Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5393 Death

The eyes of all the gods in the barrier shrank.

This mysterious woman is a little too powerful.

Of course, it is obviously not enough to meet the God of Death at this level.

At this time, the void flashed again, and another burly god walked out of the void.

The person who came was a man with a special totem on his head.

The gods around saw the person and shrank their eyes: "It's the third prince."

The man looked up at the mysterious woman.

The mysterious woman narrowed her eyes and suddenly became furious: "Okay, send a son to deal with me? Is the God of Death looking down on me?"

The man chuckled: "Why is the girl so angry? I came here just to ask the girl, who is the girl, and why do you have to be with the universe?"

The mysterious woman said lightly: "My patience is limited, I will only give you three counts now. If the God of Death does not appear, then you don't have to appear."

The man narrowed his eyes: "The girl is a little too contemptuous, isn't she?"

The woman sneered: "Do you deserve my respect?"

Tsk-instantly, the woman disappeared.

This time, she did not hold back.

She did not target this man, but leaped to the sky above the barrier, and then she clasped her hands together: "Break the barrier!"


Suddenly, countless sharp blades appeared between heaven and earth. These sharp blades all appeared out of thin air, floating in the void one by one, and then pointed their sharp blades downwards.

Below, countless gods' eyes shrank.


Just a thought, these gods suddenly felt a threat of death.

It was a crisis from the soul.

At this time, the man called the Third Prince narrowed his eyes, suddenly snorted coldly, and punched out.

And almost in an instant, a suspended sword stabbed down.

Swish - the man's eyes widened.

Because a sword had pierced through his eyebrows, he kept an unbelievable look until his death.


Without waiting for the man to speak, the mysterious woman stretched out her left hand and grasped the void.


The man exploded directly.

The mysterious woman threw the man's body into the endless abyss.

The mysterious woman looked up and looked into the distance, sneering: "Death, why don't you come out to talk? Or do you want to wait until I kill all the people here before you come out?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the space in front of her shook, and a shadow walked out.

The shadow was a vicissitudes of life old man.

The old man wore a big black hat, had long white curly hair, and a huge beard.

Not only that, there was a huge black sickle floating behind the old man.

If Chu Yan was here, he would be shocked!

Death sickle!

But this one is even bigger and sharper than the one on Ghost Island.

The gods around were all happy when they saw the old man: "Lord God!"

The mysterious woman looked at the old man and sneered: "Wouldn't it be better if you came out earlier."

Yes, the old man is the Death!

One of the top strong men in the last era.

Also one of the twelve main gods.

The Death has been looking at the woman, and the woman is also looking at the Death.

At this time, both of them exuded a very strong aura, but the people around them could not detect it.

As if they were not on the same level.

Suddenly, the God of Death said: "Little girl, you are very arrogant."

The mysterious woman chuckled: "I will give you two choices. First, stay in this barrier for a year and don't let any of your people go to the void and the universe. Second, let's fight. Of course, I don't rule out the possibility that I will kill you."

The eyes of the God of Death shrank, and suddenly laughed: "Interesting, let me experience the girl's strength."

The mysterious woman nodded: "Okay."

After that, she didn't say a word of nonsense, and spread her palms: "Go!"


In an instant, a 40-meter-long machete came.

The next second, the mysterious woman held the knife with both hands, and then swung it hard at the God of Death.

The woman's body was very petite, giving people a feeling of being out of place compared to the long knife.

This knife was very ordinary, and the woman didn't even shout any slogans. However, with this simple swing, the space in front was directly cut open like cotton cloth.

Seeing this, the face of the God of Death changed slightly, and then he stepped on the sole of his foot, and a wave of air rolled out. Then he held the sickle of the God of Death with both hands and smashed it hard.


The two knives collided.


In an instant, the barrier was like a comet collision, and a dazzling light was born directly.


Many gods around were enveloped by the light, and almost in an instant, they vomited blood one by one.


Then, a figure flew out, and retreated a thousand meters.

This person was the God of Death. As he retreated, he stabbed down with the sickle in his hand. There was nothing below, but he seemed to insert the sickle into the space, dragging a series of sparks in the void space.

In this way, he retreated for more than a thousand meters before stopping.

The gods around were stunned when they saw this.

The main god... was repelled?

As soon as the God of Death stopped, before he could think about it, whoosh, the mysterious woman disappeared.

The God of Death was startled and immediately released his divine consciousness, but after he scanned the area, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Because he found that he couldn't find the location of the mysterious woman?

Is this... the speed has exceeded the true meaning?

The God of Death suddenly felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy. He clasped his hands together and shouted, "Defend!"


Countless defensive barriers suddenly appeared around him, but with a click, these barriers shattered layer by layer and all collapsed.

The 40-meter-long sword came straight through and stabbed at the center of the God of Death's eyebrows.

The pupils of the God of Death shrank.

However, this sword did not kill the God of Death.

Just as the sword was about to fall, countless terrifying auras suddenly appeared in the barrier, and then all appeared in front of the God of Death.

No more, no less, there were eleven of them.

These eleven people were not physical entities, but all transformed by a force of thought.

The gods nearby were all shocked when they saw this.

The other eleven main gods!

The point is that after these people appeared, they looked at the mysterious woman with a strong fear.

At this time, the mysterious woman was not in a hurry. She took back the machete casually, and then she looked at the God of Death and smiled: "How is it? Can we talk now?"

The God of Death stared at the mysterious woman: "Talk!"

He was convinced!

Just a little bit, if he hadn't activated the connection with the other eleven Taoist friends just a second ago, the mysterious woman might have killed him with a single blow.

He is the god of death who controls death, so no one knows death better than him.

This woman... can really kill him.

This woman... is so terrifying.

He couldn't even figure out why such a strong person appeared in this era?

The mysterious woman chuckled: "Bitch, if you had done this earlier, wouldn't it be okay? You have to be beaten up before you learn your lesson."

The god of death: "..."

He really had no words to say now.

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