Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5394 Waiting for the show

The mysterious woman chuckled: "Since we can talk, here's what I think. Let your people stay in the barrier for one year. You have been sealed for 200 million years, and it will not be less than this year. One year later, When everything opens and the era returns, I won’t care about you, but within this year, if your people dare to enter the void... I will kill you all, what do you think?”

The God of Death was silent for a while, then nodded: "Okay."

The mysterious woman said happily: "Sure enough, if the trees are not cultivated, the water will not flow, and if the people are not beaten, they will be more obedient."

grim Reaper:"……"

Mysterious woman: "Okay, then I'm leaving."

After saying that, she directly picked up her 40-meter machete and turned around to leave.

The god of death was startled when he saw this.

Leaving now?

He thought that if the mysterious woman won, she would at least make some unreasonable demands.

Nothing came of it.

It just limits them to one year.

At this time, the eleven shadows around them shook slightly, seemingly unwilling to do so.

But the next second, the God of Death said in a deep voice: "Let her go."

Stop it.

The real person of the eleven of you is not here. If we really fight, it would be fine if we win, but what if we lose?

If I die, you shadows will be extinguished. At most, I will suffer some backlash, but at least I won't die.

At this time, the mysterious woman walked to the barrier, suddenly turned around and smiled at the God of Death: "You may not believe it, but what I am doing now is actually saving you and giving you more options to survive. If you really do Get out... I'm afraid you will all die."

The God of Death's eyes shrank: "..."

The next second, the mysterious woman left without explaining.

As for what she said, there was no lies at all.

Apart from anything else, idiots like the God of Death were preparing to deal with the spirit of the universe.

He probably was slapped to death as soon as he passed by.

Wait until the mysterious woman leaves.

Death let out a long breath.

At this time, a shadow next to him said in a deep voice: "Brother Dao, what is going on? Where does this woman come from?"

The God of Death shook his head slightly: "I don't know..."

People around her frowned: "What state is this woman in? Even if she is in the solipsistic state, she can't be so powerful, right?"

The God of Death sighed: "The solitary realm? We are both in the solitary realm, but she almost beat me. If my guess is correct, this woman...may be even better than the solitary realm."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

"This is impossible!"

Above the realm of self-reliance?

what is that?

They haven't even heard of it.

Not to mention reaching the solipsistic state, isn’t the current nothingness even the solipsistic state a legend?

The God of Death sighed: "Everyone, we may have underestimated everyone in the world. This era... is not as simple as we think."

The other eleven were silent.

At this time, another person said: "She is so powerful, why does she have to go against us?"

The God of Death thought for a moment and said, "It may be related to the person named Chu Yan in the universe."

"What's the meaning?"

"That Chu Yan is not simple. This woman is probably his protector."

Everyone was startled and nodded slightly.

It's possible.

"That's all, you'd better not leave this year. Nothingness... is more complicated than we imagined. We still need to investigate more clearly."

The people around him nodded slightly.


They all think nothingness is rubbish...

As a result, a random woman came and almost beat them up!

the other side.

The mysterious woman quickly walked out of the barrier, and then she suddenly looked into the distance and sighed: "I'm so tired. Master is so annoying. He assigned me a chore. I can just go and accompany my junior brother." I’m done, bother bother bother!”

The next second, her figure flashed and disappeared again.

at the same time.

Ghost Island!


Chu Yan has been refining the puppet body here since he killed the Ghost Lord.

This is a very long process and a very painful process.

But he didn't care.

On the contrary, he still enjoyed it a little bit, because he suddenly discovered that he had not practiced seriously for a long time, and had been in a process of haphazard cultivation before.

But it's different now. Although his realm has been stuck, he can strengthen his physical body.

And he didn't completely create a puppet body. After studying Luo Chen's methods a little bit, he also incorporated some of his own insights into the way of puppets.


What's the most amazing thing about it?

No pain!

This is the most invincible!

Chu Yan sometimes thinks that if a person does not feel pain or fatigue, then this person's combat power will be increased more than ten times even if he does not break through.

To give a simple example, two people are of the same level, and then they punch each other.

One person is in terrible pain, but the other person can't feel the pain... Do you think it's scary?

Just for this reason, this person is very scary.

The more Chu Yan played, the happier he became...

By the end, he was having a great time.

not only that.

He suddenly had a bold idea...

"Xiaojiu, do you think I should create a puppet besides myself?"

Chu Yan said: "Luo Chen almost deceived me with that trick before. I can also create a puppet that is exactly like me."

He became more and more excited as he spoke, and suddenly said: "Not only that, I have another bold idea. I am different from other puppeteers. The other puppeteers are weak in their original form, but I am strong. I can also use this method to confuse others..."

"For example... I deliberately let others know that I am using a puppet, and then let them try to find my original form like me! They all think that my original form is weak, and then, as soon as my original form makes a move, bang, I punch them and blow them up, scaring them to death!"

Chu Yan became more and more excited as he spoke, and at the end, he was a little excited: "Haha, what do you think?"

Xiao Jiu: "..."

Xiao Jiu was silent for a while, and suddenly said: "Why is it that such a normal thing, when it comes to your mouth, it makes me sound like a very vulgar... very insidious thing."

Chu Yan didn't care, and laughed: "That's it!"

Then, do it as you say.

He started to grumble directly.


As soon as he was about to practice, his face turned black.

No money!

Refining puppets is too expensive, and not only that, it also requires a lot of energy!

With Chu Yan's current strength, it is not enough for him to create a second first-level giant.

Xiao Jiu smiled: "Boy, did you find that refining puppets is not an easy task?"

But the next second, Chu Yan's eyes lit up: "It doesn't matter if I don't have money, others do..."

Xiao Jiu was stunned: "Boy, what do you want to do again?"

Chu Yan smiled: "Don't worry about it, just wait and see the show."

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