? It's interesting. In this case, I will fulfill your wish."

"End of the World Wind and Sand!" Xuan Tianzi raised his arm, and the ground sank, the buildings shattered, and all collapsed. The bottom became a sea of ​​sand, and a terrible sand scorpion tail appeared, containing terrible power, and pierced the Fifth Hall Master's chest.

"Hall Master!" The Fifth Hall's disciples had red eyes.

The First Hall Master was indifferent. From the moment Xuan Tianzi went to the battle, he knew that the Chi Lian Sect could not win today's battle. Instead of doing so, it would be better to take the opportunity to get rid of a few people.

The Fifth Hall Master looked ashen, and under the terrible deterrent force, he couldn't even think of resisting.

"Bang!" At this moment, a golden light suddenly shot out from a distance, turning into a giant star hammer, smashing towards the sand scorpion's tail. When the two collided, a terrible residual power was immediately generated, and the ground suddenly sunk into a meteorite crater.

"Who are you?" Xuan Tianzi's eyes stagnated, and fell on Chu Yan. The giant star hammer was summoned by him.

Chu Yan stood on the giant star hammer, with his hands behind his back, his eyes were a little cold, but this coldness was not directed at Xuan Tianzi, but at the First Hall Master.

The Fifth Hall Master had no friendship with him, but he knew that when he was worshipping, the Fifth Hall Master helped him several times, and now he was targeted by the First Hall Master because of him.

Just now, life and death were at stake, so he would not stand idly by.

"The second hall master of the Chi Lian Sect." Chu Yan said calmly. Xuan Tianzi was stunned and then laughed evilly: "Level 6 Emperor? Haha, has the Chi Lian Sect become so weak? With your level, you can become the hall master?"

"Emperor Shenchui, you are so presumptuous. How dare you stop the exchange battle?" The first hall master's eyes flashed coldly and scolded.

Chu Yan turned and looked at him: "Put away your hypocrisy. Isn't this what you want to see?"

After speaking, Chu Yan put away his gaze and greeted Xuan Tianzi: "I will be your opponent."

The first hall master sneered. Indeed, this was his purpose. In his opinion, no matter how strong Chu Yan was, he could not beat Xuan Tianzi. It would be great to kill someone with a borrowed knife.

"You?" Xuan Tianzi smiled even more and shook his head: "I never bully the weak, go back!"

"Boom!" After saying that, Xuan Tianzi took a step forward, and the sandstorm suddenly became like a mountain range, like a change in the mountains and rivers, turning into a terrible force that rushed over Chu Yan.

Chu Yan faced the sandstorm and stood in place, his eyes were extremely calm, and at this moment, he raised his hand and struck, the starry sky giant hammer behind him changed a hundred feet, bursting with dazzling golden light, with a bang, the giant hammer blasted out, like a giant dragon awakening, colliding with the sandstorm, producing terrible residual power.

With just this blow, many emperor-level strongmen frowned, hurriedly retreated, and stared at the center of the storm.

"Haha, you don't know your own strength, just that blow just now, I'm afraid you've become a dead man, right?" The people on the starry sky road sneered.

Ye Bingning and the fifth hall master were also full of worry. Although they knew that Chu Yan was very powerful and had defeated Mingyou, they had not seen that battle with their own eyes. However, they had personally experienced the power of Xuan Tianzi.

Li Pin stood aside, his eyes burning, as if he had been waiting for a long time. He still couldn't forget the emperor-like figure who killed Mingyou in one blow during the battle in the second hall that day.

The storm dissipated, and everyone's eyes fixed on it. They saw a person standing there quietly, with the light of immortals and demons flashing beside him, and he was safe and sound.

Xuan Tianzi also frowned slightly: "Did you block it?"

"That's all the power?" Chu Yan leaned on the giant hammer, like a god descending from heaven, revealing a compelling aura everywhere. Xuan Tianzi's eyes also flashed a hint of fighting spirit: "Interesting, I underestimated you. Now, you are worthy of being my opponent."

"Kill!" Xuan Tianzi shot violently, and the wind and sand swept in the air, condensing into thousands of spears. He waved his arm and the spears rained down. Chu Yan stood there, his fighting spirit materialized, wearing fairy and demon armor, and stepped out with a thump. The giant hammer was like Mount Tai, crushing down.

"Boom!" Chu Yan blasted out with a hammer, as if thousands of troops were galloping, the ground trembled wildly, and a thumping sound was made. Xuan Tianzi's sandstorm turned into a huge arm, tearing everything apart and grabbing Chu Yan.

Chu Yan stood in place, with blood light continuously around him. Four pure powers affected the magnetic field of the surrounding space, forming a field of power, with gravity a thousand times stronger. Xuan Tianzi's speed slowed down immediately, and his face froze slightly, but then another iron tower floated in the air, spinning wildly, and the Taishan Tower smashed down.

"Bang!" Xuan Tianzi hurriedly retreated, and the sandstorm giant hand crushed the iron tower on the back, like countless blades. Chu Yan took advantage of the victory to pursue, and the giant hammer behind him extinguished the stars, and starlight continued to fall and hit Xuan Tianzi.

"Boy!" The people of the Western Region Galaxy turned cold and shouted, but it was too late. Chu Yan's whole body was shining with golden light, and there were wings behind him, like a roc in the clouds, strangling down. Xuan Tianzi's eyes widened, and he hurriedly used the sandstorm to protect his body, but the next moment, a shock force smashed down, and his sandstorm armor immediately disintegrated and could no longer condense.

"Boom!" With a loud bang, the sandstorm exploded, and Xuan Tianzi flew backwards like a kite with a broken string, and was smashed to the ground, his body twitching continuously.

"Win, win?" The people of Chi Lian Sect swallowed their saliva, some of them couldn't believe it. Xuan Tianzi was too strong before, so that they all lost confidence.


But in this battle, Chu Yan won back the glory for Chi Lian Men.

Ye Bingning and the fifth hall master were shocked, especially Ye Bingning. Chu Yan came out of her hall. When Chu Yan killed Yang Tiansha, she hesitated whether to reuse Chu Yan. However, in just a few days, Chu Yan brought her too many shocks.

The first hall master had a gloomy face. He thought Chu Yan would die in this battle, but he didn't expect that Chu Yan would win. Some people in Chi Lian Men fell in love with him.

This is definitely what he wanted to see.

The battle was not over yet. Chu Yan stepped into the air with a giant hammer and continued to approach Xuan Tianzi.

"Bold!" Prince Xinghe had a gloomy face and took a step forward. A terrible deterrence changed the starry sky and enveloped Chu Yan.

"The Western Region Xinghe is nothing more than that." Chu Yan stopped and looked at the Western Region Prince with a mocking look, and did not chase him.

"You are a level 6 emperor, and you can defeat Xuan Tianzi. You are indeed quite capable, but do you think you can defeat my Western Region Xinghe with just this one battle?" The prince of the Western Region stared at Chu Yan and asked.

Chu Yan stood with a hammer in his hand, nodded slightly, and was extremely arrogant: "I am a level 6 emperor, and I challenge everyone below the broken emperor of the Western Region Xinghe. If you are shameless, you can also be a broken emperor."

"Hiss..." Everyone took a breath, and Ye Bingning was speechless for a while. This guy is still as arrogant as ever.

"Arrogant, who is willing to fight for me?" Prince Xinghe said calmly, without getting angry. Then another top emperor stood up, and his aura was stronger than Xuan Tianzi.

"Feng Yu!" The people of Chi Lianmen stared at Feng Yu, this person is more terrible than Xuan Tianzi. In the last battle, Feng Yu swept the sixth brother of Chi Lianmen alone, and finally lost to the first hall master. The first hall master won miserably.

Chu Yan didn't waste words and walked out. With a thud, the giant star hammer became extremely desolate, with ancient magic patterns on it.

"Honghuang Hammer Jue!" Chu Yan roared. Honghuang Hammer Jue was what he practiced last time in the Demon Mountain. It had the power to destroy the world. With one hammer, thousands of miles of Honghuang were destroyed.

Feng Yu was good at wind magic. He flew in the air with a hurricane under his feet. Countless wind birds immediately formed in the sky to fight for him. The wind birds cried long, showing terrible power. They stabbed down like a sharp sword. Chu Yan's giant hammer whistled, like a mountain rising up, with a vast power, as if it could destroy everything.

"Boom!" The giant hammer smashed, and countless wind birds screamed, and then showed a hint of fear. Feng Yu's face changed drastically. He found that the wind around him was no longer under his control. He wanted to retreat, but it was too late. The giant hammer smashed down and smashed him out immediately.

"This..." The corners of countless people's mouths twitched. Feng Yu was definitely not weak, but he was defeated miserably. This Chu Yan was too terrible.

"If all the people in the Western Region Xinghe are this kind of people, there is no need to fight. Go back." Chu Yan retreated to the giant hammer and looked down.

Prince Xinghe looked embarrassed. Just at this moment, someone suddenly came to his side and whispered a few words into his ear, which made him frown slightly and look at Chu Yan: "Ten days ago, in a wasteland in the west, someone used the same magical power as you to kill many people in my Western Region Xinghe. Among them, there was a saint who was my younger brother. That person, was you?"

The Chi Lian Sect looked at Chu Yan in surprise. He actually killed Prince Xinghe's younger brother? A descendant of the Western Region royal family?

Xu Miao was slightly shocked. When she tried to win over Chu Yan, she didn't know that the saint was Prince Xinghe's younger brother.

Chu Yan also frowned, but since he was exposed, he did not hide it and nodded calmly: "It's me."

"Boom!" Prince Xinghe burst out with a terrible power. The sky, which was originally clear, suddenly darkened and turned into the night sky. Countless stars emerged, each of which was full of terrible deterrence.

"Against the starry sky!" Shrouded by the starry sky, everyone in the Chilian Sect felt a terrible pressure.

"Break the emperor realm, the great monarch's will! Prince Xinghe has realized the monarch's will!"

Chu Yan suddenly felt that he was locked by a force. Li Pin and others frowned, but they were powerless. The other party was too strong. He was one of the top few people in the emperor's road and one of the emperor-breaking ones. The other party could kill them all with a thought.

"I didn't want to take action, but you, damn it." Prince Xingkong said contemptuously, as if his words determined life and death. The endless starlight spear twisted in the sky and directly suppressed Chu Yan's body. Chu Yan stood there and felt a strong oppression.

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