Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5384: Smashing the Puppet


As soon as these words came out, Luo Chen's eyes went cold.

not only that.

Chu Yan sneered: "Not only are you old, you also lack combat experience! You also live too comfortably."

Nothingness, there has been no fighting for too many years, countless giants only know how to retreat, break through, and improve their strength, but is there any real fighting?

Before Chu Yan entered the void, no giant had fallen in tens of millions of years.

What's the use of such a person having an empty realm?

Don't know how to fight!

When you use your power, it belongs to you. If you don't use it, it's just for display.

When Luo Chen heard this, his eyes were cold: "Are you old? Boy, you are too naive."

After saying that, he disappeared again.

But as soon as he moved, before he made a move, his expression suddenly changed.

Because he found that as soon as he moved, Chu Yan also moved, and then, Chu Yan suddenly appeared at his landing point, stabbing forward with the long sword in his hand.

Luo Chen was shocked and quickly swung the spear in his hand.

However, how could his panic attack compare to Chu Yan's long-planned move?


Luo Chen immediately flew out.

And when he stopped, he was truly confused this time.

His eyes were full of horror and shock...

Have you... been prejudged?

"You, how did you do that?" Luo Chen couldn't understand.

Chu Yan said sarcastically: "I told you, you are old and have no combat experience at all."

Luo Chen clenched his fist slightly: "I don't believe it!"

Then, he disappeared again.

But the result is still the same.

As soon as he moved, Chu Yan seemed to be able to see the future and took action directly.


Luo Chen stepped back again, and this was the third time, leaving him completely stunned.

"You... used the power of time? No, this is impossible. I am stronger than you. Even if you use the power of time, you cannot see my future."

Luo Chen thought Chu Yan had used the power of time.

But time is ineffective against the strong.

Chu Yan sneered: "I said, I didn't use any power, I just knew what you wanted to do."

"This is impossible!" Luo Chen shook his head.

Chu Yan sneered: "Don't you understand? Everyone has their own habits. Some strong people will try their best to avoid this, but no matter how to avoid it, habits are habits and cannot be avoided by anyone in any realm. "And I have been observing you from the beginning, every move you make, so I have already controlled your habits."

Luo Chen was startled: "Habit?"

Chu Yan nodded: "It's just like people walking. Some people always step with their left foot first, and some people do the opposite. You may not even notice this. Just like you, every time you make a move, you will start with the left foot. Attack me on the right."

Luo Chen narrowed his eyes slightly: "Is this so?"


The next second, he disappeared again.


Almost at the same time, Chu Yan slashed out with his sword and knocked Luo Chen away again.

Luo Chen steadied himself and his eyes widened!


This time I didn't attack from the right.

Chu Yan rubbed his head and said helplessly: "I really want to ask, do you all practice with your brain? So the higher the realm, the less brain you have? I just told you here that you will definitely avoid it, but you I really fell for it and attacked directly from the left.”

Luo Chen: "..."

The next second, he hesitated, not knowing what to do.

But then, he suddenly flashed.

Chu Yan's eyes narrowed and he did not attack this time because Luo Chen did not follow his habit, not from the left or right, but from above.


The spear thrust down.

Chu Yan quickly dodged back and chuckled: "Very smart."

Luo Chen said nothing and continued to take action. In order not to be judged by Chu Yan, he forced himself to change his habits.

So every time he made a move, he would deliberately move in the opposite direction.

And in this case, Chu Yan is not easy to predict.

Xiaojiu scolded: "Damn it, are you an idiot? Why did you tell the other party your methods? Now that he knows your prediction method, he deliberately avoided the habit, and the little advantage you just gained is gone in an instant. "

Chu Yan chuckled: "How do you know that my advantage is gone?"

Xiao Jiuyi was startled: "Isn't it?"

Chu Yan smiled and said nothing, but quickly drew his sword.

Bang bang bang——!

In an instant, the two sides exchanged hundreds of moves in the void.

And just in these short hundred moves, Luo Chen's face became darker and darker!

Because he discovered that he could defeat Chu Yan with one move before, but now, Chu Yan can actually fight with him?

Luo Chen said in a low voice: "Have you become stronger?"

Chu Yan sneered and said nothing.

Xiaojiu kept watching and was suddenly shocked.

Others didn't see it, but Xiaojiu was always in Chu Yan's body, so they naturally understood.

Chu Yan has not become stronger, and the reason why he can compete with Luo Chen is because... Luo Chen is getting weaker?

Chu Yan sneered: "It's not that I am getting stronger, but that you are getting weaker."

Luo Chen's face darkened, and he also discovered it.

With just one hundred moves, Luo Chen felt even more tired than the usual one thousand moves.

After a hundred moves, Luo Chen's breathing became a little unsteady.

"Why?" Luo Chen didn't understand.

Chu Yan chuckled: "Because you are afraid that I will judge you, so you are forcing yourself to change your habits. As your habits change, you will naturally become more tired."

"Everyone, doing what they are most used to, must be the easiest, and now you want to change your habits, of course you will become weaker and more tired."

Suddenly, Luo Chen was silent.

He stared at Chu Yan: "So... you did it on purpose? You have been calculating me from the beginning?"

Chu Yan chuckled: "How can this be called calculation? It can only be said to be a kind of mental preset."

Luo Chen clenched his fist, and then he suddenly snorted coldly, ready to attack without thinking about anything.

But just as he was about to attack, his body suddenly froze.

Because he didn't know how to fight for a while.

And almost instantly, Chu Yan's eyes shrank.

"The opportunity is here!"


Suddenly, Chu Yan took the initiative to rush out, rushed to Luo Chen in one step, holding a sword in his left hand and the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower in his right hand, and smashed Luo Chen hard at the same time.

Luo Chen's face changed drastically when he saw this.

But when he wanted to come back to his senses, it was too late.


A sword and a tower directly hit Luo Chen.

This blow was Chu Yan's sure kill.


A thunderous roar.

Luo Chen flew out, and just as he stood firm, with a crack, his giant puppet's body was covered with cracks.


And this was just the beginning. As the cracks continued to spread, with a boom!

The huge giant puppet collapsed directly and turned into powder, and in the void, only a translucent Luo Chen's soul was left floating there.

Luo Chen's face changed instantly.

Chu Yan looked up at Luo Chen's soul and grinned, "You bastard, let's see who can save you this time!"

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