Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5369: The Age of Gods and Demons

Swish——the black sickle slashed through the void, bringing a terrifying black light towards Chu Yan.

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes and immediately held the Refining Heaven Sword across his chest, and then the sword and the sword collided with each other.


There was a thunderous roar.

The next second, Chu Yan appeared directly ten thousand meters away. As soon as he stopped, he was stunned.


Was repelled?

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that he was using the Refining Heaven Sword!

Chu Yan clearly saw that the Ghost Lord's Death Scythe and the Refining Heaven Sword just collided...

But the sickle was fine?

This is incredible!

You know, since Chu Yan mastered the Refining Heaven Sword, he has never been repelled by anyone with a sword, and anyone who dares to fight him with a weapon will only have one result, that is, the opponent's weapon will be broken.

This is the Refining Heaven Sword!

The Lord of Refining Heaven's famous thing.

Chu Yan has always believed that there is no other powerful magic weapon in the void.

But now... this black sickle can actually look down on the Liantian Sword?

The Ghost Lord saw Chu Yan in a daze and sneered: "Boy, are you shocked? Do you think that my sickle should be shattered when I chop it down?"

Chu Yan was silent.


That's what he thought.

The Ghost Lord took a look at the Liantian Sword and praised: "Liantian Sword, the famous magic weapon of the Lord of Liantian, the first sword of the void, it must be said that this is indeed a treasure, but unfortunately... do you think this is the only treasure in the void?"

Chu Yan frowned.

The Ghost Lord continued: "If it was the Lord of Liantian holding this sword, then it might be invincible in the void, but this sword in your hand... not necessarily, and my Death Scythe may not be as good as the Liantian Sword, but it is also a real divine object."

After speaking, he paused and chuckled: "Boy, let me tell you this, do you know the origin of my Death Scythe?"

Chu Yan looked at the Ghost Lord.

The ghost master chuckled: "This knife is called the Death Scythe, so you should be able to guess who the owner of this knife is?"

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly: "Death?"

The ghost master smiled and said: "You are right, it is the Death!"

Chu Yan sneered: "It's ridiculous, there has never been any gods in this world."

The ghost master shook his head: "No, no, no, you are really wrong, there are really gods in this world!"

Chu Yan frowned.

The ghost master smiled and said: "Boy, have you forgotten what the last era of nothingness was called?"

Chu Yan was stunned and said in a low voice: "You mean... the God Era?"

The ghost master nodded: "Almost, but not accurate. To be precise, the last era should be called the God and Demon Era! That was an era where gods and demons really existed. Among the many gods and demons, there are 3 supreme gods, 12 main gods, 3 peerless demon lords, and 12 demon gods! And this sickle comes from the hand of the God of Death, one of the 12 main gods!"

Chu Yan's face changed slightly.

He actually knew very little about the previous era. He only knew that the previous era seemed to be an era of gods, with countless gods.

And the reason why the previous era was destroyed was because of the Great Disaster!

Now, this era is about to face this disaster.

Chu Yan chuckled at this time: "I am very interested in this period of history. Ghost Lord, would you like to help me solve my doubts?"

The Ghost Lord was stunned and laughed: "You want me to tell you history?"

Chu Yan laughed: "Just fighting is so boring."

The Ghost Lord sneered: "Well, you are dying anyway, I will let you die with a clear mind, tell me, what don't you understand."

Chu Yan thought for a while and said: "The last era was destroyed because of the Haotian disaster?"

The Ghost Lord nodded slightly: "Yes, this is a process that every era must go through, without exception, and now it is almost our turn."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes: "Then someone in the last era also wanted to try to overcome the disaster?"

The Ghost Lord was stunned and laughed: "How do I know, I am not from the last era, but isn't this inevitable? There will be geniuses in every era, and once these geniuses reach a certain height, their roads will be cut off, and they will definitely think of new ways."

Chu Yan nodded slightly.

The ghost master narrowed his eyes and said, "Okay, kid, it's time for you to get going."

Chu Yan glanced at the ghost master and chuckled, "You only have a knife, and it's not as good as the Refining Heaven Sword. Why do you think you're going to win?"

The ghost master sneered, "You'll know soon."


In an instant, the ghost master disappeared.

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, and then he slashed forward fiercely.


A huge roar, followed by a click, and the surrounding space directly cracked.

Then, the ghost master appeared from the darkness, and the next second, Chu Yan grabbed the Refining Heaven Sword with both hands and gently slashed at the ghost master's throat.

The ghost master's face changed and he quickly flashed back. Although he had the Death Scythe, which allowed him to fight against the Refining Heaven Sword, it didn't mean that his body could withstand it.

The Refining Heaven Sword... Once it hits him, he will definitely not be able to block it.

Even if he is a first-level giant, it won't work.

Let alone the first level...even the legendary self-realm may not be able to resist this sword.


In an instant, the Ghost Lord and Chu Yan distanced themselves, but before he could stand firm after dodging, his face suddenly changed drastically, because another sword came towards him from the sky.

The Ghost Lord snorted coldly and quickly raised his sickle high.


The void exploded again.


The next second, the Ghost Lord flew out with his sword.

This made the faces of the people in the Ghost Sect below change.

Their own Sect Master... was repelled?

This was simply incredible.

That was the Sect Master.

In the Ghost Sect, no matter how the Ghost Lord treated them, in terms of strength, he had long been a legend in their hearts.

Chu Yan chopped the Ghost Lord away with a sword, and he sneered condescendingly: "Give it back to you."

The Ghost Lord narrowed his eyes and suddenly laughed: "Interesting, I underestimated you, come again."


In an instant, the Ghost Lord disappeared again.

And almost in an instant, Chu Yan also disappeared, bang bang bang - bursts of roars suddenly sounded in the sky.

Both of them were too strong and too fast. The people below looked up and couldn't even see the traces of the two people clearly. There was only the deafening sound that kept coming to their ears.

Almost in an instant, the two people fought hundreds of times.

Chu Yan was also constantly striking his sword at this time, and as he fought with the Ghost Lord, he actually became a little excited.

It can be said that the Ghost Lord is the only one who can fight with him after his blood pool was opened.

Before, no matter who it was, he could kill them instantly with one sword.

Even if he didn't kill several first-level giants with one sword, he could only kill them with two swords at most.

But in this situation, he actually couldn't learn anything.

You know, although he is now using the blood pool to forcibly improve his combat power, his combat experience is still at level four. Now that the Ghost Lord can fight him hard, it's just right for him to learn well.

Chu Yan slashed out with a sword and laughed wildly: "It's great, come again!"

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