Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5368 Death Scythe

The left protector was stunned.

What happened?

Was he... killed in one second?

No, not only was he killed in one second.

Was he scolded?

Yes, he was scolded.

But... was he really a waste? He wasn't. Since when did the second-level giants in the void become waste?

However... no matter how he thought about it, it was useless.

Chu Yan grabbed the left protector's throat with one hand and dragged him to fly quickly towards the Ghost Sect.

——Ghost Sect Ghost Island.

Because Chu Yan did not kill the left protector, the ghost master did not notice anything unusual.

The same is true for the Ghost Sect Continent.

Especially if you calculate the time, the left protector should have met Chu Yan by now, but the left protector has not died, so the one who died is not the left protector, it must be someone else, who could it be?

Chu Yan!

Everyone in the Ghost Sect became comfortable.

"I thought it was so difficult, isn't it quite simple?"

"Don't you see who made the move, the Left Protector?"

"That's right."

The Ghost Sect is waiting.


After a moment, a deafening sound suddenly broke through the air in the distance.

Then a figure broke through the air and flew over.

And below, the people of the Ghost Sect started cheering immediately.

In the sky.

Chu Yan held the Left Protector in one hand, and was stunned when he heard the cheers below.

The Ghost Sect... is so warm and hospitable?

What's the matter, is it because the Ghost Lord has been attacking them for too long, so they are looking forward to him coming?

Chu Yan turned to Cao Jianjia and said, "Are they... welcoming us?"

Cao Jianjia's mouth twitched slightly: "It seems... it seems."

Chu Yan: "..."

Chu Yan was speechless.

I'm here to destroy you, ah... I'm a little embarrassed.

Chu Yan took a deep breath, and suddenly felt like a savior. He smiled slightly and quickly flew into the Ghost Sect.

On Ghost Island, countless people were watching. They didn't notice it at first, but when they saw the person coming, their pupils shrank.


"It's not the Left Protector!"

"Who is this person?"

The people of the Ghost Sect were stunned for a moment, and then their faces changed drastically.

"Damn, enemy attack! The Left Protector is in his hands!"

"Quick, defend against the enemy!"

In an instant, the people of the Ghost Sect roared.



Above, Chu Yan's eyelids twitched again. Why is he reacting so strongly?

He was welcoming me just now.

Luo Chen couldn't help but said: "Emperor Chu, they seem to have misunderstood. They thought it was the Left Protector who came back at first, and they also welcomed the Left Protector."

Chu Yan suddenly realized, his eyes cold: "Okay, it turns out that they are not welcoming me."


The next second, he clenched his palms hard.

The Left Protector's eyes widened, and his throat was directly pinched off. The Left Protector was stunned until his death - no, they misunderstood, why did you pinch me to death?


The next second, the Ghost Island trembled violently.

The whole world began to shake wildly.


A rough road broke in an instant.


Instantly, a roar came from the Ghost Island.


A figure flew out from the depths. This person was wearing a black robe. His eye sockets were very deep, making his eyes sunken, giving people a very gloomy feeling.

This person was the Ghost Lord.

After the Ghost Lord appeared, his eyes were like ice.

One of his guardians died!

He stared at Chu Yan: "You are looking for death!"

A huge anger surged out.

The Ghost Lord said fiercely: "For so many years, no one dared to provoke me. I didn't expect that there would be a lawless guy like you."

At this time, the Ghost Lord was really angry.

He was a first-level giant, or the Lord of the Alliance. Looking at the void, he has always had a supreme position.

It is no exaggeration to say that for thousands of years, he has not worried about being attacked. He just thought about who to attack. But today, someone took the initiative to trouble him and even attacked the Ghost Sect.

Chu Yan's side.

Cao Jianjia clenched her jade hands. Although she knew that Chu Yan was not weak, she was still a little nervous when she really came to the Ghost Sect.

After all, a few days ago, the Ghost Sect was a high and mighty existence that she needed to look up to.

But now, she came with someone to attack the Ghost Sect?

Beside him, Luo Chen's throat rolled, and he backed off a little. His eyes even suddenly calmed down from his enthusiasm for Chu Yan.

When he first saw Chu Yan, Chu Yan broke his ghost-killing mark, which made him have some crazy pursuit of Chu Yan. He thought his savior had come.

But when he returned to the Ghost Sect and saw the vast and boundless aura of the Ghost Lord, he became a little sober.

Oh my God... what on earth was he doing?

Following a madman to fight the Ghost Sect?

Chu Yan looked at the Ghost Lord and said calmly: "How many years? You are right. It is because of you termites that the void has been rotten. Next, I will purify you one by one."

The Ghost Lord laughed: "Just you?"


The next second, the breath in his body surged wildly, and his voice was as cold as ice: "Kill them!"


In an instant, countless ghosts from the Ghost Sect rushed out.

At this time, the Ghost Lord was really angry.

This is a huge shame for him.

The next second, he turned and looked at Chu Yan, and said calmly: "You can come here, which proves that your strength is not weak. No wonder you have been so confident, but next I will let you know how unbearable all your confidence is in front of me."


After the ghost master finished speaking, a terrifying force rushed out of his body. With a bang, the space around Chu Yan suddenly cracked like a spider web.

However, if Chu Yan dares to come, he naturally has some confidence.

Now, as long as his blood is still there, he can ignore the realm.

Chu Yan punched out.


The forces of the two sides collided in the air, and suddenly, the world split open, and the whole world seemed to be divided into two.

With one punch, Chu Yan blocked the Ghost Lord's attack.

And that's not even the point.

The point is... the special nature of blood.

Heh--when the blood energy collided with the ghost master's power, the two sides were stalemate for a while, but then the blood energy suddenly seeped out and began to eat away at the ghost master's power.

Soon, the ghost master's power turned red, and then he was no longer under the ghost master's control, and all joined Chu Yan's side.

The ghost master's face changed slightly, and then he stared at Chu Yan: "You...can assimilate other powers? What kind of power do you have?"

Chu Yan controlled the blood energy and said with a ferocious smile: "Of course it is the thing that will kill you."


In an instant, the blood energy erupted again, turning into a violent wave and swallowing the ghost master.

The ghost master was startled, then he sneered: "Boy, you are too confident, this is not a good thing!"

After saying this, the Ghost Lord clasped his hands together, and a dark nether sickle suddenly appeared on his chest.

As soon as the sickle came out, the sky and the earth turned black.

The ghost master grabbed it and waved it forward gently.

Tsk - the blood was torn apart instantly.

Luo Chen was shocked: "Emperor Chu, be careful, this is the death sickle!"

Chu Yan's face changed slightly, Death Scythe, what is it?

He didn't know, but he felt a very strong crisis from this sickle.

Death crisis.

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