Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5375: Not Playing by the Rules

Big trouble!

The Ghost Lord has far more puppets than imagined, a total of nineteen!

And he still killed one himself.

But in order to kill that kind of puppet, he had already paid a high price.

In the current situation, if I try my best, I can actually kill two or three puppets...

But...it's meaningless.

Let alone killing two or three puppets, even if you kill all the puppets, it still has no meaning. If you can't find the master in the end, you still can't kill the ghost master.

Besides, I can’t kill so many puppets!

The Ghost Lord smiled ferociously: "Boy, why don't you give up? You are no match for me!"

Chih - the next second, nineteen puppets rushed out together.

The point is, these nineteen puppets were a complete suicide attack. When Chu Yan drew his sword, a puppet immediately took the initiative to use his body as a target, and then trapped Chu Yan's long sword.

Then there will be a puppet punching from behind.


Bang bang bang!

After a while, Chu Yan was hit like a ball and kept flying backwards in the sky, vomiting blood.

Chu Yan's eyes became colder and colder.

Xiao Jiu shouted: "Boy, think of a way quickly."

The corner of Chu Yan's mouth twitched and he cursed: "I want to, but I can't help it! Now I can't find his identity, what can I do? You keep shouting, but you should help me find it!"

Xiaojiu was speechless.

try to find……

Where to find it?

Not to mention that this ghost island is extremely huge, with hundreds of millions of creatures on it. Even if you really go through the ghost island... you are not sure whether the ghost master himself is on the ghost island...

Maybe his true self is not here at all.

Chu Yan said solemnly: "Xiaojiu, the puppet master must have some way to control the puppet, right? It's like a puppet on a string. As long as we follow the string, we can find it."

Xiaojiu nodded: "Normally, that's the case."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly.


The next second, his eyes began to move.

The Eye of the Big World is open!

This move was used by him when he created the world, and it was one of the few moves that was not eliminated as his level improved.

Because this move is not an attack ability, but the ability to see through all illusions.

In other words, this is the Eye of True Seeing!

In an instant, the world in Chu Yan's eyes changed.

Everything is no longer an object, but has been split into energy and avenues.

For example, at this time, he looked at a rock, which was the rocky avenue, emitting a faint yellow light, and when he looked at a stream, it was a faint blue light, and the lakes and seas next to it were a darker blue.

This is the power of the Eye of the Great World.

See through the essence of everything!

The next second, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the heads of the nineteen ghost master puppets.

He wants to find the string above the heads of these puppets!

He remembered what he saw on the first golem.

As long as he can find the matching thread, he will have a chance to follow the matching thread and find himself!

However, when he saw it, his expression changed.

Because he discovered that these nineteen puppets did have threads on their heads, but...these threads did not fall into the hands of any one person, but were all rooted in the Onigashima continent.

At this time, the ghost master smiled ferociously: "Boy, do you want to find the origin of my puppet? Are you disappointed, but it turns out that it's useless?"

Chu Yan's face was gloomy.

The Ghost Master sneered: "Idiot, I am a first-level giant. I have practiced puppetry for hundreds of millions of years. How could I make such a low-level mistake? Only the lowest puppet masters can use string puppets. , do you think I’m one of those rubbish?”

Chu Yan had a dark face and said nothing.

The Ghost Lord sarcastically said: "I have already gathered all my puppets on the mainland. This continent is the core of my power. How about you dismantle my Ghost Island Continent?"

Chu Yan still didn't speak because he had nothing to say.

The only solution that came to mind... has now been rejected.

The Ghost Lord sneered: "It's my turn now."

Tsk - In an instant, the Ghost Lord came out again.

Forced, Chu Yan quickly swung his sword, and then summoned the Jiutian Xuan Pagoda together.

Bang bang bang!

But the result was that he was knocked out after a while.

Two fists are no match for four hands. Although he has two treasures to protect him, with nineteen puppets, two treasures are simply not enough.


At this moment, Chu Yan's eyes turned cold.

He stared at the ghost master and suddenly thought of a very crazy thing in his mind.

Xiao Jiu felt the change in Chu Yan and couldn't help but said: "Boy, what do you want to do?"

Chu Yan said coldly: "Since I can't find myself, then if I kill all his puppets, will it also mean that I have abolished the ghost master?"

Xiaojiu was shocked: "Boy, you..."

Chu Yan nodded: "Yes, since you can't find it, then be tough! Fight him!"

Xiao Jiu said solemnly: "It's too difficult... This is equivalent to nineteen first-level giants."

Chu Yan took a deep breath: "Maybe... I can give it a try."

Xiao Jiu was startled.

Suddenly, Chu Yan looked up at the Ghost Lord and said ferociously: "Ghost Lord, what will you do if you kill me?"

The ghost master was stunned when he heard this, and suddenly laughed: "What? Have you started planning your funeral? To be honest, I really haven't thought about it. I am not the kind of person with great ambitions, so even if the universe opens, I will I didn’t send anyone there because I always knew that I was not the most powerful person in the void.”

"Today's battle with you can be regarded as an accident. It is due to fate and God's favor. The mystery of the universe that everyone is concerned about ended up in my hands."

When he said this, the ghost master himself was a little incredulous.

Pick up money!

At this time, Chu Yan suddenly said: "To be more direct, what are you going to do if I die?"

The ghost master smiled and said: "You are dead and I have obtained the mystery of the universe. Of course I have to study it carefully. After all, this is a gift from God."

Chu Yan was startled, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly: "That's not right, you are a little out of line."

The ghost master was confused: "What do you mean?"

Chu Yan said: "If you kill me and get the mystery of the universe, shouldn't you go to the universe? Shouldn't you go to fight for the hegemony of the universe?"

The ghost master was stunned, and hurriedly shook his head and smiled: "No, no, no! Why should I go to the universe! That place... is too dangerous. Although I don't know what happened in the universe, there are more than hundreds of giants who are thinking about the universe recently. There are a lot of them, but they all seem to be dead. Should I go to the universe and die?"

Chu Yan's eyelids twitched, and then he suddenly became angry: "No! How can you not go to the universe? You have to go! You have killed me and got the biggest secret of the universe, how can you not go to the universe? "

The ghost master was startled and said a little speechlessly: "You have already said that after I kill you, I will get the biggest secret of the universe. Why should I go to the universe? There is also the spirit of the universe over there. I will go court death?"

Chu Yan: "..."

"Ahhhhh!!! Bastard! Why don't you follow the rules?"

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