Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5383 Getting old


After Luo Chen controlled the giant puppet, he directly gained the giant puppet's abilities.

At this moment, the giant puppet was like Luo Chen's body. When he exerted force on his feet, his whole body flew out like a cannonball, and a thick layer of dust was thrown up on the ground.


In an instant, Luo Chen disappeared.

Chu Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he made a move that shocked everyone!


Chu Yan stepped on the ball of his foot, and instead of dodging, he took the initiative to attack.

Luo Chen also narrowed his eyes slightly and sneered: "Are you looking for death?"

The next second, he waved the spear in his hand.

Almost at the same time, Chu Yan thrust out his sword.

At this time, Chu Yan was different. What he just said was right. Ever since he stepped into the ghost island, he had been thinking about how to deal with Luo Chen himself, or what method he could use to win, but he had never thought about improving himself. Go and defeat this irresistible giant puppet in front of you.

this is not right!

In Chu Yan's life until now, he has encountered too many enemies that are stronger than him, and he has also experienced countless breakthroughs in battle.

Recently, he has almost forgotten that feeling.

Now, he is gradually finding himself again.

According to the Human Emperor, Chu Yan started to find his own rhythm little by little.

No longer being led by Luo Chen.


The next second, the long sword and the spear struck each other, and then Chu Yan flew out with his sword.

But this time he didn't care, he just stopped quickly and immediately attacked again.

Luo Chen frowned slightly and sneered: "You are not overestimating your abilities!"

Tsk - In an instant, the spear slashed through the void, and with a click, the space was torn open.

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes, dodged quickly, and barely dodged the spear this time. But immediately, the spear in Luo Chen's hand stopped suddenly, and stopped right in front of Chu Yan's chest. Then he stabbed forward with all his strength. .

As soon as Chu Yan dodged, his body went stiff, and he immediately saw a spear stabbing his chest.

He was thinking that it was too late to dodge, but Chu Yan quickly made a decision!

Draw your sword!

Yes, Chu Yan did not hide at this moment, but raised the Heavenly Refining Divine Sword, met the spear and stabbed forward.


In an instant, the sword blade and the spear tip collided.


The two forces exploded immediately, and the space sank directly, forming a huge black hole that continuously swallowed things in all directions.

Some weak people on Ghost Island were unable to react in time and were swallowed by the black hole. Anything or anyone sucked into the black hole would have only one outcome!


Tsk—a moment later, a layer of dust formed under the black hole.


When they met, Chu Yan flew out again and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Luo Chen transformed into a giant, holding a spear, and walked towards Chu Yan step by step. As he walked, he said lightly: "Boy, I have to say, you really shocked me. Unfortunately, you are still too naive. Don’t understand how powerful I am!”

Chu Yan clenched his fist slightly.

Luo Chen kept approaching: "Boy, do you know, in all these years, no one has dared to do anything to me. You are the first, and because of this, you will die here today."

Suddenly, Chu Yan looked up at Luo Chen and sneered: "Try it!"

Luo Chen sneered, then suddenly accelerated and disappeared.

Chu Yan's eyes narrowed.

This time it really disappeared.

Chu Yan discovered one thing. After Luo Chen controlled the giant puppet, the giant puppet became even more terrifying than before.

To be precise, it shouldn't be about strength.

This puppet's state has not changed, but its sensitivity!

reaction speed!

For example, although this puppet could fight before, its body movements were still a bit stiff for some strong men.

But now it's completely gone.

Xiao Jiu said in a deep voice: "Because Luo Chen is controlling it himself. He only used the power of the avenue to control the puppet before. There must be some gaps between the puppets, and his movements must also be a little stiff. But now, Luo Chen His soul is in the puppet's body, he is the puppet, and there is no delay in operating it."

Chu Yan suddenly realized.

At this moment, he focused his eyes, trying to find Luo Chen.

However, no matter how he looked, he couldn't find Luo Chen.

His Eye of the Great World still doesn't work.

too fast!

In other words, he can actually see Luo Chen, but there are countless Luo Chens...

Luo Chen's speed was so fast that he had already pulled out long afterimages in the void.

This made it impossible for him to tell which one was true.

Suddenly, Luo Chen's voice sounded in his ears: "Boy, do you still want to win against me? Can you see me now? Can you find me?"

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes.

"At this!"

Suddenly, another voice sounded.

The next second, a terrible air explosion came from Chu Yan's left rear. Chu Yan's face suddenly changed, but when he turned around and tried to block it, it was already too late.

The spear pointed directly at Chu Yan's heart.

At the critical moment, Chu Yan put his hands together, and the Nine Heavens Black Tower emerged from his heart.


Chu Yan flew out instantly.

As soon as he stood upright, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Because Luo Chen disappeared again.

Xiao Jiu shouted: "Boy, think of a way quickly. If you continue like this, you will be eaten alive sooner or later."

Chu Yan said nothing.

That's easy to say.

Is it so easy to think of a solution?

The point is, in this situation, he would first consider a breakthrough before the battle!

Forcefully increase the combat power.

Chu Yan has this ability.

When he went to the Wandao Domain to fight the Ice Lord, he also won by raising the level of the Dao before the battle.

But the problem is that it doesn't work this time...

He is now in the state of opening the blood pool.

Forcefully raise the strength to the first-level giant.

Otherwise, he is not even a fourth-level giant. Even if he breaks through now... and reaches the third level, it's useless!

Chu Yan is a little helpless.

Xiao Jiu suddenly said: "Blood Pool! Find a way to control the blood pool! Let the blood pool speed up."

Chu Yan smiled helplessly: "This thing depends on my emotional changes, I can't control it."

Xiao Jiu was silent for a while, and suddenly said: "Then it's over, you are hopeless, you can't even keep up with the opponent's speed, this battle has no chance of winning."

Chu Yan ignored it.

No more?

He didn't think so.

Suddenly, Chu Yan closed his eyes.

No need for eyes!

Everyone was shocked to see this.

Close your eyes during a battle...

Are you looking for death?

But at this moment, Chu Yan suddenly punched into the air, relying on years of combat experience.


And with this punch, a figure exploded and retreated a hundred meters!

This person was Luo Chen!

Luo Chen stood firm and his eyes widened, shocked: "How did you... do it?"

His speed was obviously faster than Chu Yan's vision, how did the other party hit him with one punch?

Chu Yan opened his eyes and grinned: "Idiot, victory depends not only on realm, but also on experience!"

"You... are old!"

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