Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5376 The blood pool is erupting

The ghost master was confused by Chu Yan and laughed and said: "Boy, what are you going to say?"

Chu Yan was silent for a while, and suddenly said earnestly: "Ghost Lord, your thinking is too simple. If you really kill me, there will be many people in my universe, and they are my most loyal people. Once they know that I am dead, If you are here, you will definitely avenge me at all costs.”

The ghost master was stunned and laughed: "Boy, are you... kidding? There are only so many people in the universe, do you think I'm ignoring you? Apart from you... are there other giants in the universe? No, even if there are, there are three An ancient giant above the level?"

After saying this, the Ghost Lord glanced at Cao Jianjia: "She is already a top powerhouse in the universe, right? But she is on my ghost island...she doesn't even count."

Cao Jianjia clenched his fist fiercely.

But there was nothing to refute.

At this time, Chu Yan was silent again, and then he said unwillingly: "Ghost Lord, you underestimate the universe. They are weak now because the universe has limitations before, but you don't understand how terrifying their talents are. . In the original universe, there was not even one Origin Realm one year ago, but in one year, they have had many giants appear! If you think about it carefully, how long has it been since there was no giant in the void? "

The ghost master was startled when he heard this.

Don't tell me, it's the truth!

The Ghost Master looked at Chu Yan and nodded slightly: "Boy, your words reminded me that the potential of the universe is indeed a problem. I should solve it after you die."

Chu Yan's eyes were filled with joy and he quickly said: "So? So after you kill me, you will take action against the universe, right?"

The ghost master was puzzled for a while.

To be honest, he doesn't understand Chu Yan at all now.

Xiaojiu was also a little confused at this time, and said in a deep voice: "Boy, what are you doing?"

Chu Yan said in his heart: "Stop talking nonsense and don't disturb my plan."

Xiaojiu: "..."

forget it. I'm done here.

This guy is probably crazy.

Chu Yan continued to look at the Ghost Lord and said, "I'm asking you, after you kill me, are you planning to take action against the universe?"

The Ghost Master narrowed his eyes. To be honest, he really didn't have this idea at first. He was not the kind of person who liked to cause trouble, but Chu Yan's repeated questioning and guidance also made him a little impatient. He sneered and said: "Why? ? After you die, I will kill everyone in the universe and nip all crises in the cradle."

Chu Yan was overjoyed, and then he hurriedly said: "Really? Would you really do this?"

The ghost master twitched the corner of his mouth and said in a deep voice: "Boy, when I hear what you say, why do I feel that it's not me who wants to destroy the universe, but you? Do you have any grudge against the universe?"

Chu Yan shook his head: "No, no, no, I have no grudges, I just want to make sure."

The Ghost Lord snorted coldly: "I don't know what kind of trick you are playing, but I can tell you clearly, Universe, I will solve it."

Chu Yan clenched his fist and said in a deep voice: "Then, can I discuss something with you?"

The Ghost Lord was startled and sneered: "What?"

Chu Yan immediately said: "I have two confidants in the universe. If I die, can you spare their lives?"

The Ghost Master was stunned for a moment, then he laughed: "So this is what you are doing?"

Chu Yan nodded slightly.

The Ghost Master thought for a moment and suddenly said: "It's not impossible."

Chu Yan: "..."

The corner of Chu Yan's mouth twitched, and he was suddenly confused: "Are you really going to forgive me?"

The ghost master said calmly: "Boy, to be honest, I am not very willing to provoke the universe, because the spirit of the universe is too strong, but you also said that the universe is a threat, so I chose to take action, but if you just want to protect the two Nvliu, I can promise you."

Chu Yan was speechless. He hurriedly said: "Damn it, how can you spare me? They are my beauties. Their talents are very good. They are the best in the universe."

Ghost Lord: "..."

He was silent for a while and then suddenly said: "Chu Yan, what do you want to do?"

Chu Yan said with a dark face: "Why don't you do it? I know. You must be lying to me, right? You want to paralyze me first, and then wait for me to die. Are you going to attack them?"

The Ghost Master took a deep breath. He was really not bored at all, so he subconsciously said: "Yes, whatever you want to say."


But the next second, the ghost master's expression suddenly changed.

Because the moment he said the right thing, Chu Yan's eyes suddenly turned red.

Of course, his eyes were red from the beginning, but now they are even redder than before.

Red as blood!

At this time, the pool of blood in his body began to become violent again, running wildly.


A terrible blood flow continued to flow from his skin, causing blood to flow from his pores.

Chu Yan looked at the ghost master fiercely and said ferociously: "Asshole, you are really plotting against my two wives, ahhhh!!! I'm going to kill you, and I won't let you go!"


The next second, Chu Yan disappeared.


Only this time, he was countless times stronger than before.

Opposite me, the ghost master twitched his lips and was stunned.

What the hell?

Isn't that what you've been forcing me to say?

Why are you so angry?

I didn’t even want to take action against the universe in the first place.

At this time, it was already too late for him to regret it. With a whoosh, Chu Yan took a step through the air and instantly landed in front of a puppet of the Ghost Lord. He immediately slashed forward with the Heavenly Refining Divine Sword in his hand.

Seeing this, the ghost master snorted coldly: "Seeking death!"

Instantly, the ghost master used the body of this puppet as a target, allowing Chu Yan's sword to cut down, hoping to block the sword, and then controlled another puppet to go around behind Chu Yan, trying to attack Chu Yan.

Swish - and the next second, everyone's face changed.


An arm flew out directly.

The ghost master's puppet's eyes widened, because he found that... Chu Yan's sword actually cut through his body directly, and he did not play any blocking role at all.


At this time, another puppet went around behind Chu Yan and was about to punch, but Chu Yan chopped out with a sword, and did not stop. He directly used his toes as the axis and rotated in the void. The terrible sword energy drew an arc.


Instantly, the eyes of the ghost master's other puppet widened, and then he felt that the world began to turn upside down.

The head fell to the ground...

The first puppet only had its arm broken, but the second puppet's head was directly chopped off.

This time, even the puppets will die. A puppet with a pierced heart may be fine, but with a head cut off, it must be dead.


The entire ghost island trembled violently.

The faces of the remaining 18 ghost master puppets changed, and they all stared at Chu Yan, saying in shock: "How is it possible? Boy... you, are stronger?"

Something is wrong!

Although Chu Yan was not weak just now, he was about the same as his puppets.

And now... one of his puppets was killed in one second?

However, Chu Yan seemed to have heard nothing at this moment. His eyes turned red and he looked at the remaining 18 puppets: "Ahhh!!! You want to kill my wife, you are dead, you are dead!"

Xiao Jiu: "..."

Ghost Master: "???"

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